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title: Meet, Python! content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

World's easiest and arguably most powerful programming language.

title: Who uses Python? content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

and many, many more. . .

title: Quick feature check class: fill

  • Very-high-level, interpreted, loosely and dynamically typed, object-oriented

  • Clean, readable syntax

  • Comfortable level of abstraction, automatic memory management

  • Does not force object orientation

  • Extensive collection of standard modules, great community support

  • Can be, and is, used for a large number of application types

  • Easily extensible, plays nice with applications written in other programming languages

  • Easy to learn, get started, and build things, has common sense

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered


This is a title with the event branding.

title: Common Sense? class: fill

#include <iostream>
using namespace std; 
int main()
cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
    return 0;
public class HelloWorld {
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		System.out.println("Hello, world!");
How about, NO.

title: Common Sense! class: fill

print "Hello, World!"

  • Clean, comprehensible syntax.
  • No braces. Uses tab spaces as delimiters.

Impressed already?

title: Ready to hack? class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Set up Python on your computer.
Fire up the interpreter.

$ python
Start > Python27 > IDLE --- title: Look, we have a calculator! class: fill

Your Python shell can be used to do some real quick calculations. Don't reach out for your calculator ever again.

>>> 3 + 2
>>> 98 - 56
>>> (60 - 57) * 11
>>> (124 - 88) / 9

Looks cool, huh?

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered


title: Operators, numbers and variables class: fill

>>> 57 / 8					# integer division by default
>>> 57.0 / 8				# coercion to float division
>>> PI = 3.14				# PI is a variable
>>> r = 2.5
>>> area = 2 * PI * r**2	# ** is used for exponentiation
>>> area
>>> x = 1
>>> y = z = 5				# multiple variable assignment
>>> X + y * z
Traceback (most recent call last):		# Drats! We have an error!
  File "<input>", line 1, in 
NameError: name 'X' is not defined		# variables are case-sensitive!
>>> x + y * z

title: Imaginary numbers too! class: fill

Complex numbers : real + imag j

>>> z = 4 + 2j
>>> z
(4+2j)				# complex number tuple
>>> z.real			# property
>>> z.imag
>>> z.conjugate()	# method
>>> abs(z)			# abs() is a built-in method in Python

title: Some nifty functions class: fill

>>> x, y = 42, 6.9	# multiple inline assignments
>>> float(x)		# converts to floating point
>>> int(y)			# converts to an integer
>>> round(y)		# rounds off to the nearest integral number, returns a float
>>> long(x)			# converts to long int
>>> max(x, y)
>>> min(x, y, 0, -3)

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered


title: Let's print something! class: fill

>>> 'CampusHash'
>>> "Hello, world!"
'Hello, world!'
>>> "And then everyone shouted, 'We love CampusHash!'"		# nested quotes
"And then everyone shouted, 'We love CampusHash!'"
>>> 'I said, "Well, that\'s great."'				# escaping with \
>>> person, emotion, thing = "Minions", "love", "banana"
>>> person+emotion+thing
>>> person + ' ' + emotion + ' ' + thing + '.'
'Minions love banana.'
>>> thing * 5

title: Let's 'print' something! class: fill

>>> print 'Gru'
>>> movie = 'Despicable Me'
>>> movie
'Despicable Me'
>>> print movie
Despicable Me		# no quotes!
  • print is not a function. It is an operator.
  • Anything that you operate print on, will be printed to the standard output.

title: Anatomy of a String class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Tip : Google for 'Monty Python's Flying Circus'.

title: Not just your regular String class: fill

  • There is no char in Python. Only str.
  • Strings are immutable, i. e., they cannot be changed.
  • Strings support splicing.
  • Lots of in-built methods and properties to operate on strings.
>>> name = "Minion"
>>> name[3]
>>> name[3] = 'x'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in 
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
>>> name[::-1]		# This one's magic!


class: nobackground
content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Data Structures: Lists

--- title: class: fill content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

List is a compund datatype.

It is analogous to an array. --- title: Lists - Feature Check class: fill - Lists are collections of items (strings, integers, or even other lists). - Each item in the list has an assigned index value. - Lists are enclosed in [ ]. - Each item in a list is separated by a comma. - Unlike strings, lists are mutable, which means they can be changed.
>>> fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
>>> fruits[0]
>>> mix = ["1", "hello", 2, "world"]
>>> mix[-1]

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Data Structures: Dictionaries

title: class: fill content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Dictionaries are hash tables.

title: Dictionaries - Feature Check class: fill

  • Dictionaries are collections of items that have a "key" and a "value".

  • Python dictionaries are also known as associative arrays or hash tables.

  • They are just like lists, except instead of having an assigned index number, you make up the index.

  • Dictionaries are unordered, so the order that the keys are added doesn’t necessarily reflect what order they may be reported back.

  • Use {} curly brackets to construct the dictionary.

  • Look up the value associated with a key using [].

  • Provide a key and a value.

  • A colon is placed between key and value (key:value).

  • Each key must be unique and each key can be in the dictionary only once.

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Tuples and Sets

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered


title: class: fill content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

A function is something you can call which performs an action and returns a value.

title: Function rules class: fill

  • A function in Python must be defined before it’s used.

  • Create a function by using the keyword “def” followed by the functions name and the parentheses ().

  • The function has to be named plus specify what parameter it has (if any).

  • The keyword "def" is required and must be in lowercase.

  • The name can be anything you like.

  • The end of the line has to end with a colon (:)

  • The function often ends by returning a value using return.

  • The code inside the function must be indented.

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered


title: class: fill content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Loops allow us to do similar things many times.

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Conditions and Comparisons

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

In-built Functions

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered


title: class: fill content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Classes are definitions for objects.

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered


title: class: fill content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Everything is an object in Python.

title: class: nobackground content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

Modules and Packages

title: class: fill content_class: flexbox vcenter centered

I questions!