Augmentum is a content addition mod which aims to be balanced and vanilla friendly. It currently features two new item tiers, over 25 new items and equipment, and a new elite type!
New Items Inspired By Vanilla Items - A set of original items based on old classics! Collect 3 more elemental bands which give a defensive boost that scales with damage! Or learn how to Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse??
Elemental Bands
Recycler Inspired Equipment
Core - A tier which originates from the core of all beings. Can only be obtained from other items and equipments. (Power level: Slightly below white items)
Essences - A subset of items within the core tier which give base stat boosts such as: Damage, Crit Chance, Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Health
List of Essences
List of items that give Essences
Highlander - Originating from the Highlands, this tier is a rare reward gifted throught the game. The power eminating from the items makes it so players can only hold one item from the tier at a time. (Power level: Slightly above green items)
List of Highlander Items
Drop Chances (Increases with player count):
- Completing a Combat Shrine - 20%
- Opening a Barrel - 2.5%
- Failing a Chance Shrine Roll - 2.5%
- Succeeding a Chance Shring Roll - 1%
- Slaying an Elite Enemy - 1%
Matroyshkas - Matroyshkas (aka Russian Nesting Dolls) are the gift that just keep giving. Complete a specified task to get an item from the same tier and a smaller matroyshka!
List of Matroyshka Items
Discover - An item mechanic which gives more control to players during the run. An item with "Discover" will spawn in a void potetntial with 2 rewards to pick from!
List of Discover Items
Adaptive Affix - Something new has been affecting the monsters of Petrichor V. Something has been whispering... and evolving.
Adaptive Affix Effects
Red Items
Highlander Items
Drop Chances (Increases with player count):
- Completing a Combat Shrine - 20%
- Opening a Barrel - 2.5%
- Failing a Chance Shrine Roll - 2.5%
- Succeeding a Chance Shring Roll - 1%
- Slaying an Elite Enemy - 1%
Green Items
White Items
Core Items
Lunar Items
Void Items
Augmentum is currently being developed and maintained by...
- Brandon (aka BluJay)
Special thanks to...
- KomradeSpectre, RandomlyAwesome, Groove_Salad, HIFU, tsuyoikenko, Harb, KingEnderBrine, iDeathHD, and Gorakh. For helping me with my endless questions on the Modding Discord.
If you enjoyed the mod and would like to support the months of passion that went into the project tips would be very much appreciated! All tips would directly go to helping my fiance go to med school! Here are the links to my PayPal and Ko-Fi