Highly Efficient Miniaturized Magnetorheological Valves Using Electropermanent Magnets [Abstract]
Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation of Vehicle-Manipulator Systems for Physical Interaction Tasks [Abstract]
ARC Joint: Anthropomorphic Rolling Contact Joint with Kinematically Variable Torsional Stiffness [Abstract]
Modeling and Workspace Characterization of Continuously Compliant Robotic Legs [Abstract]
Efficiency Estimation and Optimization of Multistage Compound Planetary Gearboxes and Application to the Design of the Active Skin Propulsion of EELS [Abstract]
Modular Magnetorheological Actuator with High Torque Density and Transparency for the Collaborative Robot Industry [Abstract]
Impact-Friendly Object Catching at Non-Zero Velocity Based on Combined Optimization and Learning [Abstract]
Online Estimation of 2D Human Arm Stiffness for Peg-In-Hole Tasks with Variable Impedance Control [Abstract]
Implementation of Basic Reflex Functions on Musculoskeletal Robots Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles [Abstract]
Workspace Force/Acceleration Disturbance Observer for Precise and Safe Motion Control [Abstract]
Orientation Control with Variable Stiffness Dynamical Systems [Abstract]
UMIRobot: An Open-{Software, Hardware} Low-Cost Robotic Manipulator for Education [Abstract]
I2mpedance - a Passivity Based Integrative Impedance Controller for Precise and Compliant Manipulation and Interaction [Abstract]
Real Is Better Than Perfect: Sim-To-Real Robotic System in Secondary School Education [Abstract]