Here is an example for running Puppeteer crawlers in a kubernetes Cluster I used the following approach for my application ->
Running recursively every product one by one to get it's data is quite slow... I wanted something that would be friendly on the store's server (without spamming with lots of requests) and also on our own resources (less cpu and memory intensive).
So my solution is using a sliding-window where i can concurrently
run a number of crawlers but never exceed the size of the window that
is set.
1. Store all links of products
2. Use a sliding-window (size N). N tasks spawned for crawling
3. Crawl data for all colors and storage by selecting
all options available.
4. Window is full until a process is finished. As soon as
there's available space, a new tasks is spawned.
This way i fully utilize my available resources and get the job done faster while still respecting the client's server. \
Check my Dockerfile to see how i managed to pack up everything needed for puppeteer to run on my nodes
Sharing one browser for each crawler is crucial so you can get better performance with minimum resources. Check my renderProduct.js file.
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: "new",
args: [
executablePath: '/usr/bin/google-chrome'
I used kustomize to manage everything together using this kustomization file.
kind: Kustomization
namespace: crawlers
- name: puppeteer
newName: chpolykarpou/dealercy:crawlers-0.7
- resources/namespace.yaml
- resources/sample-1.yaml
- resources/sample-2.yaml
- resources/sample-3.yaml
- resources/sample-4.yaml
- resources/dockerSecret.yaml
Example for cronJob file below executing every 12 hours
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
name: sample-1
schedule: "0 */12 * * *"
- name: docker-credentials
- name: sample1-crawl
image: puppeteer
command: [ "node", "./sample-1/main.js" ]
restartPolicy: OnFailure