[ ] Reason for reindexing events per year? Q: Is it issue w/df indexing, table update?
[ ] In TranscriptMeta.parse_md()
: process 'transcriber' data the same way
as presenter
is (to allow multiple editors).
- DEMO.md: [ ] Add pics to show each of the 3 tabs [ ] Explain each menu button
- Code [ ] Implement code docs
'ADD AN EVENT' tab: [ ] Add text widget for new
'EDIT A TRANSCRIPT' tab: [ ] Add better instructions in the tab title:
- current: "Select the Event Year and Id; Select Audio (default) to replay the audio of the video player; (and if need be, update the Editor's name & Editing Status before saving!)."
- new: need to explain 1st thing to do=scan text for recurring typos: the collapsed menu has tools to do global corrections provided some correction file(s) is/are amended.
[ ] Change title to collapsed menu:
- current: "Globally correct frequently occurring mistakes or improper casing using files (then reprocess)..."
- new: "Do you see many recurring typos? Add your corrections to some clean-up files and reprocess..."
[ ] Add title to widgets, e.g.:
# control.py, line 405?
self.sel_yr = ipw.Select(options=self.yrs, value=None,
self.sel_yr_title = ipw.HTML('<em>Event Year:</em>')
self.vbx_yr = ipw.VBox([sel_yr_title, self.sel_yr])
Q: Will obs_sel_yr()
, the observe function for sel_yr, still work unchanged?
- Create audit functions: [ ] 1. fn1: output video_url and video_desc for all events [ ] 2. fn2: output video_url and video_desc for all videos in DU channel. Output to csv or json. In pd, add column 'update' (bool) [ ] 3. How different are they? [ ] Once numbering in readme table is set and video description template is agreed, update all channel videos descriptions using file from fn2 where update==True