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Welcome to CYD-poolen

CYD-poolen is a computer lab for students attending the programs C, Y, D, IT and Ling (Di and Ei) at Linköping University. There is a complete list of which programs that have access to CYD-poolen. CYD-poolen aims to provide the best possible service to all students with access to the lab.

CYD-poolen is located in house B. The simplest way to get here is to use entrance B27 and follow the corridor straight ahed until you get to the C corridor (the third one). Take right and move into the C corridor, and at the left side you will find CYD-poolen.

CYD-poolen status overview


2014-05-26 We have updated the picture over available computers

It now includes the new computers and it should be more responsive.

If you notice something wrong with it - please contact [email protected]

2014-03-31 CYD-poolens new authentication system

CYD-poolen is now using a new authentication system. We have also pushed a new Windows 7 image with updated software and some added software.

Your home folder is now hosted by LiU at Your CYD-poolen files can be accessed from the drive X: under "Computer". In a near future these files will be migrated to your LiU-folder.

New additions to our software library include, among others:

Unity 3D Qt Creator Brixcc

If something in our new system doesn't live up to your expectations - please contact [email protected].

2014-03-17 CYD is back up!

After a day´of downtime due to a broken switch, we're glad to say that CYD is back!

We would like to thank our friends at ISY for lending us a switch and helping us to configure it. Helpful and really good at what they're doing - as always when it comes to TUS@ISY.

2014-03-08 CYD-poolens new authentication system

There are now four new computers in CYD-poolen. These computers are part of CYD-poolens new system for authenticating users against the LiU directory of users. If you sit by these computers and notice something isn't right - please report to [email protected] as always.

We are always interested in what you all think about CYD.

2013-12-17 Matlab on

You can now use matlab on

Try it out by using the command matlab


2013-11-28 Remote login page updated

We have updated the Remote login webpage, please send a email if you have any comment.


2013-10-01 Planned maintanence in CYD

Web pages hosted in CYD will be down between 19-20 at Tuesday 1st October in order to upgrade our virtualization platform.


2013-09-17 Printer problems?

Don't fret, you're definitely not alone in that. For some, printing through the web interface [0] solves the issues.


2013-08-04 accepts logins again

Problem solved!

2013-08-04 does not accept logins

At the moment does not accept logins. We are working to solve the problem.

2013-07-08 New hardware in CYD

We've replaced all the old Core 2 Duo systems with new Intel Core i7 3770 systems and upgraded all systems with SSD. Welcome to CYD, the fastest computer lab on LiU!

2013-05-13 Access ISY home folder from CYD

Great news everyone!

You can now access your ISY/MAI/IFM home folder from CYD-poolen. That means you can access all your files from labs.

Access it under Start-menu > Computer and then the drive marked Y:

This also works on

2013-05-08 X-forwarding now available on

You can now log on to and use programs that run with a graphical user interface. To try it out - give ssh the flag -X and then start a program with a GUI. If a program you want isn't installed - don't hesitate to email [email protected] and ask for it.


ssh -X [email protected]

gedit &

2013-04-20 Unplanned system maintainance.

Due to unforseen consequences there will be unplanned system maintanance for webbpages and SSH-shell server in CYD-poolen, Saturday 20/4 between 12:00 and 13:00.

Web pages hosted at CYD will be experiencing downtime. Workstations in CYD will NOT be affected.

We apologize for the inconvienience.


2013-01-21 You can now access your central LiU-homefolder from CYD-poolen.

That means that you can access files that you have saved there while working on other institutions. To access your central home folder - go to the Start-menu > Computer and then the drive Z:.

You can also reach this folder when login on to thru ssh. The folder is located at ~/


2013-01-06 Printing now works in CYD-poolen

LiU-IT have installed another print-system. Printing from CYD-poolens' computers should work correctly .

If you're experiencing problems - please contact [email protected] for assistance.


2012-12-07 Trouble with LiUs new print system

LiU-IT has informed us that the print system is down. Thereby you can't print from CYD-poolen (nor from anywhere on LiU).

See information in Swedish from the CIO at LiU, Joakim Nejdeby, below.


"Under den gånga veckan har vi haft upprepade störningar i vårt utskriftssystem. Problemen har dessutom accelererat fram till idag. Vi beklagar detta och de besvär det ställer till för er. Vi kan försäkra er om att LiU vidtar alla åtgärder som går för att säkerställa en fungerande lösning. Vi står i ständig kontakt med vår leverantör och våra egna tekniker jobbar för fullt för att avhjälpa problemen.

"Vi är väl medvetna om att det, mot bakgrund av att utskriftstjänsten är spridd till stora delar av universitetet, skapar stora problem för er verksamhet när tjänsten utan förvarning uteblir. Vi förstår och beklagar naturligtvis också den belastning produktionsbortfallen innebär för universitetets IT-funktion och den stress det medför för era medarbetare." skriver Michael Persson, Försäljningschef på Konica Minolta i en kommentar till LiU.

I detta läge finns tyvärr ingen förväntad tidpunkt då problemen är avhjälpta, men arbetet med att hitta en lösning kommer fortgå under helgen och ny information ges under måndagen den 10:e december."

2012-11-28: back up

2012-11-28: down for maintainance

The server will have downtime due to maintanance in a near future. /sysadmin

2012-11-23: Printer Edla hits retirement

At Monday 26/11 CYD-poolen will get a new printer. Edla (current printer) will be replaced in favor of Fiskgjusen-LiU4. When printing in CYD-poolen - please use Fiskgjusen-LiU4 or printAnywhere.

2012-10-06: CYD-poolen söker en systemadministratör

Är du intresserad av att arbeta med systemen i CYD-poolen? Sök då tjänsten som systemadministratör.

Mer information i om tjänsten och jobbansökan finns här.

2012-08-07: Computers in CYD-poolen currently offline (Resolved)

We are aware of a problem logging in to the CYD-poolen computers and we're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. The issue is estimated to be resolved by Thursday (2012-08-09) morning.

2012-08-08: This issue has been resolved.

2012-06-13: Important information about power outage 3/8 - 4/8

"Akademiska hus", the owner of the B-building, has scheduled a power outage for maintenance saturday, august 4 between 0700 and 0900. The power outage affects the entire B building. ISY will be combing this outage with necessary service in the server room, and therefore all servers and workstations of CYD-poolen will be offline for and extended period of time:

  • Start: Friday 3 august at 1300
  • End: Saturday 4 august at 1200


Repainting of CYD pool's computer section will take place during week 24 and 25 (2012-06-11 - 2012-06-21).

May 16th is the last support day this semester due to early re-exam period and exam period.


Woah. CYD-poolen has a brand new home page, fyeah. More information about CYD coming.


No support this week because of exam period.


The server hardware maintenance went well. All services are restored.


CYD-poolen will be offline for approximately two hours starting at 2012-01-22 10:00 due to server hardware maintenance. Local and remote logins will not be possible and websites hosted will be down during this time.


CYD-poolen is now upgraded, please read.

We have now upgraded all the computers to Windows 7. You can logon as usual and should hopefully not notice any big changes.

Since an upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 is not supported by Microsoft, we had to move your old files. To access them, use the library "Documents (XP)" or "Desktop (XP)" located on the left pane in any explorer window.

Your web-files have also been moved. If you are using a workstation, you find them at W:. If you are logging in remotely using you find them at /www/<username>/htdocs. Your web content is accessible at<username>

Also, since the scanner lacks 64-bit drivers it has been removed. We will try to order a new one shortly.


Adobe Photoshop is installed on the following computers:

  • CYD48: Photoshop CS5
  • CYD49: Photoshop CS5
  • CYD50: Photoshop CS5
  • CYD51: Photoshop CS5
  • CYD52: Photoshop CS5
  • CYD31: Photoshop CS4
  • CYD32: Photoshop CS4
  • CYD33: Photoshop CS4
  • CYD34: Photoshop CS4
  • CYD59: Photoshop CS4

2011-07-24 is now back up.

2011-07-23 are down for the moment, we are working on bringing it back up as soon as possible.


The lunch area in CYD-poolen will be closed during week 16 (April 18 to April 24) due to repainting. New furnitures will be delivered during week 17.


Adobe CS5 Design Standard is installed on the following computers: CYD62, CYD63, CYD64, CYD65 and CYD45.


The old homepage can be reached at Be aware that information there may no longer be correct.


Adobe CS4 Design Standard is installed on the following computers: CYD51, CYD58, CYD59, CYD60 and CYD61.


You can now use for remote logins over SSH.