- workflows/ # definitions of Github Action workflows
- backend-ci.yaml # CI/CD workflow
- build_agents.yml # custom build agents
- migrations/ # migrations package
- tests/ # unit tests package
- test_mocked_model # celery task unit tests
- __init__.py # exports Celery app so it is available within the module
- admin.py # file for potential registration of models and model admins [EMPTY]
- apps.py # analysis app config
- celery.py # Celery app setup and configuration
- consumers.py # Dashboard Consumer which handles websocket messages
- models.py # file for potential model definitions [EMPTY]
- routing.py # mapping of consumer to websocket route
- swagger.py # auxiliary serializers used in Swagger documentation
- tasks.py # Celery task definition and helper functions
- views.py # file for potential view definitions [EMPTY]
- management/
- commands/ # package for custom commands
- __init__.py
- wait_for_db.py # defines wait_for_db command which can be run with manage.py
- __init__.py
- settings/
- __init__.py
- base.py # base settings, which are extented by other settings files
- dev.py # development settings
- heroku.py # settings for deployment to Heroku
- prod.py # production settings - deployment to Kubernetes cluster
- templates/ # folder for storing templates
- admin/ # custom admin interface styling
- base.html # overrides default admin theme (extends django's base html)
- __init__.py
- __init__.py
- asgi.py # asgi application - entrypoint to Daphne server, contains setup for http and ws protocols
- urls.py # top-level definition of routing, includes admin and routes from applications
- wsgi.py # wsgi application - not used
- migrations/ # migrations package
- templates/ # directory for storing templates used in this app
- examinations/
- admin/ # templates used in admin interface
- examination_change.html # custom examination form
- tests/ # unit tests package
- __init__.py
- test_api_views.py # unit tests of endpoints, views, serializers within examinations app
- __init__.py
- admin.py # registration of Examination model and its admin with custom form in admin interface
- apps.py # examinations app config
- models.py # definition of Examination model
- serializers.py # model serializers (CRUD, data representation and validation)
- swagger.py # auxiliary serializers used in Swagger documentation
- urls.py # mapping examination viewset to endpoints
- views.py # examination viewset with extra action (CRUD + starting/checking inference)
media/ # storage for saved recordings
- migrations/ # migrations package
- tests/ # unit tests package
- __init__.py
- test_api_views.py # unit tests of endpoints, views, serializers within recordings app
- __init__.py
- admin.py # registration of Recording model in admin interface
- apps.py # recordings app config
- models.py # definition of Recording model
- serializers.py # model serializers (CRUD, data representation and validation)
- urls.py # mapping viewset to endpoint
- views.py # recordings viewset (CRUD)
- entrypoint-dev.sh # development Dockerfile entrypoint
- entrypoint-prod.sh # production Dockerfile entrypoint
- migrations/ # migrations package
- tests/ # unit tests package
- __init__.py
- test_api_views.py # unit tests of endpoints, views, serializers within users app
- __init__.py
- admin.py # registration of custom User, UserAdmin with custom forms in admin interface
- apps.py # users app config
- middleware.py # middleware which injects access cookie into request headers
- models.py # custom User and its object manager
- permissions.py # additional permissions
- serializers.py # model serializers (CRUD, data representation and validation)
- swagger.py # auxiliary serializers used in Swagger documentation
- urls.py # mapping views to endpoints
- utils.py # utility functions for retrieving tokens, cookie parameters
- validators.py # validators used in User model
- views.py # auth and user related views, User viewset (CRUD)
.coveragerc # coverage package config
.editorconfig # uniform code formatting
docker-compose.yml # docker-compose for local development, contains definitions of services and volumes
Dockerfile # backend container dockerfile
Dockerfile.Celery # celery container dockerfile
Dockerfile.prod # production ready dockerfile
manage.py # Django CLI
mypy.ini # mypy config
Procfile # Heroku entrypoint file
requirements.txt # dependencies
runtime.txt # contains Python version used by Heroku