EELS: Towards Autonomous Mobility in Extreme Terrain with a Versatile Snake Robot with Resilience to Exteroception Failures [Abstract]
Track, Stop, and Eliminate: An Algorithm to Solve Stochastic Orienteering Problems Using MCTS [Abstract]
Fed-HANet: Federated Visual Grasping Learning for Human Robot Handovers [Abstract]
DVL-Based Odometry for Autonomous Underwater Gliders [Abstract]
Terrain-Aware Kinodynamic Planning with Efficiently Adaptive State Lattices for Mobile Robot Navigation in Off-Road Environments [Abstract]
Evaluation of Underwater AprilTag Localization for Highly Agile Micro Underwater Robots [Abstract]
Weakly Supervised Caveline Detection for AUV Navigation Inside Underwater Caves [Abstract]
Wireless Network Demands of Data Products from Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems at Hurricane Ian [Abstract]
Robot Learning to Mop Like Humans Using Video Demonstrations [Abstract]
AcTag: Opti-Acoustic Fiducial Markers for Underwater Localization and Mapping [Abstract]
Multi-Agent Collective Construction Using 3D Decomposition [Abstract]
Daily Assistive Modular Robot Design Based on Multi-Objective Black-Box Optimization [Abstract]