Releases: Capitains/MyCapytain
Releases · Capitains/MyCapytain
Finally, the release is there.
A lot of resources have seen a complete rework :
URN and Reference do not support subscription anymore. They use properties instead
URN has an .upTo() method designed to be used with constants such as URN.TEXTGROUP
Pickle support has been ported to MyCapytain
Default GetPassage is to return the whole tree until the passage. Previous was return only the result of the xPath
Removed Local.Text().getPassagePlus()
Refactored Local.Text().GetValidReff()
Local.Text().autoreffs is now turn to False
Passage.prev and .next in api are now URNs : <0.1.0 behaviour has been moved to more correct architural methods .getPrev() and .getNext()
Implementation and testing of api.Passage().first, api.Passage().getFirst() and api.Text().getFirstUrn()
Inventory has now len() magic method
Plus a lot of minor changes
See #70
- Now warns when multiple passage have the same reference.
- Errors now part of MyCapytain.errors
- Support for
*[self::a or self::b][@n]
type of citation
Bumped dependencies
Bump version
Version 0.0.4
- Added CTS API
- Moved Citation().ingest to Citation.ingest()
- Passage now accepts a Text as parent
- Some PEP8
- Added a parent attribute to Reference