The UCloud Command Line Interface is a tool to manage your UCloud services. It's built on the UCloud API.
You can install UCloud CLI by downloading executable binary file or building from the source code by yourself.
Archive links: Mac Linux Windows
SHA-256 hashcode
165f1ce4d413bf92e2794efe2722678eb80990602b81fd6e501d0c5f6bbf30bb ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.1-amd64.tgz
e174c2ef268f4b653062d0e1331bf642134a0fafbb745b407969a194d7c1bc0c ucloud-cli-macosx-0.1.1-amd64.tgz
Download the binary file and extract to /usr/local/bin directory or add it to the $PATH. Take macOS as an example.
$ curl -o ucloud-cli.tgz
$ echo "e174c2ef268f4b653062d0e1331bf642134a0fafbb745b407969a194d7c1bc0c *ucloud-cli-macosx-0.1.1-amd64.tgz" | shasum -a 256 -c
$ tar -zxf ucloud-cli.tgz
$ cp ucloud /usr/local/bin
If you have installed golang, run the following commands to install the UCloud CLI.
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd ucloud-cli
$ make install
After install the cli, run 'ucloud config' to complete the cli configuration following the tips. Local settings will be saved in directory $HOME/.ucloud
Remove the executable file /usr/local/bin/ucloud and the directory $HOME/.ucloud