Bug fixing, better RequireJs support.
Stabilization, a lot of memory leaks fixed, few small bugs fixed
Stabilizing release
- Local proxy stabilizing
- More ES5 tolerant instrumentation
- Proper support for dumping positive and negative infinity, NaN, undefined
Various browsers support improvement
- Firefox issue when all events were marked as external fixed
- IE9 issue with different events being merged into one event
- IE8 issue with tracing data chunks order fixed
- IE8 object dump error fixed
- IE8 timeouts and intervals implemented
- IE7 JSON.stringify support
- Bug with inactive notification showing up too frequenly fixed
- Version checking script now loads with cache breaker
Usability improvements and bug fixes
- Easy local proxy mode : http://localhost:3546/?spy-js=your-site.com
- Visual indicator of spy-js on traced page
- Handling of missing or incorrect Content-Type for javascript files
- User notification when session is inactive for some time
Bug fixes and usability improvements
- Fixed local proxy issue: when refreshing spy-js UI while having opened traced page with proxy, local proxy won't stop
- Fixed event instrumenting bug (reproduced when event filter is on), was causing broken events that could not be opened
- Growl notifications for server and client side errors
- Server side session data clearing
- Clear session icon replacement
Windows 7 and IE related fixes
Major changes:
- local proxy mode support (including windows tray application)
- local files mapping support, watching, reloading cache, mapping
- start dialog now has a list of recently used session configurations
- massive documentation improvement
Minor changes:
- default configuration file for global session
- all session logging now also goes to console output (not just spy-js UI)
- fixed array dump bug (empty array was always logged)
Internet Explorer related fixes
Small bug fix and new icons