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Citybikes Dashboard

This repository provides the starter code files necessary for the CityBikes Dashboard assignment.

The assignment instructions are contained within the instructions.ipynb.

A preview of the final product can be found at

Table of Challenges:

Challenge 0: Setting Up The Repository Locally

Data Loaders:

Challenge 1: Specs for Network Data Loader (network.json.js)

Challenge 1.1: Completing the parse_network function.

Challenge 2: Specs for Stations Data Loader (stations.json.js)

Challenge 2.1: Completing the parse_stations function.


Challenge 3: Specs for CityBikes Dashboard Home Page (

Challenge 3.1: Importing data from the data loaders.

Challenge 3.2: Adding grids and cards with string interpolation.

Challenge 4: Specs for Bike Types Dashboard Page (

Challenge 4.1: Importing data from the data loaders.

Challenge 4.2: Adding a dropdown selector.

Challenge 5: Specs for Station Demand Visualization Page (

Challenge 5.1: Importing data from the data loaders.


Challenge 6: Specs for Station Demand Visualization Component (station-demand-plot.js)

Challenge 6.1: Title

Challenge 6.2: Marks

Challenge 6.3: X-Axis

Challenge 6.4: Y-Axis

Challenge 6.5: Formatting

Challenge 7: Specs for Bike Type Plot Component(bike-type-plot.js)

Challenge 7.1: Title

Challenge 7.2: Marks

Challenge 7.3: X-Axis

Challenge 7.4: Y-Axis

Challenge 7.5: Color


Challenge 8: Deploying Your Dashboard

Challenge 8.1: Setting Up Local Configurations

Challenge 8.2: Deploying the Application

This is an Observable Framework app. To start the local preview server, run:

npm run dev

Then visit http://localhost:3000 to preview your app.

For more, see

Project structure

A typical Framework project looks like this:

├─ src
│  ├─ components
│  │  ├─ bike-type-plot.js      # an importable module
│  │  └─ station-demand-plot.js # an importable module

│  ├─ data
│  │  ├─ network.json.js       # a data loader
│  │  └─ network.json.js       # a data loader
│  ├─     	   # a page
│  ├─        # another page
│  └─                 # the home page
├─ .gitignore
├─ observablehq.config.js      # the app config file
├─ package.json
├─ vercel.json		    # the deployment config file

src - This is the “source root” — where your source files live. Pages go here. Each page is a Markdown file. Observable Framework uses file-based routing, which means that the name of the file controls where the page is served. You can create as many pages as you like. Use folders to organize your pages.

src/ - This is the home page for your app. You can have as many additional pages as you’d like, but you should always have a home page, too.

src/data - You can put data loaders or static data files anywhere in your source root, but we recommend putting them here.

src/components - You can put shared JavaScript modules anywhere in your source root, but we recommend putting them here. This helps you pull code out of Markdown files and into JavaScript modules, making it easier to reuse code across pages, write tests and run linters, and even share code with vanilla web applications.

observablehq.config.js - This is the app configuration file, such as the pages and sections in the sidebar navigation, and the app’s title.

Command reference

Command Description
npm install Install or reinstall dependencies
npm run dev Start local preview server
npm run build Build your static site, generating ./dist
npm run deploy Deploy your app to Vercel
npm run clean Clear the local data loader cache
npm run observable Run commands like observable help