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File metadata and controls

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RS Addon : S2_L2


  • Global requirements are met (See Global readme file).
  • Credentials are available for the MongoDB server
  • Ceph-FS is configured to host the shared storage
  • OBS Buckets are configured for incoming (AUX files and L1c products) and outgoing (L2 products) files
  • A shared volume is accessible and contains the required DEM directories (S2IPF-DEML2, S2IPF-ESACCI)



This rs-addon may be deployed either using the automated process, or manually.
See General installation.

Additional resources

The Additional resources will create:

  • A Kafka topic for communication between internal containers
  • A shared volume to store intermediary products
  • Secrets for the preparation and execution workers


Here are the basic sizing suggestions for the main components:

Resource Preparation Worker Execution Worker
CPU 2000m 8000m
Memory 4Gi 32Gi
Disk size (local) - 500GB
Shared disk size (Ceph) - 500GB


See Stream parameters for a full list with defaults.

Global deployer settings

Prefix: deployer.*.kubernetes

Property Description Default
image-pull-policy k8s image pull policy Always
namespace k8s namespace to deploy to processing

Workers deployer settings

Prefix: deployer.<APP>.kubernetes
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl

Property Description Default (pw-l*) Default (ew-l*)
liveness-probe-delay Probe delay for liveness (seconds) 10 10
liveness-probe-path Probe path for liveness /actuator/health/liveness /actuator/health/liveness
liveness-probe-period Probe interval for liveness (seconds) 60 60
liveness-probe-port Port for liveness probe 8080 8080
liveness-probe-timeout Timeout for liveness (seconds) 60 60
max-terminated-error-restarts Max number of restarts on error 3 3
readiness-probe-delay Probe delay for readiness (seconds) 60 60
readiness-probe-path Probe path for readiness /actuator/health/readiness /actuator/health/readiness
readiness-probe-period Probe interval for readiness (seconds) 60 60
readiness-probe-port Port for readiness probe 8080 8080
readiness-probe-timeout Timeout for readiness (seconds) 20 20
requests.memory Memory requets 1000Mi 2000Mi
limits.memory Memory limit 4000Mi 32000Mi
requests.cpu CPU request 300m 1000m
limits.cpu CPU limit 2000m 8000m
secret-refs Name of the secrets to bind [ s2-l2-mongo, s2-l2-obs ] s2-l2-obs
podSecurityContext Security Context {runAsUser: 1000} {runAsUser: 1000}

Workers volume mounts

Apps: pw-l2

Property Description Default
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volume-mounts List of volume mounts [ { name: shared, mountPath: '/shared' } ]
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volumes List of volume definitions [ { name: shared, persistentVolumeClaim:
{ claimName: 's2-l1-shared', storageClassName: 'ceph-fs' } } ]

Apps: ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl

Property Description Default
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volume-mounts List of volume mounts [ { name: shared, mountPath: '/shared' },
{ name: dem, mountPath: '/dem' } ]
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volumes List of volume definitions [ { name: shared, persistentVolumeClaim:
{ claimName: 's2-l2-shared', storageClassName: 'ceph-fs' } },
{ name: dem, persistentVolumeClaim: { claimName: 's2-dem', storageClassName: 'ceph-fs' } } ]


Prefix: app.s2-l2-filter

Property Description Default Kafka consumer group s2-l2-filter
expression SpEL expression to filter incoming catalog events (payload.missionId=='S2' and
or payload.productFamily=='S2_L1C_TL'
or payload.productFamily=='S2_AUX'))
requests.memory Memory requests 160Mi
limits.memory Memory limit 300Mi
requests.cpu CPU request 512m
limits.cpu CPU limit 600m


Prefix: app.s2-l2-router

Property Description Default Kafka consumer group s2-l2-router
refresh-delay Delay for the refresh of the router script (seconds) 30
script Path to the router script on the local fs file:/etc/router.groovy

Prefix: deployer.s2-l2-router.kubernetes

Property Description Default
volume-mounts Mounted volumes [ {name: script, mountPath: '/etc/router.groovy', subPath: 'router.groovy' } ]
volumes Volumes definition [ {name: script, configmap: { name: s2-l2-router-script } } ]
requests.memory Memory requests 160Mi
limits.memory Memory limit 300Mi
requests.cpu CPU request 400m
limits.cpu CPU limit 600m

OBS settings

Prefix: app.<APP>.obs
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl

Property Description Default
endpoint Endpoint for OBS connection
region OBS Region eu-west-0
maxConcurrency Maximum number of concurrent network connections 50
maxThroughput Maximum throughput for OBS transfers (Gb) 10
minimumPartSize Minimum part size for multipart transfers (MB) 5
maxRetries Maximum number of retries on error 3
downloadTimeout Timeout in minutes for download operations 15
uploadTimeout Timeout in minutes for upload operations 15
bucket.auxBucket Name of the OBS bucket containing AUX files rs-s2-aux
bucket.l1DSBucket Name of the OBS bucket containing L1 DS files rs-s2-l1
bucket.l1TLBucket Name of the OBS bucket containing L1 TL files rs-s2-l1
bucket.l2DSBucket Name of the OBS bucket containing L2 DS files rs-s2-l2
bucket.l2TLBucket Name of the OBS bucket containing L2 TL files rs-s2-l2
bucket.l2TCBucket Name of the OBS bucket containing L2 TC files rs-s2-l2

Cleanup setting

Prefix: app.<APP>.cleanup
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl

Property Description Default
localEnabled Enable cleaning up the local workspace folder true
sharedEnabled Enable cleaning up old folders on the shared filesystem true
12 Number of hours after which folder on the shared filesystem are considered expired 12

Kafka settings

Prefix: app.<APP>.spring
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl

Property Description Default (pw-l*) Default (ew-l*)
kafka.bootstrap-servers URL of Kafka server kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap
.infra.svc.cluster.local:9092 URL of Kafka server kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap
.infra.svc.cluster.local:9092 Enable automatic topic creation true true Max poll interval (ms) - 14400000 Max number of records per poll - 1 Enable dlq mechanism true true Name of the dlq topic error-warning error-warning Poll timeout for the Kafka consumer 5 5 Max number of retries for the consumer 1 1 Name of the Kafka consumer group s2-l2-<APP> s2-l2-<APP>


Prefix: app.<APP>.catalog
Apps: pw-l2

Property Description Default
url URL for the Metadata Catalog http://rs-metadata-catalog-searchcontroller-svc
timeout Timeout for Catalog connections (seconds) 5


Prefix: app.<APP>.mongo
Apps: pw-l2

Property Description Default
authenticationDatabase Authentication database admin
database Name of the database to use s1-l2-<APP>
port Port for connection 27017
host Server url mongodb-0.mongodb-headless.database.svc.cluster.local


Prefix: app.<APP>
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl

Property Description Default Name of the profile to run with (prod or dev) prod

Preparation workers

Apps: pw-l2

Property Description Default Path to the shared folder for L1 working files /shared

Execution workers

Prefix: app.<APP>.ps2;
Apps: ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl

Property Description Default
sharedFolderRoot Path to the shared folder for L1 working files /shared
demFolderRoot Path to the folder for DEM files /dem
maxParallelTasks Maximum number of parallel processing tasks 8