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David Shorthouse edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 17 revisions

How to setup Vascan from source

Project dependencies

Some dependencies of Vascan still need to be solved manually.

Clone the VASCAN project

git clone git://


You need to provide Vascan your configuration file named in the config/local folder.


VASCAN uses Gradle as build management tool. The build has been tested with Gradle 2.1 but we are using the Gradle Wrapper (gradlew) to ensure stability in build process.

Unit tests

./gradlew clean test

NOTE: In case of test failure pointing to canadensys-data-access library, VASCAN may required a different version than the latest that was checkout by default. You can have a look at the Travis CI file for more informations.

Integration and functional tests

This will run some integration tests and some functional tests with an embedded Tomcat and a Firefox instance.

./gradlew –daemon clean runIntegrationTest

Run Vascan locally

./gradlew –daemon clean runLocal
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