diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-links.yml b/.github/workflows/test-links.yml
index 06f818fb..280b9d38 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-links.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-links.yml
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: CannonLock/test_links@master
+ - uses: CHTC/test_links@master
file_ignore: "/./staff/.*/,/./includes/.*/,/./doc/.*/"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/guide-menu.yaml b/_data/guide-menu.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 175ca67e..00000000
--- a/_data/guide-menu.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-- name: External Resources
- children:
- - name: Software Carpentry ( Online courses and videos; readings )
- href: "http://software-carpentry.org/lessons/"
- - name: HTCondor Manual
- href: "https://htcondor.org/manual/"
- - name: Slurm Manual
- href: "http://slurm.schedmd.com/"
- - name: DoIT Software Training for Students ( free on-campus courses )
- href: "http://www.doit.wisc.edu/training/student/"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/guide-menu.yml b/_data/guide-menu.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ce25606..00000000
--- a/_data/guide-menu.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-- name: Basics and Policies
- children:
- - name: HTC System Transitioning to a New Linux Version (CentOS Stream 8)
- href: /uw-research-computing/os-transition-htc.html
- - name: Using CHTC's HTC Submit Nodes
- href: /uw-research-computing/use-submit-node.html
- - name: Connecting to CHTC
- href: /uw-research-computing/connecting.html
- - name: Automating CHTC Log In
- href: /uw-research-computing/configure-ssh.html
- - name: Transferring Files Between CHTC and Research Drive
- href: /uw-research-computing/transfer-data-researchdrive.html
- - name: Using Globus to Transfer Files to and from CHTC
- href: /uw-research-computing/globus.html
- - name: Remotely Access a Pricate Github Repository
- href: /uw-research-computing/github-remote-access.html
- - name: Checking Disk Quota Usage
- href: /uw-research-computing/check-quota.html
- - name: Get Help
- href: /uw-research-computing/get-help.html
-- name: Job Submission
- children:
- - name: Running Your First HTC Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/helloworld.html
- - name: Learning About Your Jobs Using condor_q
- href: /uw-research-computing/condor_q.html
- - name: Submitting Multiple Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/multiple-jobs.html
- - name: Workflows with HTCondor's DAGMan
- href: /uw-research-computing/dagman-workflows.html
- - name: Submitting Multiple Jobs in Different Directories
- href: /uw-research-computing/multiple-job-dirs.html
-- name: Handling Data in Jobs
- children:
- - name: Transfer Small Input and Output
- href: /uw-research-computing/file-availability.html
- - name: Transfer Large Input Files Via Squid
- href: /uw-research-computing/file-avail-squid.html
- - name: Use Large Input and Output Files Via Staging
- href: /uw-research-computing/file-avail-largedata.html
-- name: Software Solutions
- children:
- - name: Compiling Software in an Interactive Job
- href: /uw-research-computing/inter-submit.html
- - name: Running Matlab Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/matlab-jobs.html
- - name: Running Python Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/python-jobs.html
- - name: Using Conda Environments to Run Python Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/conda-installation.html
- - name: Running R Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/r-jobs.html
- - name: Running Julia Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/julia-jobs.html
- - name: Running Java Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/java-jobs.html
- - name: Using Software Installed in a Docker Container
- href: /uw-research-computing/docker-jobs.html
- - name: Create a Docker Container
- href: /uw-research-computing/docker-build.html
- - name: Licensed Software on the HTC System
- href: /uw-research-computing/licensed-software.html
- - name: Submitting Jobs that use MPI
- href: /uw-research-computing/mpi-jobs.html
-- name: Special Use Case
- children:
- - name: Submitting Jobs that use GPUs
- href: /uw-research-computing/gpu-jobs.html
- - name: Run Machine Learning Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/machine-learning-htc.html
- - name: Scaling Beyond Local HTC Capacity
- href: /uw-research-computing/scaling-htc.html
- - name: Restart Jobs with Checkpointing
- href: /uw-research-computing/checkpointing.html
- - name: Submitting Jobs with Checkpointing
- href: /uw-research-computing/checkpointing.html
- - name: Submitting High Memory Jobs
- href: /uw-research-computing/high-memory-jobs.html
- - name: Submitting Jobs that use MPI
- href: /uw-research-computing/mpi-jobs.html
-- name: Troubleshooting
- children:
- - name: Windows/Linux Incompatibility
- href: /uw-research-computing/dos-unix.html
- - name: Explore and Test Docker Containers
- href: /uw-research-computing/docker-test.html
-- name: HPC Cluster Guides
- children:
- - name: Connecting to CHTC
- href: /uw-research-computing/connecting.html
- - name: HPC Cluster Overview Guide
- href: /uw-research-computing/hpc-overview.html
- - name: HPC Software
- href: /uw-research-computing/hpc-software.html
- - name: HPC Job Submission
- href: /uw-research-computing/hpc-job-submission.html
- - name: Transitioning to a New HPC Cluster
- href: /uw-research-computing/hpc-transition-2023.html
-- name: External Resources
- children:
- - name: Software Carpentry ( Online courses and videos; readings )
- href: "http://software-carpentry.org/lessons/"
- - name: HTCondor Manual
- href: "https://htcondor.org/manual/"
- - name: Slurm Manual
- href: "http://slurm.schedmd.com/"
- - name: DoIT Software Training for Students ( free on-campus courses )
- href: "http://www.doit.wisc.edu/training/student/"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/hpc-guide-menu.yml b/_data/hpc-guide-menu.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8deb5954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/hpc-guide-menu.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+- text: "Get started"
+ icon: "bi bi-rocket-takeoff"
+ links:
+ - text: "HPC system transition to a new Linux Version (CentOS Stream 9)"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/archived/hpc-el8-to-el9"
+ icon: ""
+ highlight: true
+ - text: "CHTC /staging and /projects next steps"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/data-recovery-fall2024"
+ icon: ""
+ highlight: true
+ - text: "System overview"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-overview"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Log in to CHTC"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/connecting"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Automate CHTC login"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/configure-ssh"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Basic shell commands"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/basic-shell-commands"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "Submit jobs"
+ icon: "bi bi-send"
+ links:
+ - text: "Submitting and managing jobs using SLURM"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-job-submission"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Reviewing job information using SLURM"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-job-monitoring"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "Manage data"
+ icon: "bi bi-file-earmark-text"
+ links:
+ - text: "Transfer files to/from CHTC"
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Local computer"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/transfer-files-computer"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "ResearchDrive"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/transfer-data-researchdrive"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Private GitHub repo"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/github-remote-access"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "Software"
+ icon: "bi bi-pc-display"
+ links:
+ - text: "Overview and Policies"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-software"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Spack"
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Set up"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-spack-setup"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Install software"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-spack-install"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Create custom modules"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-spack-modules"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Recreate Spack installs on a new operating system"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-el9-spack"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Containers"
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Use Apptainer containers"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-hpc"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Build an Apptainer container"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-build"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "Troubleshooting"
+ icon: "bi bi-question-circle"
+ links:
+ - text: "Known issues on the HPC"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/hpc-known-issues"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "External resources"
+ icon: "bi bi-box-arrow-up-right"
+ links:
+ - text: "Slurm manual"
+ url: "http://slurm.schedmd.com/"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Software Carpentry"
+ url: "http://software-carpentry.org/lessons/"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "UW-Madison software training for students"
+ url: "http://www.doit.wisc.edu/training/student/"
+ icon: ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/htc-guide-menu.yml b/_data/htc-guide-menu.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f7863ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/htc-guide-menu.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+- text: "Get started"
+ icon: "bi bi-rocket-takeoff"
+ links:
+ - text: "CHTC /staging and /projects next steps"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/data-recovery-fall2024"
+ icon: ""
+ highlight: true
+ - text: "System overview"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-overview"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Roadmap to getting started"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-roadmap"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Log into CHTC"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/connecting"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Quick reference: Basic shell commands"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/basic-shell-commands"
+ icon: "bi bi-book"
+ - text: "Quick reference: HTCondor commands"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htcondor-quick-ref"
+ icon: "bi bi-book"
+- text: "Submit jobs"
+ icon: "bi bi-send"
+ links:
+ - text: "Submit jobs using HTCondor "
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Job submission basics"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htcondor-job-submission"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Submit multiple jobs"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/multiple-jobs"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Submit multiple jobs in different directories"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/multiple-job-dirs"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Submit an interactive job"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/inter-submit"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Monitor your job"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/condor_q"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Arguments and shell scripting "
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Basic scripting and job submission with arguments"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-basic-scripting"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Practice: Pass arguments from the submit file to the executable script"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-passing-arguments"
+ icon: "bi bi-clipboard-check"
+ - text: "Practice: Pass multiple arguments to multiple jobs with one submit file"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-passing-arguments-multiple"
+ icon: "bi bi-clipboard-check"
+- text: "Manage data"
+ icon: "bi bi-file-earmark-text"
+ links:
+ - text: "Transfer small input and output"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/file-availability"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Transfer large input files via Squid"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/file-avail-squid"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Transfer large input and output files via /staging"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/file-avail-largedata"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Check disk quota and usage"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/check-quota"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Transfer files to/from CHTC "
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Local computer"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/transfer-files-computer"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "ResearchDrive"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/transfer-data-researchdrive"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Globus"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/globus"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Private GitHub repo"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/github-remote-access"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "Software"
+ icon: "bi bi-pc-display"
+ links:
+ - text: "Overview and policies"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/software-overview-htc"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Containers "
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Build a software environment with containers "
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "What are containers?"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/software-overview-htc#containers"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Apptainer/Singularity"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-build"
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Practice: Build a container"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-htc-advanced-example"
+ icon: "bi bi-clipboard-check"
+ - text: "Docker"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/docker-build"
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Explore and test Docker containers"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/docker-test"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Recipes repository"
+ url: "https://github.com/CHTC/recipes/tree/main/software"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Convert Docker images to Apptainer/Singularity images"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-docker-to-apptainer"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Use Apptainer containers"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-htc"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Use Docker containers"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/docker-jobs"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Compile software in an interactive job"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/inter-submit"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Licensed software and modules"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/licensed-software"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Use software available in modules"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-modules"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "HTC modules transition to EL9"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-modules-transition-to-el9"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "Workflows"
+ icon: "bi bi-diagram-2"
+ links:
+ - text: "Checkpoint jobs"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/checkpointing"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "DAGMan workflow manager "
+ icon: ""
+ links:
+ - text: "Submit workflows with DAGman"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc/dagman-workflows"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Practice: Run a simple DAGMan workflow"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc/dagman-simple-example"
+ icon: "bi bi-clipboard-check"
+ - text: "Practice: Run an diamond DAGMan workflow"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc/tutorial-dagman-intermediate"
+ icon: "bi bi-clipboard-check"
+- text: "Special use cases"
+ icon: "bi bi-cpu"
+ links:
+ - text: "Use GPUs"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/gpu-jobs"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Scale beyond local HTC capacity"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/scaling-htc"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Submit high memory jobs"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/high-memory-jobs"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Machine learning jobs"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/machine-learning-htc"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Custom Linux versions"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/os-request-htc"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "Troubleshooting"
+ icon: "bi bi-question-circle"
+ links:
+ - text: "Status page"
+ url: "http://status.chtc.wisc.edu"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Known issues"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/htc-known-issues"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Windows/Linux incompatibility"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/dos-unix"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Get help"
+ url: "/uw-research-computing/get-help.html"
+ icon: ""
+- text: "External Resources"
+ icon: "bi bi-box-arrow-up-right"
+ links:
+ - text: "HTCondor manual"
+ url: "https://htcondor.org/manual/"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "Software Carpentry"
+ url: "https://software-carpentry.org/lessons/"
+ icon: ""
+ - text: "UW-Madison software training for students"
+ url: "https://sts.doit.wisc.edu/workshops/"
+ icon: ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/main-menu.yml b/_data/main-menu.yml
index b78c5792..e4dcb128 100644
--- a/_data/main-menu.yml
+++ b/_data/main-menu.yml
@@ -14,11 +14,8 @@ nav_items:
- url: /jobs.html
name: Our Open Positions
- id: uw-research-computing
- name: UW Research Computing
+ name: Research Computing
url: /uw-research-computing/index.html
- - id: guides
- name: Guides
- url: /uw-research-computing/guides.html
- id: technologies
name: Technologies
url: /technologies.html
@@ -27,9 +24,8 @@ nav_items:
url: /research.html
- id: news
name: News
- url: /news-navigation.html
- sub_menu:
- - url: /news.html
- name: CHTC News
- - url: /events.html
- name: Events
+ url: /news.html
+ - url: /events.html
+ name: Events
+ id: events
diff --git a/_includes/components/guide-button-link.liquid b/_includes/components/guide-button-link.liquid
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fde8c70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/components/guide-button-link.liquid
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{% if link.url %}
+ {% if link.icon and link.icon != "" %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {{ link.text }}
+{% else %}
+ {{ link.text }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if link.links %}