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Project Timeline Release Plan

tymoorej edited this page Mar 23, 2019 · 24 revisions

Planned to Release in Part 4

User Story ID Summary Story Points Completed?
US 01.01.01 Owner add books 3 Yes
US 01.03.01 Book statuses 1 Yes
US 01.04.01 Owner view own books 5 Yes
US 01.06.01 Owner view + edit book description 2 Yes
US 01.07.01 Owner delete books 1 Yes
US 02.01.01 Unique user profile 5 Yes
US 02.03.01 Retrieve and show profile 3 Yes
US 03.01.01 Borrower search 8 Yes
US 03.02.01 Borrower search results only show available books 8 Yes
US 04.01.01 Borrower requests book 8 Yes
US 04.02.01 Borrower views requested books 8 Yes
US 04.04.01 Owner view all requests on a book 8 Yes
US 05.01.01 Owner can accept a request 5 Yes
US 05.02.01 Owner can decline a request 5 Yes
US 05.04.01 Borrower view accepted requests 5 Yes
US 06.01.01 Owner book handoff by scanning 13 Yes
US 07.02.01 Owner book return by scanning 13 Yes
US 08.01.01 Owner attach photos to books 8 Yes
US 08.03.01 View attached photos for a book 3 Yes
US 09.01.01 Owner chooses geolocation for handoff 13 Yes

Part 4 total points: 125

Planned to Release in Part 5

User Story ID Summary Story Points Completed?
US 01.02.01 Owner scans book description 13 Yes
US 01.05.01 Owner view list of books filtered by status 5 Yes
US 02.02.01 Edit contact info 2 No
US 04.03.01 Owner notified of request 13 Yes
US 05.03.01 Borrower notified request is accepted 13 Yes
US 06.02.01 Borrower receive book by scanning 13 Yes
US 06.03.01 Borrower views borrowed books 5 Yes
US 07.01.01 Borrower return book by scanning 13 Yes
US 08.02.01 Owner deletes photos attached to book 1 Yes
US 09.02.01 Borrower views geolocation for handoff 8 No
US 10.01.01 See book rating 8 Yes
US 10.02.01 Borrower see owner rating 3 Yes
US 10.03.01 Owner see borrower rating 3 Yes
US 10.04.01 Borrower rate owner 5 No
US 10.05.01 Owner rate borrower 5 No

Part 5 total points: 110

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