- Fix upgrades not being insertable/extractable in compacting drawers by Matyrobbrt
- Fixed drawers not saving storage upgrades when broken
- Reworked all the upgrades to use the component system so modpack makers can create custom upgrades by Matyrobbrt
- Added missing lang entry for simple compacting drawer, closes #343, #356 by kylev
- Allow compacting drawers to be crafted with any type of stone, closes #284 by kylev
- Fixed framed fluid drawers not having the locked indicator, closes #364 by kylev
- Fixed relative direction not showing in Fluid Drawers, closes #357
- Override getViewDistance() to get render decisions in constant time by kylev
- Model and textures changes to fluid drawers by kylev
- Chinese localization update by ZHAY10086
- Fixed void upgrade not working properly in Ender Drawers, closes #358
- Fixed locked fluid drawers not accepting fluid when being interacted on, closes #351
- Add upgrade stack to
by Matyrobbrt - Create ja_jp.json by suthibu
- Drawers now show up if they are creative or void in their tooltip
- Added nbt value to drawers to lock the storage upgrades slot
- Fixed a couple edge cases where the creative upgrade max value wasn't showing
- Increased controller range render a bit to avoid Z-Fighting
- Fixed Framing recipe changing the original value
- Added Fluid Framed Drawers
- fix: fixed #322 by making copyIndex variable
- improve zh_cn.json for 1.21
- Fixed Upgrades being accessible externally in a fluid drawer, closes #336
- Added obsidian generator upgrade, closes #334
- Fixed compacting recipes generating in the wrong path
- Added a tick for access points to update connections, closes #327
- Fixed NBT getting readded every time drawers get placed and broken, closes #330
- Added dripping upgrade that will fill fluid drawers with lava
- Added water source upgrade that will fill fluid drawers with water
- Fix rebuild voxel shape cost too much time, close #314
- fix: #310 remove instantiate of java.awt.Color
- Fix fluid drawers not being accessible through controllers, closes #301
- Fixed Oak Drawer recipe
- Added examples for how to craft framed drawers
- Fixed Armory Cabinet extracting more than expected
- Fixed interacting with drawers in creative
- Updated to 1.21
- Added drawer renders to items
- Added config option to modify the values of upgrades by ProGoofster
- Added the ability to disable fluid drawers renders, closes #281
- Added a minimum to the UPGRADE_TICK config
- Fixed drawers not pushing items if there was a slot not full with a different item, closes #276
- Fixed empty locked fluid drawers in a controller network stalling fluid insertion, closes #258 closes #275
- Added Max Storage Upgrade closes #279
- Fixed creative vending upgrades using the base stack, closes #239
- Sort drawers insertion from closest to furthest to the drawer controller, closes #103
- Fixed cascading loading issues, closes #243
- Renamed Controller Extension to Controller Access Point
- Added a way to increase the Controller range by using upgrades
- Fixed Amethyst compacting recipe, closes #230
- Added JEI compat for Custom Compacting Recipes
- Fixed ice compacting, closes #223
- Changed the wood types list to a concurrent list, closes #214
- Improved compacting slot checking, closes #210
- Add timer for before next block removal to prevent double-clicking by ChampionAsh5357
- Check fluid stack isn't empty before setting amount by ChampionAsh5357
- Change texture directory from blocks to block by ChampionAsh5357
- Properly added a changelog file
- Added config option for the upgrades to change how much they do and how often they do it, closes #204
- Cached controller voxel shape to avoid performance issues, closes #170
- Handle compacting drawer recipe checking only on the server, closes #159
- Added progress bar indicators to the drawers, closes #169
- Changed the downgrade upgrade to change the base value of a drawer to 64 so it can function with the other storage upgrades, closes #117
- Check if an upgrade can go inside a drawer to validate if proper storage numbers, closes #197
- Force the Creative Vending upgrade to go to the proper slot when right clicked into a drawer, closes #184
- Added item tooltip display to compacting drawers and a proper capability, closes #48
- Fixed Simple Compacting Drawers being breakable in creative when interacting with them, closes #187
- Prevent infinite loop when drawers check for their parent stuff, closes #73
- Now having the configuration tool in the offhand it will toggle the selected action when placing a drawer, closes #156
- Fixed pushing upgrade only pushing to the first slot, closes #164
- Added Framed Simple Compacting Drawer, closes #179
- Added custom compacting recipes, changed recipes that used the tag to use the custom recipe, closes #150