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295 lines (196 loc) · 17.1 KB


In development

  • Removed print statements from nfd() constructors. This prevents the possibility for multiple prints being called when extracting data or converting between nfd, crss_nf and crssi objects. (#125)
  • Updated internal Sacramento Year Type Index data (sac_year_type_get(internal = TRUE)) to go through 2022. (#123)
    • Note that it now has a WY (September) based timestep.
  • Added version = 6 as valid value to nf_file_names() and natsalt_file_names()
    • Note that in a future release, the default value of version will be removed so that a user has to specify a version. In this release, this is noted as a message.
  • Updated crssi() to work with Sacramento year type that is WY or CY based. Either way, the index is assumed to be for the year in the xts object, i.e., the month is effectively ignored. (#118)
  • Fixed two bugs in nf_to_annual.crss_nf(). First, it can now correctly sum over a water year for a calendar year object. Second, it now drops monthly when keep_monthly = FALSE. (#121)
  • Updated Flaming Gorge elevation-volume table to use latest. (#117)

CRSSIO 0.9.1

Released July 14, 2022

  • Updated Powell elevation volume table with 2017 bathymetry survey.

CRSSIO 0.9.0

Released June 1, 2022

Major Additions

This release includes multiple new features and functions, but none should break any previous code.

  • Several functions and new features were added that relate to the Sacramento Water Year index. This is required input to CRSS and this release includes several additions that make creating the index easier for any and all hydrology scenarios. Previously, we only had historical 1906-present index data and so hydrology scenarios that were created from data beyond the recorded historical data had to be handled specially.
    • Added sac_year_type_calc(). This function calculates the Sacramento Water Year index based on either the Sacramento 4-river index water year volume or the Colorado River water year intervening natural flows. Both of these methods were reviewed with MWD and while not ideal, they allow us to create the index values any time we have Colorado River natural flows using the latter of the two data sets. The former is useful when we have Sacramento River volumes.
    • sac_year_type_get() gains a paleo argument. When this is true, the index values are obtained from paleo data. The paleo data is stored as internal data and is from Meko et al. 2018's paleo reconstruction of the 4-river volume for use in this function.
    • For sac_year_type_get(), the internal historical index data is updated through 2019.
  • write_nfd() is a new function that will create csv and Excel files from nfd and crss_nf objects.
  • Multiple constructors were added to create nfd and crss_nf objects from data frames and lists., as_nfd.list(),, and as_crss_nf.list() were added. (#82)
  • Meko et al. (2017) and Woodhouse et al. (2006) Lees Ferry paleo reconstructions were added for use in package and for a central place to use these data to create CRSS input from. (#114)

Minor Improvements

  • All nfd related constructors now print the type of nfd object as it is created. This helps users know if they provided annual data and it was interpreted as monthly or vice versa. (#109)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in plot.nfd() so that it correctly errors, and posts a helpful error message, if "cloud" or "spaghetti" plots are specified for monthly nfd data. (#110)
  • Fixed bug in nf_to_annual() so that it handles differences between provided year argument and the year attribute for nfd like object. They can now differ if keep_monthly is FALSE, otherwise they have to match. (#113)

CRSSIO 0.8.2

Released March 24, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • reindex() now fails if start year cannot be successfully converted to numeric. (#103)
  • Now importing xts to ensure reindex(), print.nfd(), etc. work properly. (#107)
  • Changed default for n_sites argument in nfd(). It now defaults to NA and is computed based on the shape of the data.

New Features

  • Added to create data.frames from nfd, crss_nf, and crssi objects. (#83)
  • Added xts method for nfd_trim_ts().
  • Added nf_to_annual() to sum monthly data to annual data. (#83)

CRSSIO 0.8.1

Released March 19, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in crssi_create_dnf_files() that was preventing file names from correctly being passed when specified
  • Fixed bug in crssi_change_nf_file_names() that was preventing folder names from being constructed correctly if input parameters did not have trailing slash.

New Features

  • Added version 5 names to natsalt_file_names() and nf_file_names() for files that will work with CRSS v5.x.x.
  • Added as_nfd.crss_nf() to convert crss_nf objects to nfd objects, which are less restrictive.
  • Added nf_to_total() (#101) and nf_to_intervening() (#105) to convert between intervening and total natural flows.

CRSSIO 0.8.0

Released June 12, 2020

v0.8.0 marks a major enhancement to CRSSIO. CRSSIO now defines three classes for storing multi-trace natural flow data: nfd, crss_nf, and crssi. crss_nf inherits from nfd and crssi inherits from both nfd and crss_nf. These classes intend to make working with CRSS input natural flow data easier and more uniform.

Major Enhancements

  • New classes: nfd, crss_nf (#86), crssi (#85)
    • nfd stores multi-trace, multi-site data for annual and/or monthly time steps and for intervening and/or total natural flow (flow space). nfd() creates the object from arrays, matrices, or xts objects. The object can contain any/all of the four combinations of time step and flow space.
    • crss_nf objects require that there are exactly 29 sites: the 29 sites required for input into CRSS, and that there are monthly intervening natural flows, which are also required input to CRSS. Other time step and flow space combinations are allowed, but there must be monthly intervening data.
    • crssi objects add additional required input into CRSS: the Sacramento year type index and a scenario number.
  • New methods for nfd type objects:
    • nfd_extract() - extract data from nfd objects by time, trace, site, time step, and/or flow_space. This is a stand in for [].
    • nfd_trim_ts() (#92) - trim nfd objects to "exact" calendar/water years, i.e., start and end in January and December or October and September, respectively.
    • has_overlapping_ts() (#92) - determine if nfd object has monthly and annual data that overlap exactly (default) or at all (exact = FALSE)
    • reindex() (#91) - change the time component of the nfd object.
    • ism() (#88) - apply Index Sequential Method to a single trace in the nfd object.
      • With this generic, ism_get_site_matrix() is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    • plot() (#95) - plot.nfd() will plot the data in the nfd object. Because there can be many traces of data, the data are typically summarized using boxplots; however, annual data can be shown as individual lines using which = "spaghetti". which = cloud shows the same info as boxplots but as filled ribbons.
  • nfd_get_time(), nfd_get_site(), and nfd_get_trace() are used to get a single time step, site, or trace of data from nfd objects. (#84)
  • nfd_stats() and nfd_pdf() are used to compute basic statistics (mean, max, min, variance, lag-1 correlation, and skew) for each trace in an nfd object and to compute PDFs for each trace.
    • plot.nfd_stats() and plot.nfd_pdf() plot these statistics.

Other Enhancements

  • The Sacramento year type data can now be downloaded and parsed directly from the website using sac_year_type_get(). Previously, these data were stored internal to the package, thus requiring this package to be updated every time a new year of data is added to the record. This internal data can now be used by using internal = TRUE, but the internal data will not be routinely updated. (#78)
  • Removed deprecated functions. (#89)
  • Switched crssi_change_nf_file_names(), crssi_change_nf_start_date() and crssi_change_evap_files() to use progress bar instead of printing new line for each trace.

Bug Fixes

  • The Excel file created by crssi_create_hist_nf_xlsx() had a month column that contained strings. This column is now formated as a Date. (#81)
  • Fixed add_secondary_y_conversoin() and stat_boxplot_custom() to work with ggplot2 v3.3.0.


  • Updated crssi_create_dnf_files() to use the new classes and methods for storing natural flow data and applying ISM. (#90)

CRSSIO 0.7.4

Released January 24, 2020

  • Updated Sacramento year type data through 2018

CRSSIO 0.7.3

Released July 25, 2019

Bug fixes

  • Updated the labels in crsso_get_sys_cond_table() to include elevations for all Powell tiers, and for normal conditions in the Lower Basin.
  • Reorderd the table returned by crsso_get_sys_cond_table() to show Lower Basin from highest (surplus) to lowest (shortage) conditions.
  • Fixed concluding messesage in Shiny addin when creating CMIP files.
  • Fixed on more variable in crsso_create_cmip_nf_files() that didn't get inot the last bug fix.

CRSSIO 0.7.2

Released February 7, 2019

Bug fixes

  • Updated crsso_create_cmip_nf_files() to work with new format of ncdf files. The ncdf files now use snake_case for all variable names, instead of camelCase.

CRSSIO 0.7.1

Released January 18, 2019

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the mid-elevation release tier labels in crsso_get_sys_cond_table(). (#67)
  • Changed the period function in sys_cond_rwa() to be "eocy", instead of "asis". This ensures that crsso_get_sys_cond_table() will work, even if the SystemConditions.rdf file has monthly data, instead of the expected annual data. (#67)

CRSSIO 0.7.0

Released January 17, 2019

New functions

  • Added stat_boxplot_custom(). This allows the user to specify the extents of the whiskers using percentiles (qs) instead of the IQR. (#51)
  • Added storage_to_elevation(). This is the inverse of elevation_to_storage(). (#40)
  • Added add_secondary_y_conversion(). This function takes a ggplot and adds in a secondary axis with different units. The units are converted from the current label positions of the primary axis. (#49)

Removed functions

  • Removed elevation2Volume(). Since storage_to_elevation() was added in this release, this was removed for consistency of names between these two functions. The other functions deprecated in v0.6.0 will be removed in v0.8.0.

Bug fixes

  • Updated the create files add-in so that the start year parameter stays visible for creation of historical and CMIP natural flows and the HistoricalNaturalFlows.xlsx file. (#47)
  • Fixed the closing parenthesis in the level 2 and 3 shortage rows in crsso_get_sys_cond_table(). (#62)
  • Updated crssi_change_nf_start_date() so that it only edits the year of the start date. This was required so that the MWD ICS files are correctly modified as they use a 12/31 year/month, while the other files use a 1/31 year/month. As part of this, the startDate argument is deprecated and replaced by start_year. The function now updates the README.txt file if it exists, or creates one if it doesn't exist. (#52)

CRSSIO 0.6.3

Released November 29, 2018

Released to work with CoRiverNF v0.5.0. It will work with older versions, but to get 2016 natural flow files this patch release is necesary.

New Functions

  • added sys_cond_rwa() object for use with RWDataPlyr > v0.5.0

Under the hood updates

  • updated test files to work with 2016 natural flow files since the Little Snake natural flow changed in the pre-1971 data
  • modified how the CMIP3 tests work
  • updated the Sacramento year type data to go through 2017
    • ensure that specified years exist in the Sacramento year type data (#55)

CRSSIO 0.6.2

Released March 22, 2018

Bug Fixes

  • createISMMatrix() is now exported (it should be until next major release)

CRSSIO 0.6.1

Released January 23, 2018

Minor Updates and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Deprecated message in createSysCondTable() to state that crsso_get_sys_cond_table should be used.
  • Updated the "Create CRSS Input Files"" Addin (#35)
    • Fixed issues with radio buttons not working
    • Changed overall layout
    • Added ability to create CMIP natural flow files
  • Added tests for storage_to_elevation()

CRSSIO 0.6.0

Released January 17, 2018

New Features and Functions

  • This release implements a new naming system for most functions that includes a "prefix_verb_noun" for most functions. (#38) Functions that create input for CRSS are prefixed with crssi_ while those that process CRSS output use the crsso_ prefix. The nf_ and ism_ prefixes are also used for multiple functions that deal with natural flow (nf) names and with ISM related functions. This results in deprecating many functions in favor of their newer version. The new and their respective old functions are:
    • crssi_create_dnf_files() = createCRSSDNFInputFiles()
    • crsso_get_sys_cond_table() = createSysCondTable()
    • sys_cond_matrix() = sysCondSALMatrix()
    • crssi_change_nf_start_date() = changeStartDate()
    • crssi_change_evap_files() = changeStartDateForEvapAndAddZeros()
    • nf_file_names() = CRSSNFInputNames()
    • natsalt_file_names() = CRSSNatSaltInputNames()
    • nf_gage_names() = nfGageNames()
    • nf_gage_abbrv() = nfShortNames()
    • crssi_change_nf_file_names() = copyAndChangeNFFileNames()
    • ism_get_site_matrix() = createISMMatrix()
    • elevation_to_storage() = elevation2Volume()
  • Additionally, crssi_create_dnf_files(), which replaces createCRSSDNFInputFiles(), gains an overwriteFiles argument that will ensure users do not accidently overwrite existing natural flow files. (#34)
    • startDate and simYrs are replaced by startYear and endYear
  • crssi_create_hist_nf_xlsx() is a new function that will standardize the creation of the HistoricalNaturalFlows.xlsx file that CRSS relies on. (#29)
  • crssi_create_cmip_nf_files() is a new function that will create natural flow files from a netcdf file that contains cmip3/5 data. (#30)
    • The netcdf file is provided by the user (not included in the package).
  • The RStudio AddIn that creates natural flow files from the observed natural flow record using the ISM was updated to use crssi_create_dnf_files(). The ability to create the HistoricalNaturalFlows.xlsx file was also added. (#35)

Minor Updates and Bug Fixes

  • trimCCNFFiles() now only trims natural flow and salt files, not all files in the directory. (#31)
    • it is also deprecated in favor of crssi_create_cmip_nf_files(). (#32)
    • it gains a force argument that must be TRUE to proceed. If it's FALSE (default), it won't work, which will hopefully encourage the use of crssi_create_cmip_nf_files().
  • Changed the default slot name for the Sacramento Year Type Index, which is set by the crssio.sacYTSlot option. The default is now "MWD_ICS.SacWYType". (#33)
  • Formatting and other updates to conform to goodpractice::gp().

CRSSIO 0.5.0

Released August 30, 2017

New Features and Functions

  • createISMMatrix() now works with annual data as well as monthly data. (#24)
  • createCRSSDNFInputFiles() now creates Sacramento year type index using ISM and saves it (#25)
  • new function: elevation2Volume() that will convert reservoir elevation values to resevoir storage values

Minor Updates and Bug Fixes

  • createSysCondTable() now checks to see if yrs exist in the data and reacts properly. (#26)
  • package now depends on xts >= 0.10.0 (#17)
  • Improved unit tests

CRSSIO 0.4.1

Released May 10, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Modified changeStartDate() so that it works for natural flow files created by CRSSIO >= v0.4.0 (#20)

CRSSIO 0.4.0

Released March 31, 2017

Major new features

  • When the observed natural flow input files are created (createCRSSDNFInputFiles), a README file is generated to provide information about who/when/how the natural input files were created. (#13)
  • Three additional slots are now created when running createCRSSDNFInputFiles: MeadFloodControlData.hydrologyIncrement, HydrologyParameters.SupplyScenario, and HydrologyParameters.TraceNumber. These slots will be imported into CRSS in the next CRSS version, so they need to be created when creating the other natural inflow files. The slot names that are created are set by the crssio.hydroIncrement, crssio.supplyScenarioSlot, and crssio.traceNumberSlot options. (#16 and #18)
  • New function: sysCondSALMatrix. This function easily allows the user to create the matrix that is necessary for RWDataPlyr::createSlotAggList, as part of the progression of creating the system condition table. The example in createSysCondTable help file now provides an example of this progression. (#15)

Minor improvements

  • trimCCNFFiles will now provide an error message if the user specified dates do not exist in the provided flow files. (#12)