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203 lines (163 loc) · 9.93 KB

File metadata and controls

203 lines (163 loc) · 9.93 KB

CS559 Theme

A theme created by Michael Gleicher to make a class web page. Over time, it evolved to also do my home page, so there is a lot of stuff specific to that.

This builds on the "MainRoad" theme - it needs to be "mixed in" to that the config.toml file, have the line.

Note: usually, we will also have a "semester theme" that has information common between the workbook and the semester class. For spring 22, this is "sp22".

theme = ["spxx","559Theme","mainroad"]

and make sure that spxx, mainroad and 559Theme are in the themes directory

  • New variables for tuning:
    • noheader - set to true on a page to skip the header (default/baseof.html) - this was meant to allow the home page to look different
    • myreadmore - true (by default) for a less obnoxious read me in a summary (and a link if the summary is the whole page)

Changes (not exhaustive):

  • Add Section summaries to page list summaries (default/list.html)
  • Add lunr search (content/lunr-search, widgets/lunr, index.json)
  • A taglist for post_meta
  • Put the logo in the header (assets/svg, partials/header)
  • New widgets
    • lunr (search box - sends things to the lunr page where the work happens)
    • toc (puts a toc in the sidebar)
    • links (puts a link list page - must be content/widgetlinks - be sure to create widgetlinks)
    • allpages (makes a list of all pages in a site - not sure how to scope it correctly, probably not that valuable)
    • archive (puts a message that this is an archived class - be sure to set Site.Params.Archive and Site.Params.Archivenote)
    • recents (useful thing from other blog-like themes) - mainroad has this built in, but we use a separate list of sections to pull from
    • toc (puts the toc in a widget - which can be a useful place for it)
    • important - makes a list of important pages (uses a site parameter "ImportantPages")
    • thisweek - puts a "this week" page in the sidebar
  • change the footer credits (i18n/en)
  • SASS friendly CSS loading (baseof)
  • multiple built in CSS files (baseof)
  • less obnoxious read more (summary.html) (set myreadmore to true)
  • shortcodes (note that mainroad doesn't provide any!)
    • allpages (makes a list of all pages)
    • anchorlink
    • assetlink
    • bold-red (makes a span with a boldred class)
    • comment (comments out something)
    • content (includes the content of another page inline)
    • content (inserts the content of another page)
    • dimbox (makes a dimbox div)
    • expand (puts text into an expander)
    • figure (improved on the Hugo figure to allow for rsrc parameters)
    • htmllink (shows the HTML of a reference - gives the whole link)
    • includemd (includes a markdown file - which is not a page)
    • inline (includes another page in place - uses a special style template)
    • leftpic (puts a picture to the left of text)
    • link (makes a relref link - and gets the page title)
    • linkit (probably could be deprecated)
    • listtoc (makes a table of contents for a list page)
    • listtoc (puts a table of contents in place in a document, rather than at the top)
    • mailto
    • mikes-notes (basically makes a section of markdown like a comment)
    • mini (like a tease, but puts the whole page content - has its own layout)
    • pages (like link, but goes into pages)
    • (put a page resource image into markdown)
    • (makes a link to a page resource)
    • resource-svg (puts an SVG file in place - allows for showing the code)
    • (include a markdown snippet from assets/snippets/*.md)
    • static (generates a link to a static object)
    • tableofcontents (does the regular table of contents, inline)
    • teasehtml
    • teaser (put a page summary in place)
    • tooltip (make a rich "markdown" tooltip)
    • url (makes a link to a URL with the URL as the text)
  • pagination of sections is improved
    • pagination controls has first/last
    • section pages can control paginate and top_pagination (this is per section)
      • but there is a site default (for top_pagination)
    • lists show subsections, not just pages (hacky right now)
  • switch the "expand" shortcode to use HTML details (see book)
  • footer uses lastmod (good with git - be sure to turn on git)
  • header hard codes wisc styling and logo
  • sections for talks and videos (and other collection of objects)
    • some attempts for unification
    • put "visual_summary" as a page parameter (to true) to get it
  • the header (logo.html) is different than mainroad - to get the spacing right (vertical alignment)
  • some colors and stylings are changed in styles.css - done since styles.css got converted to scss
  • copyrightdate

New Section Variables

  • visual_summary - uses a format for talks/videos where everything has a place for a thumbnail and links to the various assets are shown

New Page Variables

  • redirect - give a URL that directs to a newer version of the page (for next year) - useful for tutorials and things where pages are updated and we want to go to the newer version
  • resourcethumb - allows you to give a thumbnail that is a page resource/ this is resized (based on videosize)

Using Links

The link short code makes a link to a page - looking the page up and getting its title. The (optional) second parameter is the anchor on the page. If you want to give a page title (rather than looking it up), it is better to just use the regular markdown notation.

Link uses .Site.GetPage to find the page - so the string parameter is the "page name" the file name should work. But, often it will say that things are ambiguous if the path isn't in the same directory. It never hurts to give a full path "/foo/bar" (with the leading slash). This confuses me all the time. I have no idea why sometimes it works, and other times it does not.

One thing to beware of (it drives me nuts): if a tag or category has the same name as a page, there can be the potential for name ambiguities. Beware.

New UW Theme Based Design

  • change between old and new by using themestyle = "new" or "old" in config.toml
  • update miscellaneous parameters to the website such as color, headers, backgrounds, using config.toml in the 559Theme directory
  • config.toml theme parameters:
    • highlightColor: color that lights up on hovers and other miscellaneous places on website
    • uwred: basic dark red color for UW
    • fontSans: sans font used in secondaryFontFamily, used in headings and sidebar
    • fontMono: font used in primaryFontFamily, used for body text
    • bodyFontSize: size of body text
    • containerWidth: width of container for website
    • headerColor: color for headers
    • figColor: color of figure caption text
    • codeBackground: color of background on code
    • codeBorder: style of border around code
    • codeColor: text color for pre
    • logoColor: color of logo text
    • taglineColor: color of tagline text
    • menuListColor: background color of menu and submenu
    • hoverTextColor: color of menu text upon hover
    • submenuBorderTop: color for border on top of submenu
    • tocSubheadingColor: color for table of contents subheading
    • authorboxBorder: styling for authorbox border
    • nextBtnColor: text color for next pagination button
    • nextBtnBack: background color for next pagination button
    • paginItemColor: text color for pagination items
    • paginItemBack: background color for pagination items
    • sidebarLinkUnderline: toggle between having underline when hovering on sidebar items for the "old" style

Known bugs / missing features

  • it might be better to make this separate / different from my home page, since they have different uses/needs
  • pagination is set per page, but top_paginate is global
  • I don't know why the section thing works now (the way mainroad does it does not seem different)
  • make an integrated css (using sass)
  • mathjax should include the cool hack that allows us to quote math (see the workbook theme)
  • the new mainroad includes better logo support - revisit how header.html works
  • mainroad doesn't seem to work if the root page is - it has to be
    • workaround: use but make the mainSections in config.toml not have any posts
  • lunr search doesn't check page titles (which would be really useful) - although the code seems to say that it does
  • this is still heavily dependent on mainroad - it would be nice to remove that dependence
  • paginator could use better icons
  • menu active tabs seems to not completely work
  • base URLs are still required for the search to work

startup process

  • hugo new site
  • git init
  • git submodule add themes/mainroad
  • git submodule add themes/559Theme
  • git submodule init
  • git submodule update
  • create a hugo.toml file (config.toml was the old way in hugo)
  • create a content/ - width headless:true

These GIT incantations help keep the subrepos on track if you care about that:

  • git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master

things for the config.toml file

Use both themes: look in 559Theme first

theme = ["559Theme","mainroad"]

Generate multiple outputs so we can use Lunr:

home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]

This is important so that we render HTML in the markdown:

unsafe= true

You do need to either set baseURL or use hugo --baseURL even if everything uses relative paths, as the index.json (used for text search) does not.

There's also a weird thing with baseURL for GitHub pages - so you probably need to set the Params.errorBase to the "real" baseURL (especially when baseURL is "")

for the talks and videos

In general, assets get linked automatically if they are page resources.

However: you might want to put assets in an external directory. Use the extpdfs (or similar) page properties to give the link.

  • the the link doesn't have "http" in it, it is assumed that it is in the assetStore link (directory) from Site.Params


This is based heavily on mainroad, including using some pieces as a base to hack on.

To comply with the mainroad license, this theme is also released GPL.