Citizen Participation and Open Government Application
This is the opensource code repository of the eParticipation website for the Conseil Departemental des Jeunes based originally on the Madrid City government eParticipation website
Development started on [2017 April 15th]. Code will be deployed to production around 2017 september to
The application backend is written in the Ruby language using the Ruby on Rails framework.
Frontend tools used include SCSS over Foundation for the styles.
Prerequisites: install git, Ruby 2.3.2, bundler gem, ghostscript and PostgreSQL (>=9.4).
git clone
cd consul
bundle install
bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
Run the app locally:
bin/rails s
You can use the default admin user from the seeds file:
**user:** [email protected]
**pass:** 12345678
But for some actions like voting, you will need a verified user, the seeds file also includes one:
**user:** [email protected]
**pass:** 12345678
### Customization
See [](
### OAuth
To test authentication services with external OAuth suppliers - right now Twitter, Facebook and Google - you'll need to create an "application" in each of the supported platforms and set the *key* and *secret* provided in your *secrets.yml*
In the case of Google, verify that the APIs *Contacts API* and *Google+ API* are enabled for the application.
## License
Code published under AFFERO GPL v3 (see [LICENSE-AGPLv3.txt](LICENSE-AGPLv3.txt))
## Contributions
See [](