Web Development Class - V recording: Here
- Anything requesting for some resource is a client.
- Example - Browser, Mobile-App, Tools like Postman.
- Anything responding to request by providing reasources is a Server.
- Example - Your PC (When Running a Local Server), Dedicated Hardware (Used by Companies for hosting Some Data e.g. Websites),
- It is a Server that responds to client's request by providing reasources in the form of HTML file, CSS file, JS file or, images, etc.
- It is program running on the Server Hardware which handles the request-response process.
- Example - Apache, Nginx etc.
- The primary task of these programs is to respond to client requests by processing your backend code.
- Client Side and Server Side are two different things.
- Both are not connected in any way but interact to each other using Request-Response method.
- Generally Client sends request to server and server responds accordingly.
- Server can not send any data to client until it asks server to respond.
- Different protocols(http, https, ftp, ws etc) are followed to establish communication between client and server.
- Static Response - Directly Available in to Web-Server in a Static Storage Device e.g. Hard-Disk.
- Dynamic Response - Response have to be generated by first fetching some data from the Database and then using it inside the Response which is to be sent.
- Django is a web development framework.
- It helps in building and maintaining quality web applications.
- Django helps eliminate repetitive tasks making the development process an easy and time saving experience.
- Some popular websites built using Django are - Instagram, Pinterest, Disqus, Spotify, Youtube, etc.
- When we use a library, we are in charge of the application flow.
- We choose when and where to call the library.
- When you use a framework, the framework is in charge of the flow.
- It provides you with a few places to plug in your code, but it calls the code you plugged in as needed.
- A Django Project is collection of multiple apps.
- These apps are standalone components.
- One app can be used in different projects and one project can have multiple apps.
- It promotes DRY (Do Not Repeat Yourself) principle.
MVT stands for Model View Template.
Django is based on MVT Pattern.
It has four core components -
- URLs -
- Request sent by users' browsers come here.
- Each URL is mapped with some view.
- This mapping of URL and view is written is written in urls.py file.
- Views -
- A view is a python function written inside views.py file.
- Each view is mapped/attached with a URL.
- Whenever a request comes on a URL, view (function) mapped/attached to that URL is called.
- A view interacts with tables (models) in database to fetch/store required data.
- Finally, a view returns the response to user in form of templates.
- Templates -
- It is basically a HTML document which is returned as a response to the browser.
- A view, fits in required data into the template (HTML file) and then returns the template.
- HTML files are kept in a directory called templates in each app.
- Models -
Models define the tables in the database with help of Object Oriented Programming.
These models are basically Python classes, which represent a Table in Database.
These classes are defined in models.py file.
Class Variables of Model (Class) represent Attributes/Columns of Table.
Instances/Objects of Model (Class) represent Rows/Tuple in Table.
Object Oriented Programming Database Class Table Class Variables Columns Instances/Objects of Class Rows/Tuple in table
- URLs -
Generally, each app in a Django project has it's own urls, views, models, and templates.
This promotes de-coupling and helps in making an app a standalone component.
- Here, we will try to understand a real - world scenario.
- Later we will relate this real world scenario with Django to better understand components of Django.
Step 1 - Install Python 3.
Step 2 - Run
python --version
orpython3 --version
in your command prompt or terminal to check whether Python is successfully installed or not. -
Step 3 - Go to directory where you want to create the project.
Step 4 - Make a new folder named Django_Projects.
Step 5 - Right Click in that directory and open command prompt or terminal.
Step 6 - Run the following command to create a virtual environment.
python -m venv djenv
Step 7 - Activate the environment.
- In Windows run the following command -
- In Linux/Mac run the following command -
source djenv/bin/activate
- After this step you should see environment name besides the command line as shown below.
Step 8 - Download and install Django
python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install django
- This will download and install necessary files.
- To verify the installation type following command -
python >>> import django >>> django.VERSION
- If output matches with the following output, then django is properly installed. Your django version might be different from the one shown in this image.
Step 9 - Starting a project in Django.
django-admin startproject project1
- project1 is just the project name.
Step 10 - Open PyCharm Professional IDE. Open project1 in PyCharm.
Step 11 - Setting Virtual environment for project in PyCharm
- After opening project1 in PyCharm go to File and open Settings.
- Click on Project:project1 and then select Project Interpreter.
- Click on Settings icon, then click on Add and then select Existing Environment.
- Select djenv/Scripts/python3.exe or djenv/bin/python3.exe from Interpreter dropdown and click OK.
- Click OK again.
- Now open the terminal in Pycharm and you'll see
written in it just like Step 7.
Step 12 - Run following command in PyCharm's terminal
python manage.py runserver
- Then open the link from the terminal, if you see default Django Page with a rocket in it, then your installation was successful.
- settings.py file - It sets the basic configuration of the project like -
- Language of Website,
- Timezone to be used in website,
- Database Engine of Website, etc
- manage.py file - It is used to perform various tasks related to project like -
- Making a new app in project,
- Starting the server,
- Creating the database, etc.
- We can write commands like
python manage.py runserver
- __init__.py file - It defines project1 as a Python package.
- wsgi.py file - It stands for Web Server Gateway Interface. It is used to forward requests from a web server (such as Apache or NGINX) to a backend Python web application or framework.
- Django Video Tutorial Playlist (English)
- Django Video Tutorial Playlist (Hindi)
- Python Resources