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File metadata and controls

80 lines (48 loc) · 6.01 KB Documentation


This file holds the objects and methods involved with the creation and management of logs, both for Laika, loaded bots, as well as every loaded bot's server, socket, and channel logs.


levelFilter objects

This object serves only to strictly and explicitly restrict message logging to a specified level. This object is added as a logging filter to a particular logging stream level.

class log.levelFilter()

  • levelFilter.filter(self, logRecord)
    Returns boolean of the result of logRecord.levelno <= self._level, where _level is an internal logging level value supplied to the object while being added as a filter to the logging stream handler.

logger objects

This object is an inheritance of python's logging library's logging.Logger object. At creation time, this object will spawn up to five log streams, one for each log level of python's logging library methods (logging.CRITICAL,logging.ERROR,logging.WARNING,logging.INFO,logging.DEBUG).

By default, this object will spawn streams for critical, error, and warning logs and no streams for info or debug logs. This behavior can be modified at creation time through **kwargs.

class log.logger(logging.Logger)

  • logger.addStream(self, logDir, logLevel, logFormat)
    Adds a log handler to the logger object of logging level logLevel. If logDir is None, this log stream will be of type logging.StreamHandler, otherwise it will attempt to be added as type logging.FileHandler, with logDir specified as the argument. If the path supplied in logDir is bad and raises a FileNotFoundError exception, this exception will be caught and printed, and the stream will be added as type logging.StreamHandler instead. logFormat will be passed as an argument to logging.Formatter() and applied as a formatter to the handler being created. logLevel is passed as an argument to a log.levelFilter object and applied as a filter to the handler being created to restrict logging to only the type specified in logLevel.

basicLogger objects

This object is also an inheritance of python's logging library's logging.Logger object, however it differs from log.logger() in that it is a much more straightforward implementation, designed to log to only a single stream of a single log level.

At creation time, this object will spawn a single logging stream of level logging.NOTSET, and will add a logging.FileHandler handler to itself with a logging path supplied to it at creation time.

class log.basicLogger(logging.Logger)

  • basicLogger.log(self, msg)
    Logs msg to itself as level logging.INFO by use of logging.Logger's info() method, to which msg is supplied as an argument.

channelLogger objects

This object is created by the log.ircLogManager object to log individual channel messages. This, again, is an inheretance of python's logging library's logging.Logger and very similarly behaves as log.basicLogger, with added functionality for logging and formatting.

At creation time, this object spawns a single logging steam of level logging.NOTSET, and adds a logging.FileHandler handler to itself with a logging path supplied to it at creation time. It also will set a logging.Formatter formatter to this handler with "%(asctime)s %(message)s supplied as a first object, and passing a time stamp format as the second format. If this time stamp format cannot be found in keyword arguments, it will default to being "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"

class log.channelLogger(logging.Logger)

  • channelLogger.log(self, nick, msg)
    Formats msg according to a keyword argument supplied to it at creation time (messageFormat), or defaults to "<%(nick)s> %(msg)s". The format here is supplied a dict, with nick and msg as keys. The final formatted message is logged to the channelLogger object under level logging.INFO by use of logging.Logger's info() method.

ircLogManager objects

This objest serves to manage all log.ircLogGroup() objects loaded for a particular bot, and to notify all logs when the bot wishes to log a message.

class log.ircLogManager()

  • ircLogManager.register(self, observer)
    Adds a logging object to the observer pool for notifications.

  • ircLogManager.notifyChannelLogs(self, *args, **kwargs)
    Notifies all observers channel logging methods

  • ircLogManager.notifySocketLogs(self, *args, **kwargs)
    Notifies all observers socket logs.

  • ircLogManager.notifyServerLogs(self, *args, **kwargs)
    Notifies all observers server logs.

ircLogGroup objects

This object is created by a bot and registered to the log.ircLogManager to spawn and manage logging to all channel logs, as well as logging data sent and received to and from the socket. At creation time, it will prepare logging directories and spawn necessary the socket-related logs. Logging to channels will create logging objects on an as-needed basis.

class log.ircLogGroup()

  • ircLogGroup.prepareDirs(self)
    Ensures that all directories for logging are present before logs are created. If they are not present, it will attempt to create them with os.makedirs()

  • ircLogGroup.prepareLogs(self)
    Spawns two log.basicLogger objects. One for logging messages sent out of the socket, and another for logging data received coming from the socket.

  • ircLogGroup.channelLog(self, channel, line)
    Will attempt to find an existing logging object in a dictionary of channel logs under the key supplied with channel. If a value for this key cannot be found, a log will be created and added to this key as it's value. It will then attempt to parse line by setting an internal variable nick to line[0][1:].split('!')[0] and an internal variable message to ' '.join(line[3:])[1:]. If this parsing raises any exceptions, they will be caught and the traceback printed to sys.stderr. Otherwise, it will log to the channel log object, passing nick and message as arguments.