All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Content of release :
- Added for new features.
- Changed for changes in existing functionality.
- Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
- Removed for now removed features.
- Fixed for any bug fixes.
- Security in case of vulnerabilities.
- Update Readme
- Added Copyright to and harmonized Readme titles
- #818 - [RS CORE MONITORING] Several AUX files are stored on the PRODUCT table.
- #870 - [Rs core Monitoring] Add S3 OL1 & OL2 NRT products to the monitoring
- #890 - [Rs core Monitoring] Added exclusion rule for the ew-l1c, avoiding unnecessary Duplicate flags
- #996 - [Rs core Monitoring] Fixed duplicate Processing queries
- #1016 - [MONITORING] Fixed json mapping for Trace messages that contain quotes
- #735 - [MONITORING] Add information "late" and "duplicate" for each product.
- Set javadoc and comment
- Store in cache processor description for the same configuration to avoid doing same job repeatedly
- Added json entry in application logs, describing the behaviour of the application : entities stored in database, update, unchanged as well as processing and database storage times
- Update configuration file of trace-filter and trace-ingestor to handle s2-l1 processing (#492)
- Remove old behavior on trace parser
- #749 - [BUG] [RS core Monitoring] does not ingest most of the processing.
- #755 - [BUG] [TRACE] [RS core Monitoring] Field "duplicate" not set to "true" when several processing are linked to same chunk or DSIB
- Use OneToOne relation instead of ManyToOne between Product and InputListInternal/OutputList
- Extract leaf for each level of the tree and not only the first one
- Use alternate check to avoid DoS with regex backtracking
- Minor fixes
- Remove archive extension on aux data ingestion trigger/worker and prip worker product configuration
- Use DefaultListableBeanFactory to register new bean configuration instance
- Remove "late" column for product (feature #735)
- #484 - [RS core Monitoring] Handle duplicate production RULE n°3 (PRODUCT contamination)
- #485 - [RS core Monitoring] Handle duplicate production RULE n°4 (PROCESSING contamination)
- Fix build of FINOPS services
- #483 - [RS core Monitoring] Handle duplicate production RULE n°2 (same PRODUCT input)
- #482 - [RS core Monitoring] Handle duplicate production RULE n°1 (CHUNK & DSIB)
- #564 - [MONITORING] Set date fields in the database
- Documentation and
- Code Quality improvements