Impact of Imperfect Exoskeleton Algorithms on Step Characteristics, Task Performance, and Perception of Exoskeleton Performance [Abstract]
Can Quadruped Guide Robots Be Used As Guide Dogs? [Abstract]
Investigating the Usability of Collaborative Robot Control through Hands-Free Operation Using Eye Gaze and Augmented Reality [Abstract]
Development and Evaluation of Exploratory Experiences to Facilitate Reasoning about Robotic Systems [Abstract]
Decoding sEMG under Non-Ideal Conditions Toward Robust Muscle-Machine Interface Control [Abstract]
Thumbs Up'' to
10 Out of 10'': Reconsidering Scalar Feedback in Interactive Reinforcement Learning [Abstract] -
Towards Continuous Identification of Passive Human Joint Impedance Using Physical Human-Robot Interaction System [Abstract]
The MyoPassivity Puzzle: How Does Muscle Fatigue Affect Energetic Behavior of the Human Upper-Limb During Physical Interaction with Robots? [Abstract]
Harnessing the Power of Human Biomechanics in Force-Position Domain: A 3D Passivity Index Map for Upper Limb Physical Human-(Tele)Robot Interaction [Abstract]
No Contact Needed: Humans Adapt Their Gait to Suit Legged Robot Companions [Abstract]
Implications of Personality on Cognitive Workload, Affect, and Task Performance in Remote Robot Control [Abstract]
Optimizing Algorithms from Pairwise User Preferences [Abstract]
A Sensitivity Analysis of an Economic Value Metric for Quantifying the Success of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons and Their Assistance [Abstract]