- Ethereum - proposal payloads
💰 🧾 asset transfer
🏦 payment stream
This proposal renewals the Orbit program for recognized delegates, Compensating them with GHO and ETH reimbursement of Gas costs associated with their governance activity.
- proposalId: 112
- creator: 0x57ab7ee15ce5ecacb1ab84ee42d5a9d0d8112922
- accessLevel: 1
- ipfsHash: 0xc1be7e70b05f3bcd2978bd67fff306ed55e4cecac3ac4b2bf66c334d9e8648e4
createProposal() parameters
"payloads": [
"chain": "1",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0xdAbad81aF85554E9ae636395611C58F7eC1aAEc5",
"payloadId": "132"
"votingPortal": "0x9b24C168d6A76b5459B1d47071a54962a4df36c3",
"ipfsHash": "0xc1be7e70b05f3bcd2978bd67fff306ed55e4cecac3ac4b2bf66c334d9e8648e4"
Proposal report
Payload reports
We have verified that the payload executes the following actions:
create payment stream of 15,000 GHO during a duration of 90 days to each of the following addresses:
1-0x08651EeE3b78254653062BA89035b8F8AdF924CE - Saucy Block.
2-0x8659D0BB123Da6D16D9394C7838BA286c2207d0E - ezr3al.
3-0x8b37a5Af68D315cf5A64097D96621F64b5502a22 - Areta.
4-0xECC2a9240268BC7a26386ecB49E1Befca2706AC9 - Stable Labs.
transfer a sum of 3.381 ETH to the following service providers:
1-0x57ab7ee15cE5ECacB1aB84EE42D5A9d0d8112922 - ACI - 2.74 ETH.
2-0x2cc1ADE245020FC5AAE66Ad443e1F66e01c54Df1 - Tokenlogic - 0.641 ETH.
The proposal is consistent with the description on both Snapshot and the governance forum.
✅ The code on the proposal payload corresponds to the proposal specification.
✅ The proposal includes a proper tests suite, checking all necessary post-conditions.
✅ BGD reviewed the payload before the proposal was submitted.
✅ Certora reviewed the procedure followed to submit the proposal.