Learning Bifunctional Push-Grasping Synergistic Strategy for Goal-Agnostic and Goal-Oriented Tasks [Abstract]
Visual Spatial Attention and Proprioceptive Data-Driven Reinforcement Learning for Robust Peg-In-Hole Task under Variable Conditions [Abstract]
Domain Adaptation on Point Clouds for 6D Pose Estimation in Bin-Picking Scenarios [Abstract]
Learning Robotic Powder Weighing from Simulation for Laboratory Automation [Abstract]
Constrained Generative Sampling of 6-DoF Grasps [Abstract]
RGBD Fusion Grasp Network with Large-Scale Tableware Grasp Dataset [Abstract]
One-Shot Affordance Learning (OSAL): Learning to Manipulate Articulated Objects by Observing Once [Abstract]
EARL: Eye-On-Hand Reinforcement Learner for Dynamic Grasping with Active Pose Estimation [Abstract]
KGNv2: Separating Scale and Pose Prediction for Keypoint-Based Grasp Synthesis on RGB-D Input [Abstract]
Learning-Based Real-Time Torque Prediction for Grasping Unknown Objects with a Multi-Fingered Hand [Abstract]
A Grasp Pose Is All You Need: Learning Multi-Fingered Grasping with Deep Reinforcement Learning from Vision and Touch [Abstract]
Physics-Informed Learning to Enable Robotic Screw-Driving under Hole Pose Uncertainties [Abstract]