Releases: CJNE/pymyenergi
Releases · CJNE/pymyenergi
Version 0.0.23
Handles get and set eddi heater priority correctly
Version 0.0.22
- Include the VERSION file in installation
Version 0.0.21
- a --version argument was added to the CLI, to show you what version you are using
- energy output from CLI was wrong (divided by 1000 twice instead of once)
- -j option for the energy comand will now display the raw json output from jdayhour
- adds heater priority to eddi show
- the priority command for eddi should now work
Version 0.0.20
Experimental support for set and get heater priority (eddi)
Version 0.0.19
Changes related to eddi boosting
Version 0.0.18
- Made the serial argument optional, if not specified all devices of the selected kind will be affected
- Tweaked CLI list and show output
- Added support for trailing spaces in .myenergi.cfg password
Version 0.0.17
Added cli options for eddi:
- mode [normal|stopped]
- boost [time]
Fixed boost_data error
Version 0.0.16
Adds properties for Eddi:
- Temp 1 sensor name and temp
- Temp 2 sensor name and temp
- Active heater
- Priority
- Is boosting
- Boost time remaining
- Unknown (names might change): r1a, r2a, r1b
Method to start boosting and set operating mode (stopped or normal)
Version 0.0.15
- Performance optimization, don't recalculate all total from property getters
- Added voltage_grid and frequency_grid properties to client