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\ No newline at end of file
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of tendons and ligaments"}, "/uw-research-computing/machine-learning-htc.html": {"title": "Run Machine Learning Jobs"}, "/newsletter.html": {"title": "CHTC Newsletter"}, "/jobs.html": {"title": "Available Positions"}, "/uw-research-computing/htc-modules.html": {"title": "Use Software Available in Modules"}, "/uw-research-computing/hpc-software.html": {"title": "Use Software on the HPC Cluster"}, "/branding.html": {"title": "CHTC Branding"}, "/uw-research-computing/htc-el8-to-el9-transition.html": {"title": "HTC System Transition to a New Linux Version (CentOS Stream 9)"}, "/uw-research-computing/htc-overview.html": {"title": "HTC System Overview"}, "/big-data-with-osdf.html": {"title": "Addressing the challenges of transferring large datasets with the OSDF"}, "/uw-research-computing/hpc-spack-install.html": {"title": "Install Software Using Spack"}, "/uw-research-computing/account-details.html": {"title": "How to Request a CHTC Account"}, "/staff/index.html": {"title": "CHTC Staff Page"}, "/uw-research-computing/software-overview-htc.html": {"title": "Overview: How to Use Software"}, "/htc.html": {"title": "What is High Throughput Computing?"}, "/EOL-OSG.html": {"title": "Retirements and New Beginnings: The Transition to Tokens"}, "/uw-research-computing/index.html": {"title": "UW Research Computing Home"}, "/uw-research-computing/connecting.html": {"title": "Log In to CHTC Resources"}, "/icecube-receives-hpc-award.html": {"title": "UW\u2013Madison's Icecube Neutrino Observatory Wins HPCwire Award"}, "/uw-research-computing/get-help.html": {"title": "Get Help"}, "/uw-research-computing/hpc/guides.html": {"title": "HPC Computing Guides"}, "/uw-research-computing/get-submit-node.html": {"title": "Getting a Submit Node"}, "/uw-research-computing/htc/guides.html": {"title": "HTC Computing Guides"}, "/uw-research-computing/hpc-spack-modules.html": {"title": "Create Custom Modules Using Spack"}, "/Google-HTCondor.html": {"title": "Google Quantum Computing Utilizing HTCondor"}, "/campus-onboarding.html": {"title": "\u201cBecoming part of something bigger\u201d motivates campus contributions to the OSPool"}, "/AMNH-Workshops.html": {"title": "The American Museum of Natural History Ramps Up Education on Research Computing"}, "/uw-research-computing/user-expectations.html": {"title": "Policies and Expectations for Using CHTC"}, "/european-htcondor-week-registration.html": {"title": "Registration is open for the European HTCondor Workshop, September 24-27"}, "/events/2024/03/osg-school-2024.html": {"title": "OSG School 2024"}, "/European-HTCondor-Week.html": {"title": "Save The Date for the European HTCondor Workshop, September 24-27"}, "/research.html": {"title": "Research Publications and Technical Information"}, "/Lightning-Talks.html": {"title": "OSG User School 2022 Researchers Present Inspirational Lightning Talks"}, "/services.html": {"title": "Services"}, "/htc-24-event.html": {"title": "High Throughput Community Builds Stronger Ties at HTC24 Week"}, "/uw-research-computing/howto_overview.html": {"title": "CHTC Tools for Matlab, R, and Python Portability"}, "/staff/docs/Schedule_Calendar.html": {"title": "Schedule Calendar Guide"}, "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-htc.html": {"title": "Use Apptainer Containers"}, "/uw-research-computing/hpc-job-submission.html": {"title": "Submitting and Managing Jobs Using SLURM"}, "/uw-research-computing/gpu-lab.html": {"title": "Welcome to the CHTC GPU Lab"}, "/OSPool-Cores.html": {"title": "OSPool's Growing Number of Cores Reaching New Levels"}, "/hannah.html": {"title": "Get To Know Student Communications Specialist Hannah Cheren"}, "/fire-up-the-gpus.html": {"title": "Fire up the GPUs: UW-Madison, Morgridge project sparks next-level computing"}, "/astronomy-archives.html": {"title": "Astronomy archives are creating new science every day"}, "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-hpc.html": {"title": "Using Apptainer Containers on HPC"}, "/uw-research-computing/htc-passing-arguments.html": {"title": "Practice: Passing Arguments from the Submit File to the Executable Script"}, "/Hannah-Showcase.html": {"title": "Using HTC for a simulation study on cross-validation for model evaluation in psychological science"}, "/events/2023/01/data-center-tours.html": {"title": "Server Room Tours"}, "/ML-and-Image-Analyses-for-Livestock-Data.html": {"title": "Machine Learning and Image Analyses for Livestock Data"}, "/CLAS12.html": {"title": "Expanding, uniting, and enhancing CLAS12 computing with OSG\u2019s fabric of services"}, "/CHTC-pool-record.html": {"title": "Over 240,000 CHTC Jobs Hit Record Daily Capacity Consumption"}, "/noaa-on-the-ospool.html": {"title": "NOAA funded marine scientist uses OSPool access to high throughput computing to explode her boundaries of research"}, "/CHTC-Philosophy.html": {"title": "The CHTC Philosophy of High Throughput Computing \u2013 A Talk by Greg Thain"}, "/uw-research-computing/dask.html": {"title": "Using Dask at CHTC"}, "/fellowships/list.html": {"title": "Open projects for CHTC Fellows"}, "/events.html": {"title": "Events"}, "/fellowships/fellows.html": {"title": "Open projects for CHTC Fellows"}, "/uw-research-computing/docker-jobs.html": {"title": "Running HTC Jobs Using Docker Containers"}, "/NIAID.html": {"title": "NIAID/ACE - OSG collaboration leads to a successful virtual training session"}, "/chtc-demo.html": {"title": "CHTC Leads High Throughput Computing Demonstrations"}, "/high-throughput-computing-fostering-data-science-without-limits.html": {"title": "High-throughput computing: Fostering data science without limits"}, "/uw-research-computing/inter-submit.html": {"title": "Compiling or Testing Code with an Interactive Job"}, "/Technology-Refresh.html": {"title": "Technology Refresh"}, "/events/2024/01/throughput-computing-2024.html": {"title": "Join Us at Throughput Computing 2024, July 8 - 12"}, "/uw-research-computing/osdf-fileXfer-draft.html": {"title": "HTC Data Storage Locations"}, "/uw-research-computing/docker-build.html": {"title": "Build a Docker Container Image"}, "/tackling-strongly-correlated-quantum-systems.html": {"title": "Tackling Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems on OSPool"}, "/astronomers-engineers-use-grid-of-computers.html": {"title": "Astronomers and Engineers Use a Grid of Computers at a National Scale to Study the Universe 300 Times Faster"}, "/events/2024/07/OSG-User-School-2023.html": {"title": "OSG User School 2023, Aug. 7\u201311"}, "/Fulvio.html": {"title": "Using high throughput computing to investigate the role of neural oscillations in visual working memory"}, "/uw-research-computing/helloworld.html": {"title": null}, "/uw-research-computing/file-avail-s3.html": {"title": "Managing Large Data in HTC Jobs with S3 Buckets"}, "/gis-story.html": {"title": "Preserving historic Wisconsin aerial photos with a little help from CHTC"}, "/news-navigation.html": {"title": "News"}, "/uw-research-computing/multiple-jobs.html": {"title": "Submitting Multiple Jobs Using HTCondor"}, "/bat-genomics.html": {"title": "80,000 jobs, 40 billion base pairs, and 20 bats \u2013\u2013 all in 4 weeks"}, "/HTCondorWeek-Photos.html": {"title": "A Long-Awaited Reunion: HTCondor Week 2022 in Photos"}, "/uw-research-computing/transfer-files-computer.html": {"title": "Transfer Files between CHTC and your Computer"}, "/uw-research-computing/transfer-data-researchdrive.html": {"title": "Transfer Files Between CHTC and ResearchDrive"}, "/events/2023/01/hpc-cluster-faq.html": {"title": "HPC cluster FAQ January 19th and 24th"}, "/david-swanson-awardees-2023.html": {"title": "OSG David Swanson Awardees Honored at HTC23"}, "/uw-research-computing/quota-request.html": {"title": "Request a Quota Change"}, "/osg-helps-ligo-scientists-confirm-einsteins-last-unproven-theory.html": {"title": "OSG helps LIGO scientists confirm Einstein's unproven theory"}, "/ASP.html": {"title": "Distributed Computing at the African School of Physics 2022 Workshop"}, "/gpu-cloudburst.html": {"title": "SDSC and IceCube Center Conduct GPU Cloudburst Experiment"}, "/uw-research-computing/checkpointing.html": {"title": "Checkpointing Jobs"}, "/OSG-School.html": {"title": "OSG School mission: Don\u2019t let computing be a barrier to research"}, "/uw-research-computing/configure-ssh.html": {"title": "Automate CHTC Log In"}, "/uw-research-computing/singularity-hpc.html": {"title": "Using Software in a Container on the HPC Cluster"}, "/Joe-B-Profile.html": {"title": "Meet Joe B. from the CHTC"}, "/htcondor-helps-enable-mars-research.html": {"title": "USGS uses HTCondor to advance Mars research"}, "/uw-research-computing/condor_q.html": {"title": "Learn About Your Jobs Using condor_q"}, "/Natzke.html": {"title": "Learning and adapting with OSG: Investigating the strong nuclear force"}, "/uw-research-computing/apptainer-htc-advanced-example.html": {"title": "Advanced Apptainer Example - SUMO"}, "/uw-research-computing/how-tos.html": {"title": "How To's"}, "/Science-Gateway.html": {"title": "OSG fuels a student-developed computing platform to advance RNA nanomachines"}, "/events/demo/index.html": {"title": null}, "/chtc-workshop.html": {"title": "CHTC Launches First Introductory Workshop on HTC and HPC"}, "/Garcia.html": {"title": "Using HTC and HPC Applications to Track the Dispersal of Spruce Budworm Moths"}, "/uw-research-computing/chtc-services.html": {"title": "CHTC Services for Research Computing"}, "/staff/docs/Adding_News_Articles.html": {"title": "Adding News Articles"}, "/about.html": {"title": "About"}, "/gpargo-cc-star.html": {"title": "Great Plains Regional CyberTeam Expanding Capacity for Computing from Great Plains Campuses"}, "/get-to-know-todd.html": {"title": "Get To Know Todd Tannenbaum"}, "/events/2023/07/throughput-computing-2023.html": {"title": "Throughput Computing 2023"}, "/uw-research-computing/tensorflow-singularity.html": {"title": "Running Tensorflow Jobs"}, "/machine-learning.html": {"title": "Machine learning insights into molecular science using the Open Science Pool"}, "/google76f04192afc2088e.html": {"title": null}, "/events/2023/02/research-bazaar.html": {"title": "Research Bazaar"}, "/events/demo.html": {"title": null}, "/uw-research-computing/high-memory-jobs.html": {"title": "Submit High Memory Jobs"}, "/uw-research-computing/check-quota.html": {"title": "Check Disk Quota and Usage"}, "/uw-research-computing/scaling-htc.html": {"title": "Scale Beyond Local HTC Capacity"}, "/map/index.html": {"title": "CHTC User Map"}, "/events/2024/04/euro-htc.html": {"title": "Save The Date for the European HTCondor Workshop, September 24-27"}, "/precision-mental-health.html": {"title": "Harnessing HTC-enabled precision mental health to capture the complexity of smoking cessation"}, "/ospool-computation.html": {"title": "OSPool As a Tool for Advancing Research in Computational Chemistry"}, "/uw-research-computing/hpc-spack-setup.html": {"title": "Set Up Spack on HPC"}, "/NIAID-ACE-students-attend-OSG-User-School.html": {"title": "NIAID/ACE students attend this year\u2019s OSG User School 2022"}, "/uw-research-computing/julia-jobs.html": {"title": "Run Julia Jobs"}, "/CDIS_eventpage.html": {"title": null}, "/Wilcots.html": {"title": "The Future of Radio Astronomy Using High Throughput Computing"}, "/tribalcollege.html": {"title": "Tribal College and CHTC pursue opportunities to expand computing education and infrastructure"}, "/events/extended-office-hours.html": {"title": null}, "/california-megafires.html": {"title": "Ecologists utilizing HTC to examine the effects of megafires on wildlife"}, "/des-expanding-universe.html": {"title": "Des Expanding Universe"}, "/CHTC-Facilitation.html": {"title": "CHTC Facilitation Innovations for Research Computing"}, "/uw-research-computing/cite-chtc.html": {"title": "Citing CHTC Resources"}, "/uw-research-computing/conda-installation.html": {"title": "Create a Portable Python Installation with Miniconda"}, "/uw-research-computing/github-remote-access.html": {"title": "Access a Private GitHub Repository Remotely"}, "/Hiemstra.html": {"title": "Testing GPU/ML Framework Compatibility"}, "/the-pelican-project.html": {"title": "The Pelican Project: Building a universal plug for scientific data-sharing"}, "/uw-research-computing/file-availability.html": {"title": "Small Input and Output File Availability Via HTCondor"}, "/path-facility.html": {"title": "Advancing computational throughput of NSF funded projects with the PATh Facility"}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preview-xalim-pass-args-guide/fellowships/index.html b/preview-xalim-pass-args-guide/fellowships/index.html
index 90c3b8d49..9805e34a7 100644
--- a/preview-xalim-pass-args-guide/fellowships/index.html
+++ b/preview-xalim-pass-args-guide/fellowships/index.html
@@ -232,14 +232,14 @@
Featured Fellow
@@ -248,23 +248,28 @@
Featured Fellow
- Wil Cram
+ Kristina Zhao
Greg Thain
Emma Turetsky and Ian Ross
Schedd performance analysis for human
Integrating PyTorch and Pelican
The condor_schedd is a single threaded program, and when it is overloaded,
-it is difficult for administrators to understand why. There are some
-statistics about what it is doing, but there is no clear way to present
-this information in a useful way to an administrator. Students working
-on this project would build visualizations of complex data, and work
-with end users and facilitators to tune output for real world human
PyTorch is one of the most popular machine learning frameworks.
+An important aspect of using it is the data engineering: how
+is input data fed into the model during training? Going from
+“tutorial scale” problems to cutting-edge research requires
+drastically different techniques around data handling.
For this project, we aim to better integrate Pelican
+into the PyTorch community, providing both technical
+mechanisms (implementing the fsspec interface for Pelican)
+and documentation by providing tutorials and recipes for
+scaling PyTorch-based training using a combination of HTCondor
+and Pelican.
- Shanan Peters, project lead for xDD, Dean L. Morgridge Professor of Geology, Department of Geoscience.
Shanan’s primary research thrust involves quantifying the spatial and temporal distribution of rocks in the Earth’s crust in order to constrain the long-term evolution of life and Earth’s surface environment. Compiling data from scientific publications is a key component of this work and Peters and his collaborators are developing machine reading systems deployed over the xDD digital library ad cyberinfrastructure hosted in the CHTC for this purpose.
+ Natalia de Leon, Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy.
The goal of her research is to identify efficient mechanisms to better understand the genetic constitution of economically relevant traits and to improve plant breeding efficiency. Her research integrates genomic, phenomic, and environmental information to accelerate translational research for enhanced sustainable crop productivity.
Natalia de Leon
xDD project and Shanan Peters
- Natalia de Leon, Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy.
The goal of her research is to identify efficient mechanisms to better understand the genetic constitution of economically relevant traits and to improve plant breeding efficiency. Her research integrates genomic, phenomic, and environmental information to accelerate translational research for enhanced sustainable crop productivity.
+ Shanan Peters, project lead for xDD, Dean L. Morgridge Professor of Geology, Department of Geoscience.
Shanan’s primary research thrust involves quantifying the spatial and temporal distribution of rocks in the Earth’s crust in order to constrain the long-term evolution of life and Earth’s surface environment. Compiling data from scientific publications is a key component of this work and Peters and his collaborators are developing machine reading systems deployed over the xDD digital library ad cyberinfrastructure hosted in the CHTC for this purpose.
@@ -356,76 +356,76 @@
Biomagnetic Resonance Data Bank
CMS LHC Compact Muon Solenoid
- The Biomagnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB) is headquarted within UW-Madison's National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM) and uses the CHTC for research in connection with the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB).
+ The UW team participating in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment analyzes petabytes of data from proton-proton collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We use the unprecedented energies of the LHC to study Higgs Boson signatures, Electroweak Physics, and the possibility of exotic particles beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Important calculations are also performed to better tune the experiment's trigger system, which is responsible for making nanosecond-scale decisions about which collisions in the LHC should be recorded for further analysis.
CMS LHC Compact Muon Solenoid
Atlas Experiment
- The UW team participating in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment analyzes petabytes of data from proton-proton collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We use the unprecedented energies of the LHC to study Higgs Boson signatures, Electroweak Physics, and the possibility of exotic particles beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Important calculations are also performed to better tune the experiment's trigger system, which is responsible for making nanosecond-scale decisions about which collisions in the LHC should be recorded for further analysis.
+ Atlas Experiment
Atlas Experiment
Barry Van Veen
- Atlas Experiment
+ The bio-signal processing laboratory develops statistical signal processing methods for biomedical problems. We use CHTC for casual network modeling of brain electrical activity. We develop methods for identifying network models from noninvasive measures of electric/ magnetic fields at the scalp, or invasive measures of the electric fields at or in the cortex, such as electrocorticography. Model identification involves high throughput computing applied to large datasets consisting of hundreds of spatial channels each containing thousands of time samples.
Phil Townsend
Biomagnetic Resonance Data Bank
- Professor Phil Townsend of Forestry and Wildlife Ecology says Our research (NASA & USDA Forest Service funded) strives to understand the outbreak dynamic of major forest insect pests in North America through simulation modeling. As part of this effort, we map forest species and their abundance using multi-temporal Landsat satellite data. My colleagues have written an automatic variable selection routine in MATLAB to preselect the most important image variables to model and map forest species abundance. However, depending on the number of records and the initial variables, this process can take weeks to run. Hence, we seek resources to speed up this process.
+ The Biomagnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB) is headquarted within UW-Madison's National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM) and uses the CHTC for research in connection with the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB).
Barry Van Veen
Phil Townsend
- The bio-signal processing laboratory develops statistical signal processing methods for biomedical problems. We use CHTC for casual network modeling of brain electrical activity. We develop methods for identifying network models from noninvasive measures of electric/ magnetic fields at the scalp, or invasive measures of the electric fields at or in the cortex, such as electrocorticography. Model identification involves high throughput computing applied to large datasets consisting of hundreds of spatial channels each containing thousands of time samples.
+ Professor Phil Townsend of Forestry and Wildlife Ecology says Our research (NASA & USDA Forest Service funded) strives to understand the outbreak dynamic of major forest insect pests in North America through simulation modeling. As part of this effort, we map forest species and their abundance using multi-temporal Landsat satellite data. My colleagues have written an automatic variable selection routine in MATLAB to preselect the most important image variables to model and map forest species abundance. However, depending on the number of records and the initial variables, this process can take weeks to run. Hence, we seek resources to speed up this process.
In your working directory on the access point, download gapminder-life-expectancy.csv data.
In your working directory on the access point, download gapminder-life-expectancy.csv data.
[user@ap2002]$ wget [insert link here]
@@ -382,7 +384,7 @@
Writing a submit
Create a submit file for the job called least_squares.sub.
# least_squares.sub - an example HTCondor submit file for passing arguments
# least_squares.sub - an example HTCondor submit file for passing arguments
# Custom variable can be specified
country = Brazil
@@ -442,7 +444,9 @@
Leveraging $(Process)/$(ProcID) a
In this exercise, we will use $(Process) to estimate the life expectancy within the years 2000-2009.
Create a new submit file, least_squares_process.sub.
Create a new submit file, least_squares_process.sub.
# least_squares_process.sub - an example HTCondor submit file for passing arguments
# with the $(Process) variable
@@ -476,18 +480,22 @@
Leveraging $(Process)/$(ProcID) a
Notice the differences between this submit script and the previous one:
At the bottom of the script, queue 10 tells HTCondor to run 10 instances of our calculation. Each calculation will be assigned a number $(Process), which will range from 0 to 9.
We want to estimate life expectancy between 2000 and 2009, so we set a custom variable processplus = $(Process) + 2000. This is a string, i.e. “0 + 2000”. This isn’t what we want! We convert it to a useful integer value in the next line: year = $INT(processplus,%d). Each calculation can now use the variable $(year), which will now range from 2000 to 2009.
We want to estimate life expectancy between 2000 and 2009, so we set a custom variable processplus = $(Process) + 2000. This returns a string, i.e. “0 + 2000”, but this isn’t what we want! In the next line, we convert it to a useful integer value: year = $INT(processplus,%d), which will now range from 2000 to 2009.
In our arguments, we append our new variable $(year).
To prevent HTCondor from rewriting outputs from each calculation over each other, _$(year) is appended to the filenames of the log, error, and output files.
Once the job is fully complete, you can check your outputs to see if it worked as expected.
Once the job is fully complete, you can check your outputs to see if it worked as expected.
Filenames as arguments using queue <variable> from <list>
@@ -495,13 +503,17 @@
Filenames as argu
Let’s say we want to perform our analysis on a few countries in the year 2024, but not all. Instead of creating separate submit files from each country, we can utilize HTCondor’s queue <variable> from <list> function.
Create text file called countries.txt. Within it, paste the following:
Create text file called countries.txt. Within it, paste the following:
Create a new submit script, least_squares_list.sub.
Create a new submit script, least_squares_list.sub.
# least_squares_list.sub - an example HTCondor submit file for passing arguments
# Specify your executable and your arguments
@@ -532,13 +544,17 @@
Filenames as argu
In our arguments line, we use the $(country) variable.