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2493 lines (2199 loc) · 82.9 KB


This page lists commands and examples from the Climate Warehouse RPC API.

When using this guide, it is important to understand the workflow CADT employs for managing climate data updates via RPCs. The CADT paradigm ensures that all updates first go into local "staging", which is private and not shared with the rest of the world. This staging process serves as an intermediate step where climate data records changes remain isolated from the data committed to the blockchain datalayer until explicitly committed.

When editing or adding climate data records users should first use POST changes to the appropriate projects or units resources. These POST requests populate the local staging table, allowing for updates to be collected and reviewed in a controlled, private environment. Once reviewed users can then use staging RPCs to commit or deleted the staged record changes. Commiting the data in staging using the CADT RPC's commits the data to the blockchain, making it publicly visible.

It is essential to remember that the staging process is distinct from the commit phase. The initial use of projects, units, or similar RPCs prepares the data, while staging RPCs finalize the transition to the blockchain. This workflow ensures a clear separation between temporary updates and permanent, public changes, maintaining both data integrity and transparency.

Please also see the following related documents:

The CADT RPC API is exposed by default on port 31310. This document will give examples to access the RPC API using http://localhost:31310/v1.

If using a CADT_API_KEY append --header 'x-api-key: <your-api-key-here>' to your curl request.




Functionality: Use GET, POST, and PUT to list, create, and update organizations

GET Options: None

GET Examples

List all subscribed organizations


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "orgHash": "0x14d8ea0f809c73c649827837cada5ec4d931153839383008a28c59fd1de86d2e",
    "name":"Org Test",
    "synced": true,
    "fileStoreSubscribed": "0",
    "registryId": "xfy7oofvb31bg07stafbqxcug7mmmjzxg0gi8r1nwkv63u3pxwy85s5xpgs204bk",
    "registryHash": "0x34c4671f721ff0132b4eb80a8e0d46ffb446ec8f03ed87368adcd29415cdbac4",
    "sync_remaining": 0
    "orgHash": "0xb238e414a8df2ff5f1d1a67ca3db35c40bcb021624d5f34f9b539c0fa800272f",
    "name":"Number 2 Org Test",
    "synced": false,
    "fileStoreSubscribed": "0",
    "registryId": "aigcyhuhhe4wxp2owt6j7cezr5dqpluh7g1ybtopkn2cvxz1vjjwnw146xhzuq3i",
    "registryHash": "0x38vhoibwjnchsw0re23dsxnb7cr64dg7v717sfqkfcrs94e8z03munmnzk8jpes9",
    "sync_remaining": 0

POST Options:

Key Type Description
name String (Required) Name of the organization to be created
icon String (Required) URL of the icon to be used for this organization

POST Examples

Create an organization

  • Please note that creating and organization takes approximately 30 minutes.
  • The request will not resolve until the organization creation is complete
  • The request can be closed before it resolves and the status of the organization creation can be tracked via a GET request to organizations and searching for the PENDING orgUid.


curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations/create' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
        "name": "Sample Org",
        "icon": ""


  "message":"New organization created successfully.",
  "success": true

PUT Options:

Key Type Description
orgUid String (Required) OrgUid of the home organization to import
isHome Boolean (Optional) Specify true if the specified orgUid should be imported as the home org

PUT Examples

Import an organization and subscribe to its stores on datalayer


curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/organizations/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "orgUid": "foobar"


  "success": true,
  "message": "Successfully imported organization. CADT will begin syncing data from datalayer shortly"

DELETE Options: None

DELETE Examples

Delete organization


curl --location --request DELETE \


  "message": "Removed all organization records for organization ${orgUid} and unsubscribed from organization datalayer stores. cadt will not sync the organizations data from datalayer",
  "success": true


Additional Organizations Resources

  • POST /organizations/remove-mirror - given a store ID and coin ID removes the mirror for a given store
  • POST /organizations/sync - runs the process to sync all subscribed organization metadata with datalayer
  • POST /organizations/create - create an organization without an icon
  • POST /organizations/edit - update an organization name and/or icon
  • PUT /organizations/resync - resync an organization from datalayer
  • POST /organizations/mirror - add a mirror for a datalayer store via the store ID
  • GET /organizations/metadata - get an organizations metadata using the OrgUid
  • GET /organizations/status - the sync status of an organization via the OrgUid


Functionality: List subscribed projects, as specified by the appropriate URL option(s)

Query string options:

Key Type Description
None (default) N/A Display all subscribed projects
warehouseProjectId String Only display subscribed projects matching this warehouseProjectId
orgUid String Only display subscribed projects matching this orgUid
search String Display all subscribed projects that contain the specified query (case insensitive)
columns String Limit the result to the specified column. Can be used multiple times to show multiple columns
limit Number (Conditionally Required) Limit the number of subscribed projects to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
page Number (Conditionally Required) Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
xls Boolean If true, save the results to xls (Excel spreadsheet) format

GET Examples

Show projects currently in the CADT database

  • This request is the most basic call to /projects and displays result from all organizations. Pagination is required.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=5&limit=10' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 5,
  "pageCount": 18,
  "data": [
      "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
      "registryOfOrigin":"Sweden National Registry",
      "projectName":"Stop Desertification",
      "projectDeveloper":"Dev 2",
      "sector":"Fugitive emissions – from fuels (solid, oil and gas)",
      "projectType":"Coal Mine Methane",
      "coveredByNDC":"Outside NDC",
      "methodology":"Substitution of CO2 from fossil or mineral origin by CO2 from biogenic residual sources in the production of inorganic compounds --- Version 3.0",
        "geographicIdentifier":"Sample Identifier",
        "label":"Sample Label",
        "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
        "verificationBody":"Sample Body",
        "cobenefit":"Sample Benefit",

      "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
      "registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
      "projectName":"Stop Deforestation",
      "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
      "sector":"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)",
      "projectType":"Soil Enrichment",
      "methodology":"Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams --- Version 6.0.0",

Get a single project record by warehouseProjectId

  • Pagination is not required when providing a warehouseProjectId


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?warehouseProjectId=51ca9638-22b0-4e14-ae7a-c09d23b37b58' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
  abbreviated project record (see first example)

List projects by orgUid

  • Pagination is required when querying for projects by OrgUid


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9&page=5&limit=12' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 5,
  "pageCount": 18,
  "data": [
      "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
      abbreviated project record (see first example)
      "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
      abbreviated project record (see first example)

Search for projects containing the keyword "forestry"

  • Pagination is required when querying with a text search string


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?search=forestry&page=5&limit=10' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 5,
  "pageCount": 18,
  "data": [
      "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
      "registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
      "projectName":"Stop Deforestation",
      "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
      "sector":"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)",
      abbreviated project record (see first example)
      "projectName":"Test Project 123",
      "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
      "sector":"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)",
      abbreviated project record (see first example)

List all projects and save the results to an xlsx file

  • All other projects query params can be used in combination with the xls query param


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?xls=true' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > projects.xlsx


Download stream to download the XLS file of project records. Using the above curl will save the results to a file in the current directory called projects.xlsx.

Show only projects with one or more associated units containing a marketplace identifier

  • Pagination is required when searching for project records by presence of unit marketplace identifiers


curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=1&limit=5&onlyMarketplaceProjects=true' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 5,
  "pageCount": 18,
  "data": [
      "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
      "marketplaceIdentifier": "0x35063k71qbg5a8de324e52d6e4c35dd69c48b757477800d48c983ed17aea1b98",
      abbreviated project record (see first example)
      "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
      "marketplaceIdentifier": "0x1930eagkbc83dhh589433475c2faff5f914fa65f5a27c0fee5327a58s24696e9",
      abbreviated project record (see first example)

Show only the requested columns


curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=1&limit=5&columns=warehouseProjectId&columns=currentRegistry&columns=registryOfOrigin&columns=originProjectId&columns=program&columns=projectName' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "data": [
      "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
      "registryOfOrigin":"Sweden National Registry",
      "projectName":"Stop Desertification"
      "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
      "registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
      "projectName":"Stop Deforestation"

POST Examples

Stage a new project with the minimum required fields


curl --location --request POST \
     -F 'projectId=c9d147e2-bc07-4e68-a76d-43424fa8cd4e' \
     -F 'originProjectId=12345-123-123-12345' \
     -F 'registryOfOrigin=UNFCCC' \
     -F 'projectName=POST sample' \
     -F 'projectLink=' \
     -F 'projectDeveloper=POST developer' \
     -F 'sector=Manufacturing industries' \
     -F 'projectType=Conservation' \
     -F 'coveredByNDC=Inside NDC' \
     -F 'projectStatus=Registered' \
     -F 'projectStatusDate=2022-03-12' \
     -F 'ndcInformation=Shuffletag' \
     -F 'unitMetric=tCO2e' \
     -F 'methodology=Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects --- Version 1.0.0' \


  "message": "Project staged successfully",
  "uuid": "9a29f826-ea60-489f-a290-c734e8fd57f1",
  "success": true

Stage a new project from a csv file

  • For this example, we'll use a file named createProject.csv with the required fields of a project record in CSV.


f925cb3f-f59a-4ba4-8844-e2a63eb38221,f048f0c4e2ef2d852354a71a0839687301376eeef4358f6204795723ef906bcf,,c9d147e2-bc07-4e68-a76d-43424fa8cd4e,12345-123-123-12345,UNFCCC,,POST sample,,POST developer,Manufacturing industries,Conservation,,Inside NDC,Shuffletag,Registered,2022-03-12T00:00:00.000Z,tCO2e,Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects --- Version 1.0.0,,

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects/batch' --form 'csv=@"./createProject.csv"'


  "message":"CSV processing complete, your records have been added to the staging table.",
  "success": true

PUT Examples

Update a pre-existing project using only the required parameters


curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseProjectId": "51ca9638-22b0-4e14-ae7a-c09d23b37b58",
    "projectId": "987",
    "originProjectId": "555",
    "registryOfOrigin": "Verra",
    "projectName": "Stop Deforestation",
    "projectLink": "",
    "projectDeveloper": "Example Developer",
    "sector": "Mining/Mineral production",
    "projectType": "Afforestation",
    "coveredByNDC": "Inside NDC",
    "ndcInformation": "Shuffletag",
    "projectStatus": "Listed",
    "projectStatusDate": "2022-03-19",
    "unitMetric": "tCO2e",
    "methodology": "Baseline methodology for water pumping efficiency improvements --- Version 2.0"


  "message": "Project update added to staging",
  "success": true

Create a new project record with pre-existing issuance and labels

  • Please note that when creating a new record using existing records, the request must include:
    • The data for new child record without a id and warehouseProjectId
      • See the first label in the below example
    • The complete data for the existing child record including its id and warehouseProjectId
      • See the issuance and second label in the below example
  • The result of this query will be a staged new project record using an existing issuance and label, in addition to the creation of a new label record


curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseProjectId": "51ca9638-22b0-4e14-ae7a-c09d23b37b58",
    "projectId": "987",
    "originProjectId": "555",
    "registryOfOrigin": "Verra",
    "projectName": "Stop Deforestation",
    "projectLink": "",
    "projectDeveloper": "Example Developer",
    "sector": "Mining/Mineral production",
    "projectType": "Afforestation",
    "coveredByNDC": "Inside NDC",
    "ndcInformation": "Shuffletag",
    "projectStatus": "Listed",
    "projectStatusDate": "2022-03-19",
    "unitMetric": "tCO2e",
    "methodology": "Baseline methodology for water pumping efficiency improvements --- Version 2.0"
    "issuance": {
        "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
        "verificationBody":"Sample Body"
    "labels": [
            "label":"Sample Label",
            "id": "dcacd68e-1cfb-4f06-9798-efa0aacda42c",
            "warehouseProjectId": "9b9bb857-c71b-4649-b805-a289db27dc1c",
            "label": "mclaren1",
            "labelType": "Certification",
            "creditingPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
            "creditingPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
            "validityPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
            "validityPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
            "unitQuantity": "10",
            "labelLink": ""


  "message":"Project staged successfully",
  "success": true

Update a pre-existing project record from a xlsx file

  • For this example, we'll use a file named cw_query.xlsx, created from this example and modified with updates


curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects/xlsx' --form 'xlsx=@"./cw_query.xlsx"'


  "message": "Updates from xlsx added to staging",
  "success": true

DELETE Examples

Delete a project record


curl --location -g --request DELETE 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseProjectId": "693d37f6-318e-4d8b-9e14-3d2328b569be"


  "message": "Project deletion staged successfully",
  "success": true

Additional Projects Resources

  • PUT projects/transfer - stage the transfer of a project from another CADT organization to the instance home organization


Functionality: List subscribed units, as specified by the appropriate URL option(s)

Query string options:

Key Type Description
None (default) N/A Display all subscribed units
orgUid String Only display subscribed units matching this orgUid
search String Display all subscribed units that contain the specified query (case insensitive)
columns String Limit the result to the specified column. Can be used multiple times to show multiple columns
limit (Conditionally Required) Number Limit the number of subscribed units to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
page (Conditionally Required) Number Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
xls Boolean If true, save the results to xls (Excel spreadsheet) format

GET Examples

List all units from subscribed organizations

  • This request is the most basic call to /units and displays result from all organizations. Pagination is required.


curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=10' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 1,
  "pageCount": 3134,
  "data": [
      "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
      "unitType":"Reduction - technical",
      "issuance": {
        "id": "1f743827-1208-40a7-a2f4-b5ka688776a1",
        "orgUid": "53e508f320f32f51bc53c336d4d1bab5b7a87f8aaeb73fdbd9a87f57eef74b5b",
        "warehouseProjectId": "3b5b6482-7776-4221-956e-b10a88ea65cf",
        "startDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "endDate": "2020-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
        "verificationApproach": "Rule-based verification approach",
        "verificationReportDate": "2021-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
        "verificationBody": "Certification Services",
        "timeStaged": null,
        "createdAt": "2023-11-28T09:27:33.034Z",
        "updatedAt": "2024-08-20T22:19:54.170Z"
      "countryJurisdictionOfOwner":"United States of America",
      "unitType":"Reduction - nature",
      "correspondingAdjustmentStatus":"Not Started",

Search for units containing the keyword renewable

  • Pagination is required when querying for project records with a text search


curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?search=renewable&page=1&limit=1'


  "page": 1,
  "pageCount": 3134,
  "data": [
      "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
      "unitType":"Reduction - technical",
      "unitTags":"Renewable energy,Energy efficiency",
      "issuance": {
        "id": "1f743827-1208-40a7-a2f4-b5ka688776a1",
        "orgUid": "53e508f320f32f51bc53c336d4d1bab5b7a87f8aaeb73fdbd9a87f57eef74b5b",
        "warehouseProjectId": "3b5b6482-7776-4221-956e-b10a88ea65cf",
        "startDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "endDate": "2020-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
        "verificationApproach": "Rule-based verification approach",
        "verificationReportDate": "2021-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
        "verificationBody": "Certification Services",
        "timeStaged": null,
        "createdAt": "2023-11-28T09:27:33.034Z",
        "updatedAt": "2024-08-20T22:19:54.170Z"
      "countryJurisdictionOfOwner":"United States of America",
      "unitType":"Reduction - nature",
      "unitTags":"Renewable energy,Energy efficiency",
      "correspondingAdjustmentStatus":"Not Started",

Include project information in returned units

  • Pagination is required when searching project record content in assoc


curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?includeProjectInfoInSearch=true&search=HydroPower&page=1&limit=1'


  "page": 1,
  "pageCount": 3134,
  "data": [
      "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
      "unitType":"Reduction - technical",
      "project": {
        "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
        "registryOfOrigin":"Sweden National Registry",
        "projectName":"Stop Desertification",
        "projectDeveloper":"Dev 2",
        "sector":"Fugitive emissions – from fuels (solid, oil and gas)",
        "projectType":"Coal Mine Methane",
        "coveredByNDC":"Outside NDC",
        "methodology":"Substitution of CO2 from fossil or mineral origin by CO2 from biogenic residual sources in the production of inorganic compounds --- Version 3.0",
            "geographicIdentifier":"Sample Identifier",
            "label":"Sample Label",
            "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
            "verificationBody":"Sample Body",
            "cobenefit":"Sample Benefit",

List units by orgUid

  • Pagination is required when requesting unit records by OrgUid


curl --location -g --request GET \
     'localhost:31310/v1/units?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9&page=1&limit=2' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 1,
  "pageCount": 7,
  "data": [
      abbreviated unit record (see first example)
      abbreviated unit record (see first example)

List all units and save the results to an xlsx file

  • All other unit query params can be used in combination with the xls query param


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?xls=true' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > units.xlsx


Download stream to download the XLS file of unit records. Using the above curl will save the results to a file in the current directory called units.xlsx.

List units using all available query string options


curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=10&search=Reduction&warehouseUnitId=89d7a102-a5a6-4f80-bc67-d28eba4952f3&columns=all&orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9&xls=false' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 1,
  "pageCount": 7,
  "data": [
      abbreviated unit record (see first example)
      abbreviated unit record (see first example)

Specify unit columns to include and list all unit records

  • Pagination is required when specifying columns to return in unit records


curl --location -g --request GET \
    'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=1&columns=countryJurisdictionOfOwner&columns=inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner&columns=serialNumberBlock&columns=unitIdentifier&columns=unitType&columns=intentedBuyerOrgUid&columns=marketplace' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "unitType":"Reduction - technical",

POST Examples

Create a new unit using only the required fields

curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
       "projectLocationId": "ID_USA",
       "unitOwner": "Chia",
       "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Andorra",
       "vintageYear": 1998,
       "unitType": "Removal - technical",
       "unitStatus": "Held",
       "unitBlockStart": "abc123",
       "unitBlockEnd": "bcd456",
       "unitCount": 200,
       "unitRegistryLink": "",
       "correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
       "correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started"
  "message":"Unit staged successfully",

Create a new unit record with pre-existing issuance and labels

  • Please note that when creating a new record using existing records, the request must include:
    • The data for new child record without a id and warehouseProjectId
      • See the first label in the below example
    • The complete data for the existing child record including its id and warehouseProjectId
      • See the issuance and second label in the below example
  • The result of this query will be a staged new unit record using an existing issuance and label, in addition to the creation of a new label record


curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "projectLocationId": "USA-M",
    "unitOwner": "Chia",
    "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Venezuela",
    "inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Venezuela",
    "serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
    "serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
    "vintageYear": 1998,
    "unitType": "Removal - nature",
    "marketplace": "MP Test",
    "marketplaceLink": "",
    "marketplaceIdentifier": "ADIV223",
    "unitTags": "TEST_TAG",
    "unitStatus": "For Sale",
    "unitStatusReason": "reason",
    "unitRegistryLink": "",
    "correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
    "correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started",
    "issuance": {
        "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
        "verificationBody":"Sample Body"
    "labels": [
            "label":"Sample Label",
            "id": "dcacd68e-1cfb-4f06-9798-efa0aacda42c",
            "warehouseProjectId": "9b9bb857-c71b-4649-b805-a289db27dc1c",
            "label": "mclaren1",
            "labelType": "Certification",
            "creditingPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
            "creditingPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
            "validityPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
            "validityPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
            "unitQuantity": "10",
            "labelLink": ""


  "message":"Unit staged successfully",
  "success": true

Split units in four


curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/units/split' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "warehouseUnitId": "5c3a952b-108e-4245-9e02-8fd8e3023a13",
  "records": [
      "unitCount": 10,
      "unitBlockStart": "A001",
      "unitBlockEnd": "A010",
      "unitOwner": "New Owner 1",
      "unitStatus": "active",
      "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Bhutan",
      "inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Bhutan",
      "marketplace": null,
      "marketplaceIdentifier": null
      "unitCount": 5,
      "unitBlockStart": "B001",
      "unitBlockEnd": "B005",
      "unitStatus": "Held",
      "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Canada",
      "inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner": null,
      "marketplace": null,
      "marketplaceIdentifier": null
      "unitCount": 22,
      "unitBlockStart": "C001",
      "unitBlockEnd": "C022",
      "unitOwner": "New Owner 2",
      "unitStatus": "Pending Export",
      "unitCount": 13,
      "unitBlockStart": "D001",
      "unitBlockEnd": "D013",
      "unitOwner": "New Owner 4",
      "unitStatus": "Retired",
      "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Germany",
      "inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Austria",


  "message": "Unit split successful",
  "success": true

PUT Examples

Update a pre-existing unit using only the required parameters

  • Note that a unit record with the provided warehouseUnitId must already exist


curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseUnitId": "9a5def49-7af6-428a-9958-a1e88d74bf58",
    "projectLocationId": "Brand New Location",
    "unitOwner": "New Owner",
    "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Vanuatu",
    "serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
    "serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
    "vintageYear": 2002,
    "unitType": "Removal - technical",
    "unitStatus": "For Sale",
    "unitRegistryLink": "",
    "correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
    "correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started"


  "message": "Unit update added to staging",
  "success": true

Update a pre-existing unit using an xlsx file

  • Note that it's possible to construct an xlsx file for this purpose using this example


curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/units/xlsx' --form 'xlsx=@"./cw_query.xlsx"'


  "message": "Updates from xlsx added to staging",
  "success": true

DELETE Examples

Delete a unit


curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
       "warehouseUnitId": "104b082c-b112-4c39-9249-a52c6c53282b"


  "message": "Unit deletion staged successfully",
  "success": true

Additional Units Resources


Functionality: List, modify, confirm, and cancel projects and units in the STAGING state


Key Type Description
None (default) N/A Display all projects and units that are currently in STAGING
type String Must be projects or units
limit Number Limit the number of subscribed projects to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
page Number Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
table String Specifies which type of staged changes should be committed; Projects or Units
ids String List Query param list of strings containing staging UUID's to commit
author String Specify the author of the commit
comment String Specify a comment for the commit

GET Examples

List all projects and units in STAGING

  • For this example, there is one project with a DELETE action, one project with an INSERT action, and one unit with an INSERT action:


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "id": 38,
        "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
        "ndcInformation":"Outside NDC",
    "diff": {
        "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
        "ndcInformation":"Outside NDC",
      "original": {},
      "change": [
          "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
          "unitType":"Reduction - technical",

List all units in STAGING, with paging


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/staging?page=1&limit=5&type=units' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "page": 1,
  "pageCount": 1,
  "data": [
        "original": {},
        "change": [
            "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
            "unitType":"Reduction - technical",

POST Examples

Commit all projects and units in STAGING


curl --location --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/commit' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 


  "message":"Staging Table committed to full node"

Commit all projects in STAGING


curl --location --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/commit?table=Projects' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 


  "message":"Staging Table committed to full node"

Commit specific STAGING records from either the Units or Projects staging table by UUID


curl --location --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/commit?ids=9a29f826-ea60-489f-a290-c734e8fd57f1&ids=5b29e846-a2c1-589a-d180-b832e7fd67ef' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 


  "message": "Staging Table committed to full node",
  "success": true

Retry committing a single project, using its uuid:


curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/retry' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "uuid": "86c1cd01-0c07-4f02-9a29-490be967ca6c"


  "message": "Staging record re-staged.",
  "success": true

DELETE Examples

Delete all projects and units in STAGING:


curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/clean' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "message":"Staging Data Cleaned",
  "success": true

Delete a specific project in STAGING:


curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "uuid": "1647855c-c1fa-4f5b-ae8e-bd9d544442ea"


  "message":"Deleted from staging",
  "success": true

Delete a specific unit in STAGING:


curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "uuid": "1936260d-632c-4d63-8cba-0014e7c84c0c"


  "message":"Deleted from staging",
  "success": true

Additional Staging Resources

  • GET staging/hasPendingCommits - can be used to determine if there are pending commits in staging


Functionality: List all issuances from subscribed projects

Options: None

GET Examples

List all issuances from subscribed projects


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/issuances' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
    "verificationBody":"Sample Body",


Functionality: List all labels from subscribed projects

Options: None

GET Examples

List all labels from subscribed projects

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/labels' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    "label":"Sample Label",


Functionality: Show the complete history of an organization


Key Type Description
orgUid (Required) String Display subscribed projects matching this orgUid
order String Sort the audit records by ASC or DESC order based on confirmation timestamp
limit (Required) Number Limit the number of subscribed projects to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
page (Required) Number Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2)

GET Examples

Show the complete history of an organization

  • Pagination is required when requesting audit history records
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/audit?orgUid=9659b237d3316e0c5481148f6fbc6257e94736bf160854e7c6734366e312829a&page=1&limit=10' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
  "page": 1,
  "pageCount": 5,
  "data": [
      "id": 1340232,
      "orgUid": "9659b237d3316e0c5481148f6fbc6257e94736bf160854e7c6734366e312829a",
      "registryId": "62531b9ad830f1e2654f324bb12572f69a8d298e8019901ba5e603fe947e479e",
      "rootHash": "0xf7774bdf95d72aa865e0e153e36c8c2212a2c5be5e389ed333e37fc259730c1e",
      "type": "INSERT",
      NOTE! the change field value is a full stringified change record
      "change": "{\"projectLocationId\":\"ID_USA\",\"unitOwner\":\"Chia\", ... !change record json string example truncated! ... }",
      "table": "unit",
      "onchainConfirmationTimeStamp": "1732131042",
      "author": "",
      "comment": "",
      "createdAt": "2024-11-20T19:31:51.960Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-11-20T19:31:51.960Z",
      "generation": 4
      "id": 560617,
      "orgUid": "9659b237d3316e0c5481148f6fbc6257e94736bf160854e7c6734366e312829a",
      "registryId": "62531b9ad830f1e2654f324bb12572f69a8d298e8019901ba5e603fe947e479e",
      "rootHash": "0x9caef12440fd98bf7edc8820fbc4633ce513df7da4ee70d7af0d68a7b7427361",
      "type": "INSERT",
      NOTE! the change field value is a full stringified change record
      "change": "{\"id\":\"c92cf2f0-77c9-4695-b61c-0647a5505f79\", ... !change record json string example truncated! ... }",
      "table": "label_units",
      "onchainConfirmationTimeStamp": "1727796408",
      "author": "",
      "comment": "",
      "createdAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.435Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.435Z",
      "generation": 3
      "id": 560618,
      "orgUid": "9659b237d3316e0c5481148f6fbc6257e94736bf160854e7c6734366e312829a",
      "registryId": "62531b9ad830f1e2654f324bb12572f69a8d298e8019901ba5e603fe947e479e",
      "rootHash": "0x9caef12440fd98bf7edc8820fbc4633ce513df7da4ee70d7af0d68a7b7427361",
      "type": "INSERT",
      NOTE! the change field value is a full stringified change record 
      "change": "{\"id\":\"3a4e6897-985e-48d2-b90b-6ddcaf9cc32e\", ... !change record json string example truncated! ... }",
      "table": "labels",
      "onchainConfirmationTimeStamp": "1727796408",
      "author": "",
      "comment": "",
      "createdAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.437Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.437Z",
      "generation": 3
      "id": 560619,
      "orgUid": "9659b237d3316e0c5481148f6fbc6257e94736bf160854e7c6734366e312829a",
      "registryId": "62531b9ad830f1e2654f324bb12572f69a8d298e8019901ba5e603fe947e479e",
      "rootHash": "0x9caef12440fd98bf7edc8820fbc4633ce513df7da4ee70d7af0d68a7b7427361",
      "type": "INSERT",
      NOTE! the change field value is a full stringified change record
      "change": "{\"id\":\"699ba1c8-118e-4eeb-9b57-657226c5bab5\", ... !change record json string example truncated! ... }",
      "table": "issuances",
      "onchainConfirmationTimeStamp": "1727796408",
      "author": "",
      "comment": "",
      "createdAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.439Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.439Z",
      "generation": 3
      "id": 560620,
      "orgUid": "9659b237d3316e0c5481148f6fbc6257e94736bf160854e7c6734366e312829a",
      "registryId": "62531b9ad830f1e2654f324bb12572f69a8d298e8019901ba5e603fe947e479e",
      "rootHash": "0x9caef12440fd98bf7edc8820fbc4633ce513df7da4ee70d7af0d68a7b7427361",
      "type": "INSERT",
      NOTE! the change field value is a full stringified change record
      "change": "{\"warehouseUnitId\":\"5c3a952b-108e-4245-9e02-8fd8e3023a13\", ... !change record json string example truncated! ... }",
      "table": "unit",
      "onchainConfirmationTimeStamp": "1727796408",
      "author": "",
      "comment": "",
      "createdAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.523Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-10-01T15:28:32.523Z",
      "generation": 3


Functionality: generate, view, import, accept, datalayer offers for data transfers to other organizations

A Note On CADT Offers

  • Terms:
    • Offer Maker: the party requesting that data be transferred from a 3rd party organization into their own organization registry
    • Offer Taker: the party accepting an offer to transfer ownership of a climate project record form their organization registry into the offer maker's organization registry
  • Transfer Workflow Overview:
    • the offer maker stages the transfer of a project from another registry into their own
    • the offer maker creates an offer file which details the ownership transfer of the project record from its current registry into the offer makers registry
    • the offer taker uploads the offer file into CADT and reviews the records changes that have been purposed
    • the offer taker accepts the offer to transfer ownership of the project record and the project record is removed from their organization registry and added to the offer makers organization registry


Key Type Description
None (default) N/A Generate and download a datalayer offer file for a transfer in staging or cancel the active offer
file File Form Field A datalayer offer file detailing a transfer of date out of the uploading registry

GET Examples

Generate and download a datalayer offer file


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/offer/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > project-offer.txt


Download stream to download the project transfer offer file. Using the above curl will save the results to a file in the current directory called project-offer.txt.

Get the details of the currently uploaded offer file

  • Only fetches purposed changes, makes no changes
  • Used by the offer taker
  • For additional information please see A Note On CADT Offers


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/offer/accept' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > project-offer.txt



POST Examples

Upload an offer file

  • Upload and parse an offer file named offer-file.txt in the current directory
  • Used by the offer maker
  • For additional information please see A Note On CADT Offers
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:31310/accept/import' --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'file=./offer-file.txt'



DELETE Examples

Cancel the currently active offer


curl --location --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/offer/accept/cancel' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "message": "Active offer has been canceled",
  "success": true

Reject the currently imported transfer offer file


curl --location --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/offer/accept/cancel' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "message": "Offer Cancelled",
  "success": true

Additional offer resources

  • POST offer/accept/commit - (offer maker) accept and commit the currently uploaded offer file


  • Functionality for most users: read and sync governance values
  • Functionality for climate project development: create and manage governance data

GET Examples

Get picklist data


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/governance/meta/pickList' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "registries": [
    "American Carbon Registry (ACR)",
    "Article 6.4 Mechanism Registry",
    "Biocarbon Registry S.A.S",
    "Carbon Assets Trading System (CATS)",
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "Switzerland National Registry",
  "projectSector": [
    "Accommodation and food service activities",
    "Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies",
    "Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use",
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles",
    "Not elsewhere classified"
  "projectType": [
    "Avoided Conversion",
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "Soil Enrichment",
    "Technical Removal"
  "coveredByNDC": [
    "Inside NDC",
    "Outside NDC",
  "projectStatusValues": [
  "unitMetric": [
  "methodology": [
    "ACR - Truck Stop Electrification",
    "ACR - Advanced Refrigeration Systems",
    "ACR - Certified Reclaimed HFC Refrigerants, Propellants, and Fire Suppressants",
    "ACR - Destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances and High-GWP Foam",
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "VCS - VM0043",
    "VCS - VMR000",
    "VCS - VMR006"
  "validationBody": [
    "350 Solutions",
    "4K Earth Science Private Limited",
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "Versa Expertos en Certificación",
    "VKU Certification Private Limited"
  "countries": [
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "Not Specified"
  "ratingType": [
  "unitType": [
    "Reduction - nature",
    "Reduction - technical",
    "Removal - nature",
    "Removal - technical",
    "Not Determined"
  "unitStatus": [
    "Pending Export"
  "correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": [
    "Not Required",
  "correspondingAdjustmentStatus": [
    "Not Applicable",
    "Not Started",
  "labelType": [
    "Letter of Qualification",
  "verificationBody": [
    "350 Solutions",
    "4K Earth Science Private Limited",
    "AENOR International S.A.U.",
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "Versa Expertos en Certificación",
    "VKU Certification Private Limited"
  "projectTags": [
    " "
  "unitTags": [
    " "
  "coBenefits": [
    "SDG 1 - No poverty",
    "SDG 2 - Zero hunger",
    "SDG 3 - Good health and well-being",
    ... abbreviated picklist ...
    "SDG 16 - Peace and justice strong institutions",
    "SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals"

Get the UID's of all organizations registered in governance data


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/governance/meta/orgList' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "orgUid": "a9d374baa8ced8b7a4add2a23f35f430fd7a3c99d1480d762e0b40572db4b024"
    "orgUid": "fa47700cb693529602c3eab47a5d681ffe0145dabeee6c69cabdd7869537b917"
    "orgUid": "6cde6a6e4e997952ca01500d830904a084267e2390008d2ae5ca46ed549373ef"
    "orgUid": "5fe508f320f32f51cc53c337d4d1bab5b7a87f8aaeb53fdbdaa87f57eef74b5b"
    "orgUid": "e3a5854f359a6dece0bd822a0f79342be4552da0d6ab21b89085599f3ca0fa45"
    "orgUid": "b3d4e71d806e86ff1f8712b6854d65e2c178e873ee22b2f7d0da937dacbaa985"
    "orgUid": "aca536f31e0d9e9b25c311fa452763282e7ee21d2be684483a293923ca9ab012"

POST Examples

Set the governance organization list


curl --location --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/governance/meta/glossary' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[
    "orgUid": "a9d374baa8ced8b7a4add2a23f35f430fd7a3c99d1480d762e0b40572db4b024"
    "orgUid": "fa47700cb693529602c3eab47a5d681ffe0145dabeee6c69cabdd7869537b917"
    "orgUid": "6cde6a6e4e997952ca01500d830904a084267e2390008d2ae5ca46ed549373ef"
    "orgUid": "5fe508f320f32f51cc53c337d4d1bab5b7a87f8aaeb53fdbdaa87f57eef74b5b"
    "orgUid": "e3a5854f359a6dece0bd822a0f79342be4552da0d6ab21b89085599f3ca0fa45"
    "orgUid": "b3d4e71d806e86ff1f8712b6854d65e2c178e873ee22b2f7d0da937dacbaa985"
    "orgUid": "aca536f31e0d9e9b25c311fa452763282e7ee21d2be684483a293923ca9ab012"


  "message": "Committed this new organization list to the datalayer",
  "success": true

POST Examples

Additional Governance Resources

  • GET /governance/exists - determine if the instance is a governance body
  • GET /governance - get all governance data. picklist orgList, pickList, and glossary data stringified in the metaValue attribute
  • GET /governance/sync - sync governance data from other governance bodies
  • GET /governance/meta/picklist - get governance picklist data
  • GET /governance/meta/glossary - get governance glossary data
  • POST /governance - create a governance body on the current node
  • POST /governance/meta/picklist - set the governance picklist data returned by GET /governance/meta/picklist
  • POST /governance/meta/glossary - set the governance glossary data returned by GET /governance/meta/glossary



  • GET filestore/get_file - get a file from the file store by fileId
  • GET filestore/get_file_list - get a list of files in the file store
  • POST filestore/add_file - commit a file to the file store
  • POST filestore/subscribe - subscribe to a file store
  • POST filestore/unsubscribe - subscribe to a file store
  • DELETE filestore/delete_file - delete a file from the file store by fileId