6.1.39 (2020-10-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- changing the header of the java code files to remove centurylink #862
- Rebranding from centurylink to Lumen #861
6.1.38 (2020-08-19)
Closed issues:
- MDW will not start on clean environment needing to clone Git repo #856
6.1.37 (2020-08-07)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Automated tests misc issues #853
- When stubbing, sometimes message sent from client to stub server is missing last few characters #850
- Automated test expected/actual YAML files cannot be parsed by Groovy if larger than 65k characters #849
- Unit testing using MockRuntimeContext is broken #846
6.1.36 (2020-06-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Annotation driven customization #842
Closed issues:
- Dangling autotests due to server shutdown #844
Compatibility Notes:
- New database column VARIABLE_INSTANCE.VARIABLE_TYPE is added with this release: https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/mdw/tree/master/mdw/database
- JSON-format package meta files (.mdw/package.json) are no longer supported.
Apps still using package.json must convert to package.yaml using the CLI (
mdw convert --packages
). - Classes in package
have been movedcom.centurylink.mdw.adapter
. - Model class
has been moved to packagecom.centurylink.mdw.model.request
. - Class
has been moved to packagecom.centurylink.mdw.cache.asset
. - Method
has been renamed togetClassLoader()
. - Static method
has been renamed togetContextPackageClassLoader
. - Constructor for
no longer takes a code. - API methods
now return a Response model object instead of a plain string. To unwrap the raw string payload, useResponse.getContent()
6.1.35 (2020-05-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Replace groovy-all dependency with individual libs #841
- Python script activity #834
- Use Git history directly instead of ASSET_REF for inflights #816
6.1.34 (2020-05-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Close action for manual tasks #840
- Activity logging when an instance is skipped or retried #839
- Ability to enable activity timings globally #838
- Default values for READ_TIMEOUT and CONNECT_TIMEOUT in HTTP adapters #828
Closed issues:
- Activity logging persists some debug messages regardless of configured level #837
- Workflow dates are not displayed correctly in Safari #836
- Dashboard and milestones compatibility with mdw-mobile #835
6.1.33 (2020-04-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ability to disable Git fetch through configuration #826
- Improved system thread dump information #820
- Include selected filter information when exporting to Excel from Hub #819
- Indicate when Hub filters are active (set to non-defaults) #817
- Export Process definition from Hub #810
- Ability to override global Activity Logging enablement #799
- Dashboard chart filter end date selection for non-current month #684
- Remember dashboard filter/breakdown user selections #584
Closed issues:
- Multiline Script and dynamic Java attributes are not folded in YAML .proc files #827
- Content-based event handler registrations with 'Topic' metaInfo are broken #823
- In MDWHub milestones definition subflow drill-in can cause HTTP 404 #821
- Milestone labels without group fails to unescape newline characters #818
- CLI process export to HTML/PDF fails to display icons for built-in activities #800
6.1.32 (2020-03-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Monitors for inflight instances should use latest process definition #814
- General purpose Configurator help links in MDWHub #804
- Package dependencies #395
Closed issues:
- Package dependency check fails when Git dir is not cwd #815
- Boot jar startup failure on Windows #813
- Hub milestones not populated unless Milestones link visited #812
- Adapter completion time update error at performance level 5 #809
- CLI without command throws IndexOutOfBoundsException on Windows #807
- Hub zoom controls can overlay Inspector tab #795
6.1.31 (2020-02-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Package dependencies #395
- App Version should be read from Spring Boot jar manifest #803
- Support package.yaml files with -SNAPSHOT versions #531
Closed issues:
- Overlong activity log messages cause runtime SQLException #802
- Export to PDF does not include activity markdown documentation #801
- GitLab asset discovery limited by default per_page parameter value #794
- Broken CI due to Maven Central HTTPS requirement #793
- Dashboard Process Insights by Month is broken #765
- CLI dependencies failure with OpenJDK 11 #728
6.1.30 (2020-01-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- DependenciesFallbackPublish should handle pre-existing EVENT_INSTANCE #791
- ServiceNow adapter activity #781
- Add primary key to ACTIVITY_LOG table for Oracle #776
Closed issues:
- Corruption in 6.1.29 asset zip files on Maven Central #790
- Unparseable adapter response content can prevent activity retry #784
- Annotated ProcessCleanup should not honor old property values #779
Compatibility Notes:
- To avoid
Error: zip END header not found
when updating to 6.1.30 assets, install the latest CLI and/or MDW Studio version 2.0.2 or later.
6.1.29 (2019-12-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrade Groovy dependency to 2.5.8 #787
- Engine should not assume process start activity's logical ID is A1 #786
- Change default transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED for MySQL/MariaDB #780
- Scheduled fallback processing for Wait Activities #778
- Zoom workflow canvas in Hub #775
- Upgrade MariaDB driver dependency #772
- Convert StuckActivities Scheduled Job to annotated format #769
- Adapter retry should count failed instances since last success #722
Closed issues:
- Engine should avoid NullPointerException when process definition is not found #789
- Adapter request Jsonables not unwrapped before invoke #783
- Configurator Events tab not displayed for some activities #777
- Hub should save ClassName attribute for dynamic Java activities #699
Compatibility Notes:
- The Groovy upgrade (issue #787) exposes an issue with
Maven transitive dependency resolution due to POM repackaging of groovy-all-2.5.x. Gradle builds are not affected, but if
you're using Maven you'll need to institute a workaround to avoid "Failure to find org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:jar:2.5.8".
This involves excluding groovy-all as a transitive dependency via MDW, and instead declaring groovy-all as a direct dependency
in your pom.xml:
<dependency> <groupId>com.centurylink.mdw</groupId> <artifactId>mdw-spring-boot</artifactId> <version>6.1.30</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId> <artifactId>groovy-all</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId> <artifactId>groovy-all</artifactId> <version>2.5.8</version> <type>pom</type> </dependency>
6.1.28 (2019-11-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- MDWHub asset discoveryType should always be Git #761
- Include runtime instance info in all activity logger output #758
- Scheduled Job for log rotation #182
Closed issues:
- Page refresh required to display Inspector Subprocesses tab #773
- MySQL transaction isolation level may fail to be reset #771
- Annotated ScheduledJobs enablement should honor defaultEnabled #770
- Stuck processes due to server shutdown #736
Compatibility Notes:
- For #758 Activity logging, in-place db upgrade automatically adds the new ACTIVITY_LOG table. If your db app user lacks permission, you'll need to create the table by executing the steps at the bottom of the upgrade SQL scripts:
6.1.27 (2019-11-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Milestones API should allow specifying a master process instance #757
- Asset modifications staging #720 https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/mdw/blob/master/mdw-workflow/assets/com/centurylink/mdw/staging/readme.md
Closed issues:
- Avoid selecting documents for update when notifying ActivityMonitors #767
- REST adapter activity should populate response variable even for non-2xx #762
- Event name existence check SQLException catch is too general #760
- SQLException can be swallowed in ProcessEngineDriver.processEvents() #759
- Cancelling a flow through Hub should cancel tasks/waits in embedded handlers #754
- Cancel/Complete error task should not retrigger already-proceeded flow #744
6.1.26 (2019-10-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Hub search should be case-insensitive #752
- Broken search by task name on MDWHub's Tasks tab #751
- Convert base activities impls to annotation form #748
- Set response Content-Length for REST services #742
- Avoid persisting Hub REST requests/responses #738
- Show process version history in MDWHub #677
- Non-asset Java classes should support the @Activity annotation. #31
Closed issues:
- Manual task retry in package-level error handlers. #750
- Editing activity monitors in MDWHub is broken #749
- MDW CLI convert command missing slf4j dependency #737
- Spring assets with JAXB on Kubernetes with OpenJDK 11 #717
- Package-level handler processes not canceled with owning process #710
- ConcurrentModificationException checking Hub path #700
- Editing process instance always load latest definition instead of instance's definition #676
- Cannot Cancel/Abort Tasks from Tasks list due to missing Comment #637
Compatibility Notes:
- Due to #748, MDW Studio 1.3.6+ is required for 6.1.26. Without upgrading to 1.3.6+, base activities will be missing from Studio's Toolbox view.
6.1.25 (2019-09-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Notify registered TaskMonitors of lifecycle changes #517
Closed issues:
- Inflight instance definitions not parseable #740
- Manual task activities with invalid taskInstanceId expression #739
- Excel export fails for instance lists in MDWHub #734
6.1.24 (2019-08-21)
Closed issues:
- Milestone StackOverflowErrors due to duplication in activity/instance hierarchy #730
6.1.23 (2019-08-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Milestone labels should support runtime expressions #725
- Upgrade React and provide reproducibility for node_modules.zip #719
- Allow expressions for transition delay and maxRetries attributes #715
- Support yaml-format .proc assets #706
- Javadocs improvements #705
Closed issues:
- Cannot save process instance definition on MySQL without lower_case_table_names #729
- Milestones for multiple instances of same subflow #723
- Context root is hardcoded in some Task JSX assets #718
- Full support for dynamic java activity code #714
- Swagger header params incorrectly appended to path #713
- Cannot resolve Spring XSDs for dynamic .spring assets when disconnected from the internet #712
- Subprocesses Inspector tab for Microservice Orchestrator shows misleading start time #666
Compatibility Notes:
- MDW Designer is no longer supported from 6.1.23. Please use MDW Studio instead. Reasons for this are outlined in the documentation.
6.1.22 (2019-07-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Swagger retrieval by path should support classes with parameterized segments #708
- Ability to skip comparison for specified variables in autotest expected yaml #701
- Option to avoid formatting MongoDB JSON document content #693
Closed issues:
- Inefficient query for MySQL in retrieving EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE rows #707
- RestServiceAdapter content type defaulted incorrectly #702
- Some standalone Tomcat deployments fail to load Hub's login and index pages #698
- In Hub process instance Values nav link, output variables cannot be edited #697
- Hub process instance Cancel button not functional #696
- Startup race condition in TaskDataAccess results in query with duplicate columns #648
- Transition delay value is wrong when entered via Hub #631
6.1.21 (2019-06-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow path expressions for SwaggerValidatorActivity #688
- Microsoft Teams webhook notifications #672
- Support Java 11 #358
Closed issues:
- Dashboard charts inaccurate when server time differs from browser time #694
- Milestones and Traversed sequence not displayed for previous subprocess versions #691
- Include milestones/Main.jsx in React asset precompilation #690
6.1.20 (2019-06-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- AssetImportMonitor disabled by default in development #680
- Daily/Hourly timespan option for Dashboard #668
- Ugly exception stack traces due to WebSocket timeouts #667
- History retention for System Monitor dashboard tracking #665
- Enable db cleanup scheduled job by default #661
- Workflow milestones #652
Closed issues:
- Null values in adapter requestHeaders prevent meta data persistence #682
- Adapter activity auto-retry is broken #678
- Dashboard NumberFormatExceptions when Sample changed with no Process selected #675
- REST service assets may be incorrectly resolved according to shortest package path #674
- Process count in Dashboard chart can differ from that shown in process list #673
6.1.19 (2019-05-23)
Closed issues:
6.1.18 (2019-05-17)
Closed issues:
- Vercheck issues when invoked programmatically #664
- Fix KafkaAdapter initialization #663
- REST annotations should prefer qualified paths over root #662
- Support for in-flight dynamic java activity java code #641
6.1.17 (2019-05-10)
Compatibility Notes:
- Class com.centurylink.mdw.util.StringHelper is deprecated. See javadocs for alternatives.
- Methods com.centurylink.mdw.model.attribute.Attribute.getAttributeName()/getAttributeValue() are replaced by getName()/getValue().
- Override attributes are no longer supported.
Implemented enhancements:
- ASSET_REF auto-population disabled by default in dev mode #658
- Process definition hierarchy in MDWHub and CLI #651
- CLI DB export/import capability #650
- Dashboard charts for live system monitoring #646
- Display MBean info on Hub's System tab #645
- CLI vercheck should default to only scanning updated assets #643
- Option to prevent overlap in Scheduled Job execution #642
- Zipkin instrumentation for subflows #580
Closed issues:
- Dashboard chart drill into requests by path is broken #656
- Subprocess instances from embedded subflow not displayed in Inspector #654
- Prevent Hub asset import from failing due to OS newline differences #649
- Default Package is not recreated upon cache refresh #644
- Activities API returns incorrect total count #640
- Vercheck should ignore line-ending diffs for text assets #638
6.1.16 (2019-03-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Vercheck should default to comparing vs remote branch #632
- Preferential loading of asset classes over WAR/Spring Boot JAR classes #630
- Ability to manually Fail an activity just like Retry/Proceed #629
- Asset package discovery via Git #621
- Failure during Process Instance creation should leave instance in Failed status #620
- Topic/Path-based routing for Event Handlers #250
Closed issues:
- Event wait activity does not proceed when timeout is configured via expression #636
- Inspector instance hierarchy view incorrect tree structure #635
- UserGroupCache can contain users with missing attributes #634
- Dashboard query errors with Oracle db #627
- Viewing and updating process variables using a manual task in embedded subprocess #626
- Dashboard Requests path parameters lack URL encoding #624
- List type process variables experience issues whenever they contain null entries #623
- User-friendly message for tabs and nav links to missing React assets #609
6.1.15 (2019-02-21)
Compatibility Notes:
- To take advantage of enhanced dashboard charts introduced by issue #582, it's highly recommended that you add the indexes
commented out at the bottom of the update scripts:
- https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/mdw/blob/master/mdw/database/mysql/mdw_upgrade_6.0_To_6.1.sql
- https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/mdw/blob/master/mdw/database/oracle/mdw_upgrade_6.0_To_6.1.sql Depending on how much existing data is present, these indexes may take a while to create.
Implemented enhancements:
- Apply needed MongoDB options whenever not present in specified URI #616
- Ability to specify high priority in SMTP emails #614
- FilePanel enhancements for Kubernetes #611
- Display id and version on process Inspector tab #610
- Webpack precompile JSX assets in non-dev environments #608
- Implement process monitor for updating Service Summary #607
- Support encrypted property values for groups and lists #604
- Implement new ScheduledJob to automatically handle stuck activities #603
- Process/Request Insights charts in MDWHub dashboard #598
- Process Hotspots view in Dashboard tab #597
- Microservice dependencies wait activity #419
Closed issues:
- Asset save action via Hub does not work #618
- Hub doesn't display the Output Document lists for Adapter type activities #617
- Swagger Validator activity generates no response when OK #615
- NullPointerExceptions resulting from issue #457 #613
- FilePanel fixes and enhancements #612
- Repetitive loading/logging in ServicePaths cache #606
- In Hub Services tab, method-defined subpaths cause a server error when clicked #602
- Custom React Index.jsx assets fail to attach to DOM element on Windows #601
- Out-of-order dates for new month in dashboard breakdown data #599
6.1.14 (2019-02-01)
Compatibility Notes:
- If using an embedded db on a case-sensitive file system where you wish to preserve data, add
to the db.startup section of mdw.yaml as illustrated in the config guide: https://centurylinkcloud.github.io/mdw/docs/guides/configuration/#mdwyaml. This change is due to enhancement issue #466.
Implemented enhancements:
- Activities list enhanced search and filtering #595
- Update ScheduledJob schedule when annotation changes #594
- More comprehensive MongoDB support #593
- Show millisecond date/time precision in MDWHub if available #591
- Requests list enhanced search and filtering #588
- Show response times in MDWHub for both inbound and outbound requests #587
- Dashboard charts revamp #582
- Visibility of actual create/due/end date for manual tasks #578
- Remove MySQL/MariaDB lower_case_table_names requirement #466
- DB trace capability for DBCP connections #323
Closed issues:
- Service flow autotest waits always time out instead of proactively finishing #589
- IllegalStateException due to Spring Boot Mustache autoconfig #586
- War artifact not published using new "maven-publish" gradle plugin #577
- Linkage errors due to eager classloading for @RegisteredService and other annotations #561
- HTTP 500 when querying for Tasks by nonexistent workgroup #560
6.1.13 (2019-01-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ability to retrieve and verify MDW Auth tokens using CLI #574
- Redundant timestamp in workflow log line #571
- Pagelet content in @Activity annotations can be externalized #570
- Support multiple/nested service orchestrations #569
- Integration with Status Manager #568
- Spring Sleuth and Zipkin Support #564
- CLI command to convert .impl file to annotated form #562
- Built-in StandardLogger for SLF4J #558
- Allow Proxy.Type = HTTP in HttpHelper and REST adapter activity #557
- Allow for configuring multiple custom JWT providers #556
- Include path info in MDWHub Requests display #551
- Instance-level process changes #537
- Support for asset import from Git tags as well as branches #492
- Enforce uniqueness for Master Request ID #468
- Listener and adapter requests created even for empty content #457
- Alternative multiserver configuration for FilePanel #402
- ScheduledJob via @RegisteredService #369
Closed issues:
- Activity in Hub shows all subflows launched by all subflow-launching activities from a process #576
- Dynamic Java Classpath is missing MDW classes and JARs suddenly #575
- Parsing exceptions due to slf4j logging #573
- YamlProperties cannot handle group/map properties with boolean values #572
- Process variable instances passed into children instances should not change ownership #567
- Notification activity unable to parse email list #566
- MDWHub cannot edit embedded subprocess components of a process #554
- MDWHub cannot properly select activity and task instances within an Embedded sub process #553
- mdw-spring-boot-sources.jar should include mdw-hub source files #552
- Publishing to Nexus from Travis CI is broken #550
- Handle empty but non-null request content in TextAdapterActivity #545
- Dashboard charts are broken #462
6.1.11 (2018-11-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrade to kotlin 1.3 #548
- CLI commands to encrypt and decrypt values #541
- Encrypted values in mdw.yaml #540
- Enhanced mdw.git.autopull #535
- Ability to suppress AssetImportMonitor #534
- Support for including boolean "false" values in Jsonable serialization #533
- Custom boot jar location for CLI mdw run #532
- CLI needs export to PDF #529
- CLI should use project.yaml preferentially if present for mdwVersion #526
- Link to related process from request page #521
- Externalize Active MQ storage directory in application-context.xml #520
- Allow arbitrary options for Embedded DB #519
- Implement ProcessDueDateMonitor #516
- User info changes do not reflect in a clustered environment #513
- Monitoring configuration #509
- Explode node_modules.zip in client asset packages #508
- Multiple task indices supported in API and Hub task list page #501
- Expose draw.io import capability in CLI #485
- Edit pre/post script in MDWHub process editor #448
- Automated tests for CLI #335
Closed issues:
- Subprocess activities in Hub definition view = issues when ' v' included in name #544
- Fix CLI "install" test to avoid GitHub releases 403 response #543
- Kafka adapter throws java.sql.SQLException: Unable to find CREATE_DT for ADAPTER: 571752 #542
- Filepanel cannot parse/display files containing characters outside of UTF-8 set #530
- CLI tests fail for pure spring boot jars #527
- Issue binding output child process variables back to parent for Invoke Sub Process activity #523
- In failed activity list in Hub, the links for master request and process are backwards #522
- HTML Process Exporter fixes #512
- Rest Adapters should error/fail when they receive a non-2xx HTTP code #511
- Postman autotests can crash when server is running in daemon mode #510
- ScheduledJob exception should not interfere with server startup #507
- Workflow runtime rendering for specific activity/task instances uses latest process definition #504
- Manual task completion in package-level error handlers #484
6.1.09 (2018-09-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Auto-increment option when conflicts during asset import #324
- Create reports using MongoDB #264
- WorkflowServices should provide filtering process instances by variable value #40
- Support @Activity annotations for .java or .kt assets instead of separate .impl file #500
- Redirect to intended path when navigating with JWT in query param #499
- Asset_ref DB table should not contain version 0 assets #495
- Kotlin language activity implementors #494
- Search parent packages for error handler processes #493
- Parameterized Postman test case environment files #489
- Allow task name query param in MDWHub to populate search string #488
- MDWHub Task search params from query string #486
- Additional export options for MDW CLI #467
Closed issues:
- Create Dashboard reports using MongoDB #148
- Create Process Heat Map #44
- Auto asset import is not triggered in certain cases in clustered envs #502
- Process instances of renamed or removed processes cannot be viewed in Hub #498
- Process instances of removed/renamed process end up being created without a package #496
- Task instance failing when rule based prioritization strategy is speciified #491
- Use all_tab_cols in db self-upgrade check for Oracle #490
- Error accessing Hub for spring boot app with mdw dependency and not in dev mode #487
6.1.08 (2018-08-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow for use of different Mongo database besides "mdw" #478
Closed issues:
- Ignore .mdw directory with no package.yaml/json #483
- Issue with AssetRefCache when retrieving entire list instead of initial setting of last 2 years #482
- Hub always renders instance using current process version when using "source" link from child #481
- After asset import, ASSET_REF table is updated with incorrect asset versions #480
- FilePanel no longer works when using MDW node 6.1.07 package #479
- Error creating assets in newly-created package in MDWHub #461
6.1.07 (2018-08-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Handle multipart form requests #432
- Migrate MongoDB support to an asset package #470
- Upgrade to Spring 5.0 and Spring Boot 2.0 #469
- Refactor how Asset imports take place #454
- Avoid triggering cache refresh when committing locally #452
- Transparent integration into Spring Boot apps #439
- Mesos/Marathon Support #411
- CLI init to specified directory #382
Closed issues:
- Document process variable update in child service process not reflected in parent process #477
- CLI Import deletes non-mdw local assets #476
- Javadocs are not getting published during the build #475
- Problem with editing/displaying boolean type process instance variable values in Hub #474
- Websockets for pure Spring Boot mode #473
- Spring Boot initial request failure #472
6.1.06 (2018-08-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support METAINFO_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT concept for POST/PUT REST requests #465
- For mdw auth, cache central app users locally #435
- Startup validation of framework asset packages #378
- DB upgrade scripts for 6.1 #366
- Retain filter selections in the MDWHub task list #364
- Remove old-style Action and Resource services #361
- Codegen for CLI #356
- Retire mdw-buildpack #353
- Ability to display ASSET_REFed previous version instance list #352
- Support Sendgrid for email notifications #345
- Replace package.json in .mdw folder with package.yaml #339
- Remove Archive directory creation from Import #338
- REST services - support for DELETE that includes a body #336
- Change MDW DB connections' AutoCommit default to true #330
- More flexibility in access.yaml #329
- Better CLI support for yaml config #325
- FilePanel download with multiserver config #321
- FilePanel grep #319
- Handle request timeouts during Git asset import #311
- Add memory and top functionality in system tab #304
- Add log statements to ASSET_REF table updating to better identify when it happens #297
- Arbitrary attributes for Users and Workgroups #289
- Upload release artifacts from travis build #288
- Remove auto generated date stamp in javadoc #281
- Indexes for arbitrary instance-level owners #279
- MDWHub - show server name of activity instance/process instance #278
- Create new field for document_id in MongoDB #277
- Move mdw-hub off of bower #272
- Slack app routing and general MDW App token cloud routing #271
- Refine com.centurylink.mdw.slack/SlackActivity #270
- Execute CLI Checkpoint on server startup #265
- FilePanel replacement in React/JSX #258
- YAML format for mdw.properties #257
- Better handling of asset versions to prevent inflight issues caused by failure to increment #256
- Improve Git status monitoring in MDWHub and during import #254
- Active activities should not be retried #251
- REST API for Saving/Pushing Assets without Deploying #248
- Kafka Listener #247
- Kafka Adapter Activity #246
- Enhance MySQL and Oracle clean-up scripts #244
- Provide a filter option to show all processes regardless of status #242
- Task UI Integration Fixes #239
- Error message on failed login attempt #238
- Execute autotests from MDW CLI #237
- DynamicJavaActivity is compiled for only a single version. #232
- Rules as a service in Drools package #228
- JWT Authentication for services #222
- Runtime determination of service/nonservice process nature #220
- Allow creaton of data sources using any app-provided driver #217
- Discover assets from Maven repositories #215
- Search by Solution ID in the Workflow tab typeahead #214
- Need to upgrade Linux and OSX JARs for our embedded MariaDB to support issue #178 #211
- Populate asset archive from Git instead of during import #207
- Support link type Straight in workflow process canvas #200
- Support forwarding headers for ClearTrust auth in PaaS #199
- Task UI JSX Discussion page #195
- Task UI JSX History page #194
- Task UI JSX Subtasks page #193
- Task UI JSX Values page #192
- Task UI revamp using React JSX assets #191
- For REST service adapters, populate standard message if the HTTP response msg is empty #190
- Formatting options for request and response content #189
- Show process name in tool tip of Charts #185
- Millisecond precision for db TIMESTAMP and DATETIME fields #178
- Include mdw-cli and mdw-boot jars in main build. #175
- Upgrade to version 2.x from 1.4 for commons-dbcp and commons-pool #172
- MySQL cleanup script implementation #168
- Add Schedule Task to run random test cases #164
- Configurable Retries for HTTP-based adapters based on return code #162
- Custom report to show Order mean time #159
- Allow creation of custom database sources in asset packages #157
- Validate against malformed JSON content in JsonRestService #155
- React component assets for task page customization #150
- Add GitHub Authentication #149
- Client project as Spring Boot application #145
- Support Tomcat war installation in MDW CLI #144
- Allow REST services to accept both Json and Xml type requests #141
- Caching for Swagger annotations scan results #131
- Redesign event waits/publishing paradigm #129
- Autovalidations based on Swagger API Docs #126
- Microservice API automated tests #125
- MDW CLI for quickstart setup #124
- Kotlin ScriptExecutor implementation #123
- Enhance DB transactions to retry in case of deadlock/lock timeouts automatically #116
- Upgrade to swagger-ui 3.x and enable Try operations #114
- Task features in MDWHub #112
- Oracle support on MDW 6 #109
- Package-based routing and scalability #108
- Microservice REST adapter and ServiceSummary concept #106
- Extensibility for Hub-UI tabs #104
- Self-serialization for Jsonables #103
- View and delete asset archive #101
- MDW deployable as a Spring Boot application #100
- In Hub-UI, display process instances that use previous process definition versions. #99
- Internal/Enterprise package supporting WebSphere MQ messaging #98
- Implement a GitHub Integration to trigger autotest execution in AppFog #97
- AppFog should deploy mdw-buildpack from the GitHub repository #95
- Add sonarqube analysis to our CI builds #79
- Retain user filter selections on the Workflow tab #78
- Distributable hub-ui Angular module for embedable workflow view #72
- OpenID Connect authentication #69
- EventHandlers and ActivityImpls should be full-blown workflow assets. #66
- Test Case HTTP support for net proxy config #51
- Switch mdw-demo to use Gradle instead of Maven #48
- Display process and activity markdown documentation in MDWHub #46
- Create Pie Chart reports in MDWHub #43
- Automated builds for mdw6 #41
- Create OAuth Server Instance in AppFog #37
- Task Event Wait registration service #34
- Tag build in Git from Jenkins #29
- Import ad-hoc packages into an environment using Admin UI #28
- Display package configuration in Assets view #25
- Advanced button for User attributes and Solutions values #24
- Add ability to run test cases from mdw-admin GUI #20
- Add ability to create a Task Template from mdw-admin #19
- Docker image for mdw6 #12
- Populate statusCode and statusMessage on listener response documents #11
- Save protocol metadata as part of request and response documents #10
- Asset editing through MDWHub #9
- Publicly available discovery site for asset imports #5
- Publish mdw 6.0.x war/jars to Maven Central #3
- Camel support in mdw6 #2
- Export/Import process commands for CLI #453
- CLI snapshots base URL should not be hardcoded #444
- Replace MDWWeb/docs path in *.impl pagelets #443
- Friendly API for logging service requests/responses (with headers) #429
- Render option render=text for .md templates for SMS #428
- Allow passed in JWT to reach the service #425
- Ability to restrict GET service access #424
- Populate INSTANCE_TIMING table for request responses #420
- WYSIWYG markdown editor in MDWHub #418
- Server-side rendering of Markdown assets to HTML #415
- Built-in JWT authentication for RestServiceAdapter Activity #414
- Retire "master server" concept #403
- Real-time swagger generation for config-based process paths #401
- REST service path associations for workflow processes #400
- Handle non "mdw" context root for Hub and Services #399
- Docker image has "Could not load J2V8 library" error #393
- Self awareness for MDW instances for things like asset imports and cache refreshes #389
- Create and populate INSTANCE_TIMING table #387
- Solidify Kotlin language support #379
- In-place incremental db schema upgrades #377
- Replace template references to deprecated PaasPropertyManager #376
- Task instances link from template view page #375
- Persist request/meta for REST requests without a body #370
- Microservice orchestrator activity #365
- Flexibility to allow services access only from XHR in javascript served from same host #344
- Mechanism for removing scheduled timer tasks from the database #318
- Make MDW CLI Import function check for same-version modified assets #267
- Process/Instance hierarchy in MDWHub #177
Closed issues:
- CLI archive should parse package.yaml #381
- CLI command to validate asset versions #372
- CLI Install does not find latest snapshot version #368
- Fix Task Templates nav link #363
- Redirect to login page when navigating in MDWHub when session expires #355
- Require that Process definition lookups are fully qualified #350
- Remove all unauthenticated service access #349
- Activity timeout invalid event instance delete query #348
- Standard HTTP response codes for unhandled REST service exceptions #340
- Central discovery import fails #333
- Custom app DB data source doesn't work after a cache refresh #328
- MDWHub CLI command console without MDW_HOME #327
- Polling for automated tests page when no websocket #317
- Add the functionality to search process instances with like (and in) condition in variable value #312
- Use React production build for non-dev environments #309
- Fix Sign Out page #307
- IBM MQ adapter throws java.lang.IllegalAccessError under specific circumstances #306
- Encrypt Slack Channel in travis yaml #303
- Special Event with root name <_mdw_task_sla> is not handled by FallbackEventHandler #296
- Task creation currently ignores the entered SLA ("Task Due In" field) #294
- Locked Document selected for update is released prior to update being performed #293
- NullPointerException can occur sometimes in active flows when cache is being refreshed #291
- Spring boot does not listen for websocket connections #287
- Dynamic service registration omits qualifying package path #285
- Publish build using Travis CI #284
- Process instance retrieval by name should handle missing package version in comments #283
- Recent changes in AggregateDataAccessVcs have broken Requests, Tasks and Activities charts #282
- ASSET_REF update issue on non-dev embedded db environment #276
- Fix Attachments API and integrate with Slack #274
- Fix issue of documents changing owner_type when using MongoDB #263
- Have MDW change the contextClassLoader to be a CloudClassLoader #262
- POST_run test in process-apis.postman REST API test broken #259
- InvokeSubProcessActivity should not insist on all subproc output vars being bound #255
- Editing a new file in MDW Hub #252
- Issue when legacy recurring event is unregistered once the process completes #245
- Create Demo #243
- Activity implementor source link broken #240
- Process Values Autoform Fixes #236
- Ugly startup exception when running locally with project created via "mdw init" #227
- Cannot set values for unpopulated variables in Runtime UI #226
- Handle incoming JWT token when using Layer 7 Gateway authentication #221
- Adapters should save a blank request with associated meta for HTTP GET operations #219
- Javadocs are not produced correctly by the MDW build #216
- Duplicate master request IDs in Workflow tab typeahead #213
- MDW-hub’s variables section for process not renter properly #212
- RuntimeUI always displays the latest definition of a process #209
- Master task should wait to be completed before all Subtasks are completed #206
- Suitable error flagging on unsupported subprocess invocations #205
- Fix mdw version in mdw-cli when using SNAPSHOT build #202
- Fix display of process instance image on Activity page. #201
- Charts losing information when filters are selected #186
- Gradle custom task plugin changes prevent publishing mdw-templates zip artifact #184
- Removing support for AdapterConnectionPool #173
- Defensive version sanity check during asset import #167
- Fix Chart Type selection #163
- Runtime UI can overlook subprocess instances for superseded definitions #161
- Postman autotests fail on Cloud Foundry (at least AppFog) #154
- ConcurrentModificationException in CloudClassLoader #151
- Asset discovery service auto-includes asset subpackages #138
- Intra-MDW dependencies incorrectly reflected in published .pom artifacts #132
- Cross-VM fix for event processing deadlocks #122
- Date filter in MDWHub Processes/Requests pages breaks when using cookieStore #119
- Process updates not reflected after cache refresh #118
- Deadlock in ServiceSummary event processing #115
- Tomcat 8.5 status messages always "OK" for REST services #113
- Cannot Discover assets for import in mdw-hub from repo on 143 server #91
- Not able to deploy mdw-demo to PCF environment #89
- Stopping InProgress Test Cases when server shuts down #83
- Add workgroups and roles to a user with previous end-dated rows #77
- MDW Hub Process UI view does not show correct color on waiting activity of a completed process #74
- HTTP response status codes on REST requests #73
- Deleting a jar asset causes runtime problems #67
- Swagger page Try It button is non-functional #64
- Swagger and Browser issues #57
- mdw-admin caching issue #27
- Newly-added user sometimes not reflected in user list #26
- Add group where existing with null end date #23
- Drools tests are failing #15
- Runtime UI shows duplicate subproc instances when multiple logical flows are mapped #464
- Transitions with non-null, empty string Result values do not act as default transitions #458
- CLI update appears to not correctly handling snapshots #442
- JDBC SQL Adapter activity does not execute pre-Script #436
- Archived process request mappings cause conflicts #433
- Missing package versions file prevents MDW startup #430
- Default activity attributes not saved in MDWHub asset editor #427
- Workflow tab process instance item in Firefox #417
- Cluttered Travis build log output #416
- Hub RuntimeUI canvas blurry on retina displays #412
- Bulletins not displayed in asset editor #410
- Published node asset package doesn't contain .gitignore file #408
- Bulletins not displayed when accessed while in-progress #407
- Nuisance logging of terminated websocket connections #406
- FilePanelService: Permission Issue. #405
- mdw cli update does not work #394
- MDWHub Task template edit always thinks the version is changing #391
- Code in REST status response payload should match HTTP status code #390
- Runtime libs should not be included in CLI zip #388
- CLI should install boot jar to project root #367
- CLI init does not completely honor --snapshots #362
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator