Improving Amputee Endurance Over Activities of Daily Living with a Robotic Knee-Ankle Prosthesis: A Case Study [Abstract]
Controlling Powered Prosthesis Kinematics Over Continuous Transitions between Walk and Stair Ascent [Abstract]
Calibration of a Tibia-Based Phase Variable for Control of Robotic Transtibial Prostheses [Abstract]
On Intuitive Control of Ankle-Foot Prostheses: A Sensor Fusion-Based Algorithm for Real-Time Prediction of Transitions to Compliant Surfaces [Abstract]
Powered Knee and Ankle Prosthesis Control for Adaptive Ambulation at Variable Speeds, Inclines, and Uneven Terrains [Abstract]
Motor Unit Action Potential Based Classification of Hand and Arm Motions [Abstract]
Adjusting the Quasi-Stiffness of an Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Improves Walking Stability During Locomotion Over Compliant Terrain [Abstract]
A Unified Controller for Natural Ambulation on Stairs and Level Ground with a Powered Robotic Knee Prosthesis [Abstract]
Volitional EMG Control Enables Stair Climbing with a Robotic Powered Knee Prosthesis [Abstract]
Development and Online Validation of an Intrinsic Fault Detector for a Powered Robotic Knee Prosthesis [Abstract]
A Feasibility Study of Piecewise Phase Variable Based on Variable Toe-Off for the Powered Prosthesis Control: A Case Study [Abstract]
A Wearable Force-Sensitive and Body-Aware Exoprosthesis for a Transhumeral Prosthesis Socket [Abstract]