.. index:: ! commandline compiler, compiler;commandline, ! solc
这一节不适用于 :ref:`solcjs <solcjs>` , 即使它是在命令行模式下使用的也不行。
是 Solidity 源码库的构建目标之一,它是 Solidity 的命令行编译器。你可使用 solc --help
命令来查看它的所有选项的解释。该编译器可以生成各种输出,范围从简单的二进制文件、汇编文件到用于估计“gas”使用情况的抽象语法树(解析树)。如果你只想编译一个文件,你可以运行 solc --bin sourceFile.sol
如果你想通过 solc
获得一些更高级的输出信息,可以通过 solc -o outputDirectory --bin --ast-compact-json --asm sourceFile.sol
在部署合约之前,在编译时使用 solc --optimize --bin sourceFile.sol
默认情况下,优化器将使用 200 runs,假设合约在会被调用200次。
如果你想让最初的合约部署更便宜,而后来的函数执行更昂贵,请设置为 --optimize-runs=1
如果你期望合约有很多次交易,并且不在乎更高的部署成本和输出字节码大小,那么把 --optimize-runs
- 函数调度程序(路由匹配函数)中二进制搜索的大小
- 像大数字或字符串等常量的存储方式
.. index:: allowed paths, --allow-paths, base path, --base-path, include paths, --include-path
命令行编译器会自动从文件系统中读取并导入的文件,但同时,它也支持通过 :ref:`path redirects <import-remapping>` 使用 prefix=path
solc github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/=/usr/local/lib/dapp-bin/ file.sol
这实质上是指示编译器去搜索 /usr/local/lib/dapp-bin
目录下的所有以 github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/
当访问文件系统搜索导入文件时,:ref:`不以./或../开头的路径 <direct-imports>` 被视为相对于使用 --base-path
和 --include-path
出于安全考虑,编译器 :ref:`对它可以访问的目录有一些限制 <allowed-paths>`。 在命令行中指定的源文件的目录和重映射的目标路径被自动允许文件阅读器访问,但其他的都是默认为拒绝的。
通过 --allow-paths /sample/path,/another/sample/path
通过 --base-path
以上只是对编译器如何处理导入路径的一个简化。 关于详细的解释,包括例子和边缘情况的讨论,请参考 :ref:`路径解析 <path-resolution>` 一节。
.. index:: ! linker, ! --link, ! --libraries
如果你的合约使用 :ref:`库 <libraries>`,
你会注意到字节码中含有 __$53aea86b7d70b31448b230b20ae141a537$__
这些是实际库的地址的占位符。此占位符是完全限定库名的keccak256 哈希的十六进制编码的34个字符前缀。
字节码文件也将包含形式为 // <placeholder> -> <fq library name>
注意,完全限定的库名是其源文件的路径和用 :
你可以使用 solc
要么在你的命令中加入 --libraries "file.sol:Math=0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 file.sol:Heap=0xabCD567890123456789012345678901234567890"
要么用 -libraries fileName
运行 solc
从Solidity 0.8.1 开始,接受 =
作为库和地址之间的分隔符,而 :
它将在未来被删除。目前 --libraries "file.sol:Math:0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 file.sol:Heap:0xabCD56789012345678901234567890"
.. index:: --standard-json, --base-path
如果调用 solc
时使用 --standard-json
选项,它将在标准输入中期待一个JSON 输入(下面解释),
该进程将始终以 “成功(success)” 状态终止,并通过JSON输出来报告任何错误。
选项 --base-path
如果调用 solc
时使用 --link
选项,所有输入文件都被编译成格式为 __$53aea86b7d70b31448b230b20ae141a537$__
在这种情况下,除了 --libraries
以外的所有选项都被忽略(包括 -o
不推荐在生成的字节码上手动链接库文件,因为它不会更新合约元数据。 由于元数据包含在编译时指定的库的列表,而字节码包含元数据哈希, 你将得到不同的二进制文件,并且这取决于何时进行链接。
你应该在编译合约时请求编译器链接库文件,方法是使用 solc
的 --libraries
或 libraries
这种格式仍然被 solc --link
.. index:: ! EVM version, compile target
在错误的EVM版本进行编译会导致错误、奇怪和失败的行为。 请确保,特别是在运行一个私有链的情况下,你使用了匹配的EVM版本。
solc --evm-version <VERSION> contract.sol
在 :ref:`标准 JSON 接口 <compiler-api>` 中,使用 "settings"
字段中的键 "evmVersion"
"sources": {/* ... */},
"settings": {
"optimizer": {/* ... */},
"evmVersion": "<VERSION>"
以下是 EVM 版本的列表,以及每个版本中引入的编译器相关变化。 每个版本之间不保证向后兼容。
- (最老的版本)
- 访问其他账户的gas成本增加,与gas估算和优化器有关。
- 对于外部调用,所有gas都是默认发送的,以前必须保留一定的数量。
- 在汇编中可使用操作码
。 staticcall
操作码在调用非库合约 view 或 pure 函数时使用,它可以防止函数在 EVM 级别修改状态,也就是说,甚至适用于无效的类型转换的情况。- 可以访问从函数调用返回的动态数据。
- 引入了
- 在汇编中可使用操作码
- 在汇编中可使用操作码
。 - 移位运算符使用移位运算码,因此需要的gas较少。
- 在汇编中可使用操作码
- 编译器的行为与 constantinople 版本的行为相同。
- 在汇编中可使用操作码
- 在汇编中可使用操作码
的gas成本增加。 编译器假设这类操作的gas成本是固定的。这与gas估计和优化器有关。
.. index:: ! standard JSON, ! --standard-json
编译器API期望JSON格式的输入,并将编译结果输出为JSON格式的输出。 不使用标准错误输出,进程将始终以 “成功” 状态终止,即使存在错误。错误总是作为JSON输出的一部分报告。
以下各小节通过一个例子来描述该格式。 注释是不允许的,这里仅用于解释目的。
// 必选: 源代码语言,比如“Solidity”,“serpent”,“lll”,“assembly”等
language: "Solidity",
// 必选
// 这里的键值是源文件的“全局”名称,可以通过remappings引入其他文件(参考下文)
// 可选: 源文件的kaccak256哈希值,可用于校验通过URL加载的内容。
"keccak256": "0x123...",
// 必选(除非声明了 "content" 字段): 指向源文件的URL。
// URL(s) 会按顺序加载,并且结果会通过keccak256哈希值进行检查(如果有keccak256的话)
// 如果哈希值不匹配,或者没有URL返回成功,则抛出一个异常。
// 可选: 该文件的keccak256哈希值
"keccak256": "0x234...",
// 必选(除非声明了 "urls" 字段): 源文件的字面内容
"content": "contract mortal is owned { function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner); } }"
// 可选
// 可选: Stop compilation after the given stage. Currently only "parsing" is valid here
"stopAfter": "parsing",
// 可选: 重定向参数的排序列表
remappings: [ ":g/dir" ],
// 可选: 优化器配置
optimizer: {
// 默认为 disabled
// NOTE: enabled=false still leaves some optimizations on. See comments below.
// WARNING: Before version 0.8.6 omitting the 'enabled' key was not equivalent to setting
// it to false and would actually disable all the optimizations.
enabled: true,
// 基于你希望运行多少次代码来进行优化。
// 较小的值可以使初始部署的费用得到更多优化,较大的值可以使高频率的使用得到优化。
runs: 200,
// Switch optimizer components on or off in detail.
// The "enabled" switch above provides two defaults which can be
// tweaked here. If "details" is given, "enabled" can be omitted.
"details": {
// The peephole optimizer is always on if no details are given,
// use details to switch it off.
"peephole": true,
// The inliner is always on if no details are given,
// use details to switch it off.
"inliner": true,
// The unused jumpdest remover is always on if no details are given,
// use details to switch it off.
"jumpdestRemover": true,
// Sometimes re-orders literals in commutative operations.
"orderLiterals": false,
// Removes duplicate code blocks
"deduplicate": false,
// Common subexpression elimination, this is the most complicated step but
// can also provide the largest gain.
"cse": false,
// Optimize representation of literal numbers and strings in code.
"constantOptimizer": false,
// The new Yul optimizer. Mostly operates on the code of ABI coder v2
// and inline assembly.
// It is activated together with the global optimizer setting
// and can be deactivated here.
// Before Solidity 0.6.0 it had to be activated through this switch.
"yul": false,
// Tuning options for the Yul optimizer.
"yulDetails": {
// Improve allocation of stack slots for variables, can free up stack slots early.
// Activated by default if the Yul optimizer is activated.
"stackAllocation": true,
// Select optimization steps to be applied.
// Optional, the optimizer will use the default sequence if omitted.
"optimizerSteps": "dhfoDgvulfnTUtnIf..."
// 指定需编译的EVM的版本。会影响代码的生成和类型检查。可用的版本为:homestead,tangerineWhistle,spuriousDragon,byzantium,constantinople
evmVersion: "byzantium",
// Optional: Change compilation pipeline to go through the Yul intermediate representation.
// This is false by default.
"viaIR": true,
// Optional: Debugging settings
"debug": {
// How to treat revert (and require) reason strings. Settings are
// "default", "strip", "debug" and "verboseDebug".
// "default" does not inject compiler-generated revert strings and keeps user-supplied ones.
// "strip" removes all revert strings (if possible, i.e. if literals are used) keeping side-effects
// "debug" injects strings for compiler-generated internal reverts, implemented for ABI encoders V1 and V2 for now.
// "verboseDebug" even appends further information to user-supplied revert strings (not yet implemented)
"revertStrings": "default",
// Optional: How much extra debug information to include in comments in the produced EVM
// assembly and Yul code. Available components are:
// - `location`: Annotations of the form `@src <index>:<start>:<end>` indicating the
// location of the corresponding element in the original Solidity file, where:
// - `<index>` is the file index matching the `@use-src` annotation,
// - `<start>` is the index of the first byte at that location,
// - `<end>` is the index of the first byte after that location.
// - `snippet`: A single-line code snippet from the location indicated by `@src`.
// The snippet is quoted and follows the corresponding `@src` annotation.
// - `*`: Wildcard value that can be used to request everything.
"debugInfo": ["location", "snippet"]
// 可选: 元数据配置
metadata: {
// 只可使用字面内容,不可用URLs (默认设为 false)
useLiteralContent: true,
// Use the given hash method for the metadata hash that is appended to the bytecode.
// The metadata hash can be removed from the bytecode via option "none".
// The other options are "ipfs" and "bzzr1".
// If the option is omitted, "ipfs" is used by default.
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
// 库的地址。如果这里没有把所有需要的库都给出,会导致生成输出数据不同的未链接对象
libraries: {
// 最外层的 key 是使用这些库的源文件的名字。
// 如果使用了重定向, 在重定向之后,这些源文件应该能匹配全局路径
// 如果源文件的名字为空,则所有的库为全局引用
"myFile.sol": {
"MyLib": "0x123123..."
// 以下内容可以用于选择所需的输出。
// 如果这个字段被忽略,那么编译器会加载并进行类型检查,但除了错误之外不会产生任何输出。
// 第一级的key是文件名,第二级是合约名称,如果合约名为空,则针对文件本身(进行输出)。
// 若使用通配符*,则表示所有合约。
// 可用的输出类型如下所示:
// abi - ABI
// ast - 所有源文件的AST
// devdoc - 开发者文档(natspec)
// userdoc - 用户文档(natspec)
// metadata - 元数据
// ir - 去除语法糖(desugaring)之前的新汇编格式
// irOptimized - Intermediate representation after optimization
// storageLayout - Slots, offsets and types of the contract's state variables.
// evm.assembly - 去除语法糖(desugaring)之后的新汇编格式
// evm.legacyAssembly - JSON的旧样式汇编格式
// evm.bytecode.functionDebugData - Debugging information at function level
// evm.bytecode.object - 字节码对象
// evm.bytecode.opcodes - 操作码列表
// evm.bytecode.sourceMap - 源码映射(用于调试)
// evm.bytecode.linkReferences - 链接引用(如果是未链接的对象)
// evm.bytecode.generatedSources - Sources generated by the compiler
// evm.deployedBytecode* - 部署的字节码(具有evm.bytecode所有的选项)
// evm.deployedBytecode.immutableReferences - Map from AST ids to bytecode ranges that reference immutables
// evm.methodIdentifiers - 函数哈希值列表
// evm.gasEstimates - 函数的gas预估量
// ewasm.wast - Ewasm in WebAssembly S-expressions 格式
// ewasm.wasm - Ewasm in WebAssembly 二进制格式
// 请注意,如果使用 `evm` ,`evm.bytecode` ,`ewasm` 等选项,会选择其所有的子项作为输出。 另外,`*`可以用作通配符来请求所有内容。
outputSelection: {
// 为每个合约生成元数据和字节码输出。
"*": {
"*": [ "metadata","evm.bytecode" ]
// 启用“def”文件中定义的“MyContract”合约的abi和opcodes输出。
"def": {
"MyContract": [ "abi","evm.bytecode.opcodes" ]
// The modelChecker object is experimental and subject to changes.
// Chose which contracts should be analyzed as the deployed one.
"source1.sol": ["contract1"],
"source2.sol": ["contract2", "contract3"]
// Choose how division and modulo operations should be encoded.
// When using `false` they are replaced by multiplication with slack
// variables. This is the default.
// Using `true` here is recommended if you are using the CHC engine
// and not using Spacer as the Horn solver (using Eldarica, for example).
// See the Formal Verification section for a more detailed explanation of this option.
"divModNoSlacks": false,
// Choose which model checker engine to use: all (default), bmc, chc, none.
"engine": "chc",
// Choose which types of invariants should be reported to the user: contract, reentrancy.
"invariants": ["contract", "reentrancy"],
// Choose whether to output all unproved targets. The default is `false`.
"showUnproved": true,
// Choose which solvers should be used, if available.
// See the Formal Verification section for the solvers description.
"solvers": ["cvc4", "smtlib2", "z3"],
// Choose which targets should be checked: constantCondition,
// underflow, overflow, divByZero, balance, assert, popEmptyArray, outOfBounds.
// If the option is not given all targets are checked by default,
// except underflow/overflow for Solidity >=0.8.7.
// See the Formal Verification section for the targets description.
"targets": ["underflow", "overflow", "assert"],
// Timeout for each SMT query in milliseconds.
// If this option is not given, the SMTChecker will use a deterministic
// resource limit by default.
// A given timeout of 0 means no resource/time restrictions for any query.
"timeout": 20000
// 可选:如果没有遇到错误/警告/提示,则不出现
errors: [
// 可选:源文件中的位置
sourceLocation: {
file: "sourceFile.sol",
start: 0,
end: 100
// Optional: Further locations (e.g. places of conflicting declarations)
secondarySourceLocations: [
"file": "sourceFile.sol",
"start": 64,
"end": 92,
"message": "Other declaration is here:"
// 强制: 错误类型,例如 “TypeError”, “InternalCompilerError”, “Exception”等.
// 可在文末查看完整的错误类型列表
type: "TypeError",
// 强制: 发生错误的组件,例如“general”,“ewasm”等
component: "general",
// 强制:错误的严重级别(“error” , “warning” 或 "info"), 将来也许会扩展
severity: "error",
// 可选: 引起错误的唯一编码
"errorCode": "3141",
// 强制
message: "Invalid keyword",
// 可选: 带错误源位置的格式化消息
formattedMessage: "sourceFile.sol:100: Invalid keyword"
// 这里包含了文件级别的输出。可以通过outputSelection来设置限制/过滤。
sources: {
"sourceFile.sol": {
// 标识符(用于源码映射)
id: 1,
// AST对象
ast: {},
// 这里包含了合约级别的输出。 可以通过outputSelection来设置限制/过滤。
contracts: {
"sourceFile.sol": {
// 如果使用的语言没有合约名称,则该字段应该留空。
"ContractName": {
// 以太坊合约的应用二进制接口(ABI)。如果为空,则表示为空数组。
// 请参阅 https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/develop/abi-spec.html
abi: [],
// 请参阅元数据输出文档(序列化的JSON字符串)
metadata: "{/* ... */}",
// 用户文档(natspec)
userdoc: {},
// 开发人员文档(natspec)
devdoc: {},
// 中间表示形式 (string)
ir: "",
// See the Storage Layout documentation.
"storageLayout": {"storage": [/* ... */], "types": {/* ... */} },
// EVM相关输出
evm: {
// 汇编 (string)
assembly: "",
// 旧风格的汇编 (object)
legacyAssembly: {},
// 字节码和相关细节
bytecode: {
// Debugging data at the level of functions.
"functionDebugData": {
// Now follows a set of functions including compiler-internal and
// user-defined function. The set does not have to be complete.
"@mint_13": { // Internal name of the function
"entryPoint": 128, // Byte offset into the bytecode where the function starts (optional)
"id": 13, // AST ID of the function definition or null for compiler-internal functions (optional)
"parameterSlots": 2, // Number of EVM stack slots for the function parameters (optional)
"returnSlots": 1 // Number of EVM stack slots for the return values (optional)
// 十六进制字符串的字节码
object: "00fe",
// 操作码列表 (string)
opcodes: "",
// 源码映射的字符串。 请参阅源码映射的定义
sourceMap: "",
// Array of sources generated by the compiler. Currently only
// contains a single Yul file.
"generatedSources": [{
// Yul AST
"ast": { /* ...*/ },
// Source file in its text form (may contain comments)
"contents":"{ function abi_decode(start, end) -> data { data := calldataload(start) } }",
// Source file ID, used for source references, same "namespace" as the Solidity source files
"id": 2,
"language": "Yul",
"name": "#utility.yul"
// 如果这里给出了信息,则表示这是一个未链接的对象
linkReferences: {
"libraryFile.sol": {
// 字节码中的字节偏移;链接时,从指定的位置替换20个字节
"Library1": [
{ start: 0,length: 20 },
{ start: 200,length: 20 }
deployedBytecode: {
/* ..., */ // 与上面相同的布局
"immutableReferences": {
// There are two references to the immutable with AST ID 3, both 32 bytes long. One is
// at bytecode offset 42, the other at bytecode offset 80.
"3": [{ "start": 42, "length": 32 }, { "start": 80, "length": 32 }]
// 函数哈希的列表
methodIdentifiers: {
"delegate(address)": "5c19a95c"
// 函数的gas预估量
gasEstimates: {
creation: {
codeDepositCost: "420000",
executionCost: "infinite",
totalCost: "infinite"
external: {
"delegate(address)": "25000"
internal: {
"heavyLifting()": "infinite"
// Ewasm相关的输出
ewasm: {
// S-expressions格式
wast: "",
// 二进制格式(十六进制字符串)
wasm: ""
: JSON输入不符合所需格式,例如,输入不是JSON对象,不支持的语言等。IOError
: IO和导入处理错误,例如,在提供的源里包含无法解析的URL或哈希值不匹配。ParserError
: 源代码不符合语言规则。DocstringParsingError
: 注释块中的NatSpec标签无法解析。SyntaxError
: 语法错误,例如continue
: 无效的,无法解析的或冲突的标识符名称 比如Identifier not found
: 类型系统内的错误,例如无效类型转换,无效赋值等。UnimplementedFeatureError
: 编译器当前不支持该功能,但预计将在未来的版本中支持。InternalCompilerError
: 在编译器中触发的内部错误——应将此报告为一个issue。Exception
: 编译期间的未知失败——应将此报告为一个issue。CompilerError
: 编译器堆栈的无效使用——应将此报告为一个issue。FatalError
: 未正确处理致命错误——应将此报告为一个issue。YulException
: Error during Yul Code generation - this should be reported as an issue.Warning
: 警告,不会停止编译,但应尽可能处理。Info
: 编译器认为用户可能会发现有用的信息,但并不危险,不一定需要处理。
can help you to semi-automatically upgrade your contracts
to breaking language changes. While it does not and cannot implement all
required changes for every breaking release, it still supports the ones, that
would need plenty of repetitive manual adjustments otherwise.
carries out a large part of the work, but your
contracts will most likely need further manual adjustments. We recommend
using a version control system for your files. This helps reviewing and
eventually rolling back the changes made.
is not considered to be complete or free from bugs, so
please use with care.
You can pass (a) Solidity source file(s) to solidity-upgrade [files]
. If these make use of import
statement which refer to files outside the
current source file's directory, you need to specify directories that are allowed to read and import files from, by passing --allow-paths [directory]
. You can ignore missing files by passing --ignore-missing
is based on libsolidity
and can parse, compile and
analyse your source files, and might find applicable source upgrades in them.
Source upgrades are considered to be small textual changes to your source code.
They are applied to an in-memory representation of the source files
given. The corresponding source file is updated by default, but you can pass
to simulate to whole upgrade process without writing to any file.
The upgrade process itself has two phases. In the first phase source files are
parsed, and since it is not possible to upgrade source code on that level,
errors are collected and can be logged by passing --verbose
. No source
upgrades available at this point.
In the second phase, all sources are compiled and all activated upgrade analysis modules are run alongside compilation. By default, all available modules are activated. Please read the documentation on :ref:`available modules <upgrade-modules>` for further details.
This can result in compilation errors that may
be fixed by source upgrades. If no errors occur, no source upgrades are being
reported and you're done.
If errors occur and some upgrade module reported a source upgrade, the first
reported one gets applied and compilation is triggered again for all given
source files. The previous step is repeated as long as source upgrades are
reported. If errors still occur, you can log them by passing --verbose
If no errors occur, your contracts are up to date and can be compiled with
the latest version of the compiler.
Module | Version | Description |
constructor |
0.5.0 | Constructors must now be defined using the
constructor keyword. |
visibility |
0.5.0 | Explicit function visibility is now mandatory,
defaults to public . |
abstract |
0.6.0 | The keyword abstract has to be used if a
contract does not implement all its functions. |
virtual |
0.6.0 | Functions without implementation outside an
interface have to be marked virtual . |
override |
0.6.0 | When overriding a function or modifier, the new
keyword override must be used. |
dotsyntax |
0.7.0 | The following syntax is deprecated:
f.gas(...)() , f.value(...)() and
(new C).value(...)() . Replace these calls by
f{gas: ..., value: ...}() and
(new C){value: ...}() . |
now |
0.7.0 | The now keyword is deprecated. Use
block.timestamp instead. |
constructor-visibility |
0.7.0 | Removes visibility of constructors. |
Please read :doc:`0.5.0 release notes <050-breaking-changes>`, :doc:`0.6.0 release notes <060-breaking-changes>` and :doc:`0.7.0 release notes <070-breaking-changes>` and :doc:`0.8.0 release notes <080-breaking-changes>` for further details.
Usage: solidity-upgrade [options] contract.sol
Allowed options:
--help Show help message and exit.
--version Show version and exit.
--allow-paths path(s)
Allow a given path for imports. A list of paths can be
supplied by separating them with a comma.
--ignore-missing Ignore missing files.
--modules module(s) Only activate a specific upgrade module. A list of
modules can be supplied by separating them with a comma.
--dry-run Apply changes in-memory only and don't write to input
--verbose Print logs, errors and changes. Shortens output of
upgrade patches.
--unsafe Accept *unsafe* changes.
If you found a bug or if you have a feature request, please file an issue on Github.
Assume that you have the following contract in Source.sol
pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.6.4;
// This will not compile after 0.7.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
contract C {
// FIXME: remove constructor visibility and make the contract abstract
constructor() internal {}
contract D {
uint time;
function f() public payable {
// FIXME: change now to block.timestamp
time = now;
contract E {
D d;
// FIXME: remove constructor visibility
constructor() public {}
function g() public {
// FIXME: change .value(5) => {value: 5}
The above contract will not compile starting from 0.7.0. To bring the contract up to date with the
current Solidity version, the following upgrade modules have to be executed:
, now
and dotsyntax
. Please read the documentation on
:ref:`available modules <upgrade-modules>` for further details.
It is recommended to explicitly specify the upgrade modules by using --modules
solidity-upgrade --modules constructor-visibility,now,dotsyntax Source.sol
The command above applies all changes as shown below. Please review them carefully (the pragmas will have to be updated manually.)
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
abstract contract C {
// FIXME: remove constructor visibility and make the contract abstract
constructor() {}
contract D {
uint time;
function f() public payable {
// FIXME: change now to block.timestamp
time = block.timestamp;
contract E {
D d;
// FIXME: remove constructor visibility
constructor() {}
function g() public {
// FIXME: change .value(5) => {value: 5}
d.f{value: 5}();