Version 2.17.2 2020-01-09
- Dependencies update only
Version 2.16.0 2018-06-22
- Dependencies update only
Version 2.15.0 2015-07-02
- Fixed Issue #12
- Renamed loadTaxonLookup to searchIterator
Version 2.14.0 2015-03-24
- Maven script set to Java 7 target
- Changed loadTaxon method signature
- Code diff
Version 2.13.1 2015-03-19
- Bug fix: code diff
Version 2.13.0 2015-03-19
- New denormalized queries in TaxonDAO
- New jooq dependency
Version 2.12.1 2015-01-27
- Fixed dwca-reader dependency
Version 2.12.0 2014-12-17
- Added searchIterator(...) to TaxonDAO, loadCompleteTaxonData is now deprecated.
- Some changes in TaxonModel (use Set instead of List, remove the @ManyToMany from getDistribution())
- Fixed an issue with ScrollableResultsIteratorWrapper
Version 2.11.0 2014-10-01
- Updated support for occurrence extensions
- Database Schema changes: 2.10.0_to_2.11.0.sql
- Added bibliographiccitation and occurrenceid to OccurrenceModel
- Introduce resource_uuid to ResourceModel
Version 2.10.0 2014-08-05
- Added hasassociatedsequences to OccurrenceModel
- Database Schema changes: 2.9.0_to_2.10.0.sql
- Update to ElasticSearch 0.90.12
Version 2.9.0 2014-07-30
- Possible breaking change: resource_management is now handled by the data-access layer which could conflit with previous harvester versions.
- Database Schema changes: 2.8.0_to_2.9.0.sql
- Added ResourceModel and matching DAO
- Added support for DwC Extensions (OccurrenceExtensionModel/DAO)
Version 2.8.0 2014-07-14
- Database Schema changes: 2.7.0_to_2.8.0.sql
- Added associatedsequences and basisofrecord, removed associatedmediamime(OccurrenceModel).
Version 2.7.1 2014-06-05
- Improve validation for geospatial query handling
Version 2.7.0 2014-05-29
- Database Schema changes: 2.6.0_to_2.7.0.sql
- Added hasTypeStatus
- Geospatial query support
- Add 'hints' to SearchQueryPart
Version 2.6.0 2014-04-14
- Minor improvements in TaxonDAO introducing new method signatures.
Version 2.5.0 2014-04-03
- Added 'parentid' to Vascan lookup nested sets
- Some optimizations in HibernateTaxonDAO
Version 2.4.0 2014-03-27
- OccurrenceDAO: added sorting and paging support for searchWithLimit
- Added ImportLogModel handling
- Database Schema changes: 2.3.0_to_2.4.0.sql
- Now using Spring 4.0.2 and Hibernate 4.3.2
Version 2.3.0 2014-01-31
- Database Schema changes: 2.2.2_to_2.3.0.sql
- Refactor ResourceContactModel
- OccurrenceDAO: getOccurrenceSummaryJson is now deprecated, replaced by loadOccurrenceSummary
- Now using Spring 3.2.6 and Hibernate 4.2.8
Version 2.2.2 2014-01-24
- Update dependencies
- Added associatedMediaMime
Version 2.2.1 2013-12-04
- Reorganize scripts
Version 2.2.0 2013-10-16
- Add DarwinCoreTermUtils
- Update dependencies (Spring, Jackson, canadensys-core)
Version 2.1.1 2013-10-03
- Bug fix: HibernateTaxonDAO.getStatusRegionCriterion(...) String[] region parameter should not be case sensitive.
Version 2.1.0 2013-09-27
- ElasticSearchNameDAO search function can search with or without autocompletion.
- ElasticSearchNameDAO search function now includes epithet and "genus first letter".
Version 2.0.1 2013-08-23
- Add support for synonym with more than one parent in NameDAO and model
Version 2.0 2013-08-14
- No more GeneratedValue on OccurrenceRawModel
- New Vascan package (dao and model)
- Now using Spring 3.2 and Hibernate 4.1
- New ResourceContact model and DAO
- Added migration scripts folder