The trace processor ingests filtered traces in a database.
The application in charge of filtering traces is based on one or more rules. Rules are defined in a YAML configuration file with the following syntax (See Filter config file for a complete example):
name: filter-1
log.trace.task.event: begin
log.trace.output: toto
name: filter-2
log.trace.task.event: begin|end
log.trace.header.type: REPORT
log.trace.task.output[filename_strings]: .*_DSIB\.xml
The configuration file depicts a list of filters to apply where each contains at least one or more rules to check. If we take the case of the above example we have two filters defined named 'filter-1' and 'filter-2'. The first filter contains two rules to check and the second three.
Filters are grouped under the 'filters' property name which is mandatory and starts with a dash followed by the filters definition. A filter is defined by a name and a 'rules' section.
Rules section can be composed of one or more rules. Each rule is a key/value association:
- Keys are 'path' of trace structure where each level is separated by a dot. For example 'log.trace.header.type' key path is associated to 'type' key of the 'header' section of 'trace' structure (for a complete definition of a trace structure, see 'RS Trace format ICD)' .
- Values can be of three type:
- fixed characters (i.e. compression-L0)
- regular expression (i.e. compression-.*)
- multiple value (i.e. compression-.*|generation) separated by a '|' character
Note that all key rules (trace path) are prefixed by 'log.'. This is due to how traces are received by the application. All traces are encapsulated in a 'log' structure.
Some keys defined in the 'RS Trace format' ICD do not define the structure they belong to. The structure is adjustable depending on the application that will produce the trace (Sentinel 1, 2, 3 processor, chunk/dsib ingestion, aux data ingestion, ...) In such structure, the way to reach a key is to use bracket '[]' instead of a dot '.':
- log.trace.task.output[filename_strings]
- log.trace.task.missing_output[product_metadata_custom_object]
To define regular expressions please refer to Java regex. For special characters such as '.', '*' and so on you have to escape them with '\' characters. For example to escape dot and use it as simple character use the following syntax: '.'. The list of special characters is the following:
- \
- .
- ?
- *
- +
- ^
- $
- [
- ]
- (
- )
- {
- }
- !
- :
The application expects to receive traces in string format and encapsulated in a log structure.
The behavior of the filter is to take in the order each filter definition and find if one filter can be associated to the trace. A filter is associated to the trace if all rules can be validated. A rule is valid if the key path exists in the trace structure and if the value correspond to the one available in the trace (if the value defined by the path is null it is considered that the rule does not match). Once a filter matches the trace the others are not checked. If no filter can be associated, the trace is 'sent to the trash'.
Trace filter is also able to detect file changes and reload configuration. Changes are applied on start of a trace check and not during a trace check. File changes are checked every minute. A log is displayed on the console when configuration file is reloaded (Configuration file '' loaded)
Before filters are applied to a trace, the application will first check that the trace is valid. A trace is valid if :
- all required field are set
- the format for date field corresponds to the one defined
- the format for uid field corresponds to the one defined
- fields limited in size do not exceed the quotas.
When a filter matches to a trace, the application sends a message with the trace formatted as an object and the name of the filter applied. If no filter matches the trace, nothing is sent.
To start the application please define the following property 'filter.path'. It indicates where the configuration file is located. If this property is not set or the path is wrong, the application will not start.
Paths must be defined with the following prefix 'file:' (for example 'file:/config/filter.yaml')
Please also define property 'spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers' to indicate the kafka URL server.
If the application does not start/run properly you can set the property '' to 'DEBUG' or 'TRACE' to have details on application execution. If the issue is due to a dependency you can set the property 'logging.level' to 'DEBUG' value to have a dependency log.
The trace ingestor application is intended to 'map' a trace into one or more entites (table record) and storing them into a database. The diagram below describes available entities for mapping:
The application in charge of trace ingestion is based on one or more ingestion strategies. Ingestion strategies are defined in a YAML configuration file with the following syntax (See Filter config file for a complete example):
name: ingestion-1
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_string]
action: FORMAT ^GS2B.+(?|GS2B.+$ %1$s
to: dsib.filename
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: dsib.mission
name: ingestion-2
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_string]
to: chunk.filename
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: chunk.mission
The 'ingestion' section is mandatory and groups all ingestion configurations. An ingestion configuration is defined by:
- name: a name that must match one defined in the filter configuration file (cf. Trace filter configuration).
- mappings: a list of rules to map a trace field to an entity field.
- alias: a list of aliases that is intended to limit relations of an entity with the others.
- duplicate_processings: a list of query to execute under certain conditions to set duplicate processing (recursive action).
A mapping can be configured with the following properties:
Name | Mandatory | Description | Value |
from | x | Path of the value to reach in trace structure (See 'RS Trace form' ICD): -from: log.trace.header.timestamp You can associate path to an alias for later and easy reuse in action property: - from: al1 -> log.trace.header.timestamp It's also possible to define a list of path to use in action property: - from: - al1 -> log.trace.header.timestamp - al2 -> log.trace.task.duration_in_seconds |
a path |
remove_entity_if_null | Do not store entity if value in the trace is null (discard entity creation) | true or false (by default false) | |
action | Indicate an action to execute on retrieved value before setting them in entity | (See below table for the syntax to use and available action) | |
set_value_only_if_null | Set value in entity field symbolized by 'to' property is not already set | true or false (by default false) | |
to | x | Path where to put value in entity structure | a path |
Below table list available actions:
Name | Syntax | Description | Example |
MATCH | MATCH <pattern> <from> | Check value before setting it in entity field. If value does not match the pattern entity is not created. In case of value is an array, keep only those matching the pattern. If target type of the field in entity is an array set matching result as is (even if array is empty). In the other case, create an entity for each value in the array (if array is empty do not create any entity). Available arguments are: - <pattern>: Define a regular expression that the value must match (See Java regex). If value is not an array and does not match to expression, discard entity creation - <from>: Path of the value in trace structure to use in action or the alias associated to. |
MATCH DCS_.+?.raw$ If you retrieve one from value you are not forced to set 'from' value to use. It will automatically retrieve the last value available |
FORMAT | FORMAT <pattern> <format> <from> | Format a value matching to the pattern (must contains capturing group). The FORMAT action has the same behavior than the MATCH action. Available arguments are: - <pattern>: Define a regular expression that the value must match (See Java regex). If value is not an array and does not match to expression, discard entity creation. - <format>: Define a format based on capturing group of the regular expression (See Java formatting) |
FORMAT ^.+(?|.+$ %1$s" If you retrieve one from value you are not forced to set 'from' value to use. It will automatically retrieve the last value available |
SUBTRACT | SUBTRACT ... | Subtract 'from-2' value to 'from-1' value. You can set as many value as you want for 'from-2' argument. Available arguments are: - <from-1>: Reference value to which to subtract (can be a date, double, long or integer type). - <from-2>: value to subtract to 'from-1' value. You can set as many value as you want. this action is able to handle date, double, long and integer type. In case of 'from-1' value is a date: - double is considered as a value in second and can handle precision to nanosecond, - integer is considered as a value in second, - long is considered as a value in second, - date is considered as a value in millisecond If 'from-1' value is other than date type, and 'from-2' value is a date, retrieve value in millisecond. Type of 'from-1' value is conserved and is the one returned. |
- from: - al1 -> log.trace.header.timestamp - al2 -> log.trace.task.duration_in_seconds action: SUBSTRACT al1 al2 |
- Single entity use case
Defining multiple mapping rules for an entity (for example processing) will lead to the creation of only one entity.
name: processing
- from: log.trace.task.status
to: processing.status
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: processing.mission
- from: log.trace.header.level
to: processing.level
- from: log.trace.header.workflow
to: processing.workflow
id | mission | rs_chain_name | rs_chain_version | workflow | level | status | processing_date | end_sensing_date | t0_pdgs_date | duplicate |
13 | S2 | NOMINAL | INFO | false |
- Multi entity use case
It is possible to mix mappings for different entity:
name: chunk and aux_data
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: MATCH DCS_.+?\.raw$
to: chunk.filename
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: chunk.mission
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: MATCH ^([0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])([0-9A-Za-z_])(_(OPER|TEST))?_(AMH_ERRMAT|AMV_ERRMAT|AM__ERRMAT|AUX_CAL|AUX_ICE|AUX_INS|AUX_ITC|AUX_OBMEMC|AUX_PP1|AUX_PP2|AUX_POEORB|AUX_PREORB|AUX_RESORB|AUX_SCF|AUX_SCS|AUX_TEC|AUX_TRO|AUX_WAV|AUX_WND|MPL_ORBPRE|MPL_ORBRES|MPL_ORBSCT|MSK_EW_SLC|MSK__LAND_|MSK_OCEAN_|MSK_OVRPAS)_\w{1,}\.(XML|EOF|SAFE)(/.*)?|(S2)(A|B|_)_(OPER|TEST)_((AUX|GIP)_[0-9A-Z_]{7})(.*)|([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])(\w{1})_((OL|SL|SR|DO|MW|GN|SY|TM|AX)_(0|1|2|_)_\w{4}AX)_(\d{8}T\d{6})_(\d{8}T\d{6})_(\d{8}T\d{6})_(_{17})_(\w{3})_(\w{8})\.(SEN3)\/?(.+)?$
to: aux_data.filename
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: aux_data.mission
- Array use case
In some circumstances if the value extracted in the trace according to 'from' properties is an array and the type of field defined in entity by 'to' properties is not an array, this will lead to the creation of an entity for each value in the array.
name: chunk
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: MATCH DCS_.+?\.raw$
to: chunk.filename
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: chunk.mission
In the following example we also filter array to keep only chunk
id | filename | mission | pickup_point_seen_date | pickup_point_available_date | ingestion_date | catalog_storage_date | custom |
14 | DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch2_DSDB_00002.raw | S2 | |||||
16 | DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch1_DSDB_00001.raw | S2 | |||||
18 | DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch2_DSDB_00001.raw | S2 | |||||
19 | DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch2_DSDB_00003.raw | S2 | |||||
20 | DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch1_DSDB_00002.raw | S2 | |||||
21 | DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch1_DSDB_00003.raw | S2 |
- Array use case and filtering
Defining a 'match' and optionally 'convert' properties on a 'from' properties which describes an array value will filter them and create only an entity for those matching the regular expression.
name: product
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: FORMAT ^GS2B.+(?|GS2B.+$ %1$s
to: product.filename
Array value:
- DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch1_DSDB_00001.raw
- DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch1_DSDB_00002.raw
- DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch1_DSDB_00003.raw
- DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch2_DSDB_00001.raw
- DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch2_DSDB_00002.raw
- DCS_05_S2B_20210927072424023813_ch2_DSDB_00003.raw
- S3A_OL_0_TESTAX_12345678T123456_12345678T123456_12345678T123456___________________123_12345678.SEN3
- GS2B_20170322T000000_013601_N02.05
id | filename | custom | timeliness_name | timeliness_value_seconds | end_to_end_product | duplicate | t0_pdgs_date | prip_storage_date | late |
7 | GS2B_20170322T000000_013601_N02.05 | false | false | false | |||||
8 | GS2B_20170322T000000_013601_N02.06 | false | false | false |
- Null value
In some circumstances, the value extracted on a trace can be null but we don't want to create an entity with such null value. To avoid entity creation with null value for specific field you can use the 'remove_entity_if_null' property. Below configuration give an example of such case:
name: missing_output
- from: log.trace.task.missing_output[product_metadata_custom_object]
remove_entity_if_null: true
to: missing_products.product_metadata_custom
- from: log.trace.task.missing_output[end_to_end_product_boolean]
to: missing_products.end_to_end_product
- from: log.trace.task.missing_output[estimated_count_integer]
to: missing_products.estimated_count
- Overwrite value
By default, if an update is done on an existing entity (already stored in database) applying mapping rule will overwrite existing value in entity. If this behavior is unwanted, you can set 'set_value_only_if_null' property to true to avoid value overwritting in entity:
name: product
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: FORMAT ^GS2B.+(?|GS2B.+$ %1$s
to: product.filename
- from: log.trace.header.timestamp
set_value_only_if_null: true
to: product.first_download_date
The 'product' table stores informations of product that are used as output and/or input of a process. To define in which case a product is used in a processing two additional table exists:
- 'input_list_internal' which is used to store product used as input of a process
- 'output_list' which is used to store product used as output of a process
In the configuration file, the way to indicate that a product entity must be used to reference 'input_list_internal' entity or output_list is to use an alias. The configuration file below gives an example of how to configure such a case:
name: input and output product
- from: log.trace.task.output[filename_strings]
action: MATCH ^.+(?|.+$
convert: "%1$s"
to: output_product.filename
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: FORMAT ^GS2B.+(?|GS2B.+$ %1$s
to: input_product.filename
entity: product
restrict: input_list_internal
entity: product
restrict: output_list
The alias allows to name an entity differently and so add further behavior such as restricting relations with other entity (use of 'restrict' properties). In the above example, all entities that will be created with the 'input_product' alias will be used to create entities for the 'input_list_internal' table. In the other side all entities that will be created with the 'output_product' alias will be used to create entities for the 'output_list' table.
A mapping can be configured with the following properties:
Name | Mandatory | Description | Value |
query | x | Set SQL start point to find processing that must be set as duplicated. The process start before ingesting entity associated to the current trace. | An SQL query (see SQL syntax) |
rules | x | Set of rules that a trace must match to apply query (see trace filter for further details). | true or false (by default false) |
The query property is used to find first processing to set as duplicated and also set the others chained to the first one. A processing is considered duplicated when it match query conditions. Processing are chained by output product (cf. output_list entity) which is the input product (cf. input_list_internal entity) of the next processing. Example:
- query: in (select ile.processing_id from input_list_external ile where ile.external_input_id in <,>)
log.trace.header.rs_chain_name: l0u
- query: in (select ili.processing_id from input_list_internal ili where ili.product_id in <>)
log.trace.header.rs_chain_name: l1c|l1ab|l2
- query: in (select ol.processing_id from output_list ol where ol.product_id in <>)
input_product | rs_chain_name | output_product |
chunk-1, chunk-2, dsib-1 | l0-bis | l0-0,l0-1,l0-2,l0-3,l0-4,l0-5,l0-6,l0-7,l0-8 |
chunk-1, chunk-2, dsib-1 | l0 | l0-0,l0-1,l0-2,l0-3,l0-4,l0-5,l0-6,l0-7,l0-8 |
l0-0,l0-1,l0-2,l0-3,l0-4,l0-5,l0-6,l0-7,l0-8 | l1 | l1-0,l1-1,l1-2,l1-3,l1-4,l1-5,l1-6,l1-7 |
l1-0,l1-1,l1-2,l1-3,l1-4,l1-5,l1-6,l1-7 | l2 | l2-0,l2-1,l2-2 |
l2-0,l2-1,l2-2 | l3 | l3-0,l3-1,l3-2,l3-3,l3-4,l3-5,l3-6,l3-7,l3-8 |
l3-0,l3-1,l3-2,l3-3,l3-4,l3-5,l3-6,l3-7,l3-8 | l4 | l4-0,l4-1,l4-2,l4-3,l4-4,l4-5,l4-6,l4-7,l4-8 |
l4-0,l4-1,l4-2,l4-3,l4-4,l4-5,l4-6,l4-7,l4-8 | l5 | l5-0,l5-1,l5-2,l5-3,l5-4,l5-5,l5-6,l5-7,l5-8 |
l5-0,l5-1,l5-2,l5-3,l5-4,l5-5,l5-6,l5-7,l5-8 | l6 | l6-0,l6-1,l6-2,l6-3,l6-4,l6-5 |
l6-0,l6-1,l6-2,l6-3,l6-4,l6-5 | l7 | l7-0,l7-1,l7-2 |
l7-0,l7-1,l7-2 | l8 | l8-0,l8-1,l8-2,l8-3,l8-4,l8-5,l8-6,l8-7,l8-8 |
l8-0,l8-1,l8-2,l8-3,l8-4,l8-5,l8-6,l8-7,l8-8 | l9 | l9-0,l9-1,l9-2,l9-3,l9-4,l9-5,l9-6,l9-7,l9-8 |
Available queries are:
- in (select ile.processing_id from input_list_external ile where ile.external_input_id in <,>)
- in (select ili.processing_id from input_list_internal ili where ili.product_id in <>)
- in (select ol.processing_id from output_list ol where ol.product_id in <>)
In listed queries, 'input_product' is the alias to identify product used as input of the processing (see alias for further details).
For example with the above table and with the first query, we require to start from input which are chunk or dsib so processing from l0 to l1 will be set as duplicated.
You can customize above queries by adding further conditions to match a specific processing such as the rs chain name (cf field processing.rs_chain_name) and other field attached to processing entity:
- in (select ile.processing_id from input_list_external ile where ile.external_input_id in <,>) and processing.rs_chain_name = 'l0'
For customized query you can set static value as described above or use a value that come from created entity:
- in (select ile.processing_id from input_list_external ile where ile.external_input_id in <,>) and processing.rs_chain_name = <processing.rs_chain_name>
For example with the above table, if processing.rs_chain_name is set to 'l0-bis', all processing except the 'l0' will be set as duplicated
The application expects to receive trace formatted as an object and the name of filter that was applied (needed to retrieve ingestion configuration to apply).
When the application receives a filtered trace it chooses which ingestion configuration to apply by retrieving the name of the filter that was applied.
- Entity related to configured one
Depending on which entity is mapped, the application checks the entities that are in relation with the first ones. If all entities are available to create the related entity the last one will be created during the process. For example if we have the configuration below:
name: processing and input product
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: FORMAT ^GS2B.+(?|GS2B.+$ %1$s
to: input_product.filename
- from: log.trace.task.status
to: processing.status
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: processing.mission
- from: log.trace.header.level
to: processing.level
- from: log.trace.header.workflow
to: processing.workflow
entity: product
restrict: input_list_internal
By configuring mapping for processing and output product entities, the application will also create entities for input_list_internal tables:
At the other side if only mapping for processing or input product is configured, entities for input_list_internal table won't be created.
- Child entities
In the same way, application is also able to detect relations with child and parent tables (subclass in Java world). So by configuring mappings for chunk and processing entities:
name: processing and chunk
- from: log.trace.task.input[filename_strings]
action: MATCH DCS_.+?\.raw$
to: chunk.filename
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: chunk.mission
- from: log.trace.task.status
to: processing.status
- from: log.trace.header.mission
to: processing.mission
- from: log.trace.header.level
to: processing.level
- from: log.trace.header.workflow
to: processing.workflow
The application will also create entities for 'input_list_external' tables because 'chunk' table is a child of 'external_input' table:
The 'external_input' table is the only one that is subclassed in Java world so chunk, dsib and aux_data are the only ones that share behavior described above.
- Entity creation with another one
The last given example is a bit more complex than it seems. In fact, when configuring mapping for chunk entities, mapping for dsib entities is automatically added. The reason why this is done is because such behavior is added programmatically. We know that chunk and dsib share the same root file name so it's easy to create dsib entities by using chunk entities.
Be careful that by letting the application creating dsib entities with chunk entities this won't create input_list_external entities for dsib relations. If you wan't to create input_list_external relation for dsib entities, you have to explicitly configure mapping for dsib entities.
- Entity update
The application is able to update existing entities by checking in database if there is one that exists and replacing fields which are simple values (such as timestamp, varchar, bool, ...) but also to update fields which are complex values (such as jsonb).
For complex values, it's nothing more than a map where you can put new key/value pair or replace a value for an existing key. If you have configured a mapping to modify the root directly it will replace it and not attempt a merge.
Note that if a key already exists and value is an array, the application will systematically add a new value into the existing array (whatever the new value is but do not add duplicate value).
Nevertheless the application is not able to remove a value for a field that is already filled.
- Entity search
To find for an existing entity in database, the application bases its search on fields that are marked as unique. Entities with unique field are the following:
- external_input.filename (applicable for chunk, dsib and aux_data)
- product.filename
To start the application please define the following property 'ingestion.path'. It indicates where configuration file is located. If the property is not set or the path wrong, the application will not start.
Paths must be defined with the following prefix 'file:' (for example file:/config/ingestion.yaml
You also have to define properties related to database access:
- spring.datasource.username
- spring.datasource.password
- spring.datasource.url
spring datasource url must be of the form jdbc:postgresql://<ip>:<port>/<database name>
Please also define property 'spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers' to indicate the kafka URL server