Causal Biological Network database: BEL-scripted biological networks representing causal signaling pathways
Biological events integrated in the database: cell response to stress, cell proliferation, cell fate (including DNA damage response, autophagy, senescence, apoptosis and necroptosis), tissue repair and angiogenesis, pulmonary inflammatory processes, vascular inflammatory processes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)-specific networks.
- H. sapiens
- M. musculus
- R. norvegicus
- PubMed ID
- GO
- BEL terms
MongoDB with BEL statements (use of triplets)
Causal relations in CBN are defined as BEL statements. A BEL statement represents the data as triplets: a relationship between a subject (abundance or process) and an object (abundance, process or second BEL statements). The following terms are used to express the type of causal relation:
- decreases -|
- directlyDecreases =|
- increases ->
- directlyIncreases =>
- causesNoChange