- Global requirements are met (See Global readme file).
- Credentials are available for the MongoDB server
- Ceph-FS is configured to host the shared storage
- OBS Buckets are configured for incoming (AUX files and L1c products) and outgoing (L2 products) files
- A shared volume is accessible and contains the required DEM directories (S2IPF-DEML2, S2IPF-ESACCI)
This rs-addon may be deployed either using the automated process, or manually.
See General installation.
The Additional resources will create:
- A Kafka topic for communication between internal containers
- A shared volume to store intermediary products
- Secrets for the preparation and execution workers
Here are the basic sizing suggestions for the main components:
Resource | Preparation Worker | Execution Worker |
CPU | 2000m | 8000m |
Memory | 4Gi | 32Gi |
Disk size (local) | - | 500GB |
Shared disk size (Ceph) | - | 500GB |
See Stream parameters for a full list with defaults.
Prefix: deployer.*.kubernetes
Property | Description | Default |
image-pull-policy | k8s image pull policy | Always |
namespace | k8s namespace to deploy to | processing |
Prefix: deployer.<APP>.kubernetes
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl
Property | Description | Default (pw-l*) | Default (ew-l*) |
liveness-probe-delay | Probe delay for liveness (seconds) | 10 | 10 |
liveness-probe-path | Probe path for liveness | /actuator/health/liveness | /actuator/health/liveness |
liveness-probe-period | Probe interval for liveness (seconds) | 60 | 60 |
liveness-probe-port | Port for liveness probe | 8080 | 8080 |
liveness-probe-timeout | Timeout for liveness (seconds) | 60 | 60 |
max-terminated-error-restarts | Max number of restarts on error | 3 | 3 |
readiness-probe-delay | Probe delay for readiness (seconds) | 60 | 60 |
readiness-probe-path | Probe path for readiness | /actuator/health/readiness | /actuator/health/readiness |
readiness-probe-period | Probe interval for readiness (seconds) | 60 | 60 |
readiness-probe-port | Port for readiness probe | 8080 | 8080 |
readiness-probe-timeout | Timeout for readiness (seconds) | 20 | 20 |
requests.memory | Memory requets | 1000Mi | 2000Mi |
limits.memory | Memory limit | 4000Mi | 32000Mi |
requests.cpu | CPU request | 300m | 1000m |
limits.cpu | CPU limit | 2000m | 8000m |
secret-refs | Name of the secrets to bind | [ s2-l2-mongo, s2-l2-obs ] | s2-l2-obs |
podSecurityContext | Security Context | {runAsUser: 1000} | {runAsUser: 1000} |
Apps: pw-l2
Property | Description | Default |
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volume-mounts | List of volume mounts | [ { name: shared, mountPath: '/shared' } ] |
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volumes | List of volume definitions | [ { name: shared, persistentVolumeClaim: { claimName: 's2-l1-shared', storageClassName: 'ceph-fs' } } ] |
Apps: ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl
Property | Description | Default |
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volume-mounts | List of volume mounts | [ { name: shared, mountPath: '/shared' }, { name: dem, mountPath: '/dem' } ] |
deployer.<APP>.kubernetes.volumes | List of volume definitions | [ { name: shared, persistentVolumeClaim: { claimName: 's2-l2-shared', storageClassName: 'ceph-fs' } }, { name: dem, persistentVolumeClaim: { claimName: 's2-dem', storageClassName: 'ceph-fs' } } ] |
Prefix: app.s2-l2-filter
Property | Description | Default |
spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input.group | Kafka consumer group | s2-l2-filter |
expression | SpEL expression to filter incoming catalog events | (payload.missionId=='S2' and (payload.productFamily=='S2_L1C_DS' or payload.productFamily=='S2_L1C_TL' or payload.productFamily=='S2_AUX')) |
requests.memory | Memory requests | 160Mi |
limits.memory | Memory limit | 300Mi |
requests.cpu | CPU request | 512m |
limits.cpu | CPU limit | 600m |
Prefix: app.s2-l2-router
Property | Description | Default |
spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input.group | Kafka consumer group | s2-l2-router |
refresh-delay | Delay for the refresh of the router script (seconds) | 30 |
script | Path to the router script on the local fs | file:/etc/router.groovy |
Prefix: deployer.s2-l2-router.kubernetes
Property | Description | Default |
volume-mounts | Mounted volumes | [ {name: script, mountPath: '/etc/router.groovy', subPath: 'router.groovy' } ] |
volumes | Volumes definition | [ {name: script, configmap: { name: s2-l2-router-script } } ] |
requests.memory | Memory requests | 160Mi |
limits.memory | Memory limit | 300Mi |
requests.cpu | CPU request | 400m |
limits.cpu | CPU limit | 600m |
Prefix: app.<APP>.obs
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl
Property | Description | Default |
endpoint | Endpoint for OBS connection | https://oss.eu-west-0.prod-cloud-ocb.orange-business.com |
region | OBS Region | eu-west-0 |
maxConcurrency | Maximum number of concurrent network connections | 50 |
maxThroughput | Maximum throughput for OBS transfers (Gb) | 10 |
minimumPartSize | Minimum part size for multipart transfers (MB) | 5 |
maxRetries | Maximum number of retries on error | 3 |
downloadTimeout | Timeout in minutes for download operations | 15 |
uploadTimeout | Timeout in minutes for upload operations | 15 |
bucket.auxBucket | Name of the OBS bucket containing AUX files | rs-s2-aux |
bucket.l1DSBucket | Name of the OBS bucket containing L1 DS files | rs-s2-l1 |
bucket.l1TLBucket | Name of the OBS bucket containing L1 TL files | rs-s2-l1 |
bucket.l2DSBucket | Name of the OBS bucket containing L2 DS files | rs-s2-l2 |
bucket.l2TLBucket | Name of the OBS bucket containing L2 TL files | rs-s2-l2 |
bucket.l2TCBucket | Name of the OBS bucket containing L2 TC files | rs-s2-l2 |
Prefix: app.<APP>.cleanup
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl
Property | Description | Default |
localEnabled | Enable cleaning up the local workspace folder | true |
sharedEnabled | Enable cleaning up old folders on the shared filesystem | true |
12 | Number of hours after which folder on the shared filesystem are considered expired | 12 |
Prefix: app.<APP>.spring
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl
Property | Description | Default (pw-l*) | Default (ew-l*) |
kafka.bootstrap-servers | URL of Kafka server | kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap .infra.svc.cluster.local:9092 |
kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap .infra.svc.cluster.local:9092 |
cloud.stream.kafka.binder.brokers | URL of Kafka server | kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap .infra.svc.cluster.local:9092 |
kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap .infra.svc.cluster.local:9092 |
cloud.stream.kafka.binder.auto-create-topics | Enable automatic topic creation | true | true |
cloud.stream.kafka.binder.consumer-properties.max.poll.interval.ms | Max poll interval (ms) | - | 14400000 |
cloud.stream.kafka.binder.consumer-properties.max.poll.records | Max number of records per poll | - | 1 |
cloud.stream.kafka.bindings.input.consumer.enable-dlq | Enable dlq mechanism | true | true |
cloud.stream.kafka.bindings.input.consumer.dlq-name | Name of the dlq topic | error-warning | error-warning |
cloud.stream.kafka.bindings.input.consumer.poll-timeout | Poll timeout for the Kafka consumer | 5 | 5 |
cloud.stream.bindings.input.consumer.max-attempts | Max number of retries for the consumer | 1 | 1 |
cloud.stream.bindings.input.group | Name of the Kafka consumer group | s2-l2-<APP> | s2-l2-<APP> |
Prefix: app.<APP>.catalog
Apps: pw-l2
Property | Description | Default |
url | URL for the Metadata Catalog | http://rs-metadata-catalog-searchcontroller-svc .processing.svc.cluster.local:8080 |
timeout | Timeout for Catalog connections (seconds) | 5 |
Prefix: app.<APP>.mongo
Apps: pw-l2
Property | Description | Default |
authenticationDatabase | Authentication database | admin |
database | Name of the database to use | s1-l2-<APP> |
port | Port for connection | 27017 |
host | Server url | mongodb-0.mongodb-headless.database.svc.cluster.local |
Prefix: app.<APP>
Apps: pw-l2, ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl
Property | Description | Default |
spring.profiles.active | Name of the profile to run with (prod or dev) | prod |
Apps: pw-l2
Property | Description | Default |
app.pw-l1s.pw.sharedFolderRoot | Path to the shared folder for L1 working files | /shared |
Prefix: app.<APP>.ps2;
Apps: ew-l2-ds, ew-l2-tl
Property | Description | Default |
sharedFolderRoot | Path to the shared folder for L1 working files | /shared |
demFolderRoot | Path to the folder for DEM files | /dem |
maxParallelTasks | Maximum number of parallel processing tasks | 8 |