After installing Docker (following the instructions), run the following command in a terminal:
docker run -p 8888:8888 cmustrudel/oss-donations:jupyter
If all goes well, the terminal output should look like this (note, the download only happens once; Docker will store the image locally afterward):
Executing the command: jupyter notebook
To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
Copy the URL with the token into a browser window.
Within the Jupyter server, the actual notebooks are located in oss-donations/src/jupyter_notebooks
. Click on either file to open.
There are 4 notebooks in total, and they can be executed cell-by-cell with the Shift + Enter keyboard command. All cells can also be executed at once by selecting Cell -> Run All
from the top navigation bar. The notebooks include
: generate Figure 1 in paperquantify_saver_vs_spender.ipynb
: quantify the number of open-source projects that save or spend a majority of their moneysaver_spender_examples.ipynb
: generate Figures 5a and 5b in papertypes_of_expenses.ipynb
: generate Figure 6 in paper
After installing Docker (following the instructions), choose a password for the RStudio server user account (replace <your-password-here>
by your chosen password) and run the following command in a terminal:
docker run -e PASSWORD=<your-password-here> -p 8787:8787 cmustrudel/oss-donations:rstudio-regression
If all goes well, the terminal output should look like this (note, the download only happens once; Docker will store the image locally afterward):
Unable to find image 'cmustrudel/oss-donations:rstudio-regression' locally
rstudio-regression: Pulling from cmustrudel/oss-donations
16ea0e8c8879: Pull complete
7ce39da2c1e2: Pull complete
e7408bd3a47d: Pull complete
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
Leave the terminal open and start a brower window pointing to http://localhost:8787
. Log in using rstudio
as user and the password you chose earlier. The editor should open with the donations.Rmd
The R markdown file reproduces all the regression modeling and time series analysis results in the paper (Figures 3 and 4, and Tables 1, 2, and 3), plus some additional related analyses we did not report in the paper. Overall, you can find (1) a census of donation requests on GitHub, (2) an analysis of observable characteristics of projects requesting and receiving donations, and (3) a time-series analysis of donations' effects on project activity.
To see all these analyses, within RStudio open in the donations.Rmd
file, press the "Knit - Knit to HTML" button and wait for an output HTML notebook-style file to be created and displayed (if you get a "popup blocked" message, press "Try again").
As a sanity check, compare the bar plots in Section 2 ("Census") of the HTML file to those in Figure 3 in the paper -- they should be identical.
- HTML Section 3 (Which projects ask for donations within npm?) subsection 3.1 (Compare to random projects) maps to Table 1 (Characteristics of npm projects asking for donations) in the paper.
- HTML Section 5 (Which projects get donations?) subsection 5.1 (Within npm) maps to Table 2 (Characteristics of npm projects receiving donations via Patreon and OpenCollective) in the paper.
- HTML Section 6 (How do project metrics change with funding?) subsection 6.1 (Number of commits) maps to the left-hand side of Table 3 (Commits model) in the paper.
- HTML Section 6 (How do project metrics change with funding?) subsection 6.3 (Issue closing speed) maps to the right-hand side of Table 3 (Issue speed model) in the paper.
Note: some additional manual steps needed to generate the exact format of the tables in the paper are missing from the container.