CAMPR CHANGELOG September 15, 2020 FIXED Issue 135 Assigning project user to department Issue 136 Cost chart by Phase not displayed 1.2 CAMPR RELEASE September 10, 2020 NEW Issue 63 Duplicate a project based on an existing project Issue 65 Jitsi Meet integration FIXED Issue 47 Create new projects with regular user role Issue 58 Sorting entries in ASCI matrix Issue 64 Todos, Descisions, Infos Issue 67 Status Report - Project condition interaction with trend chart Issue 69 Missing Label SECURITY Issue 50 User email notification after creating a task Issue 52 User email notification after sending meeting notification ENHANCEMENT Issue 51 Email notification text Issue 55 Setting avatar in user profile settings Issue 56 Project duration Issue 57 Defining default modules at very small projects Issue 59 Data transfer from Project Wizard into Project Contract Issue 60 RASCI - Change of role 'Task Responsible' Issue 61 Link to GitHub and youtube Issue 62 Assigment of new tasks to Project Phase 1.1 CAMPR RELEASE July 01, 2020 NEW English and German tutorials completed and added to youtube