This initialization file defines how plotting is done. The following namelist block defines how the plot window (also called the plot page) is broken up. &tao_plot_page plot_page%size = 800, 600 plot_page%text_height = 12.0 plot_page%border = 0, 0, 0, 0, '%PAGE' plot_page%n_curve_pts = 900 region(1)%name = 'floor' region(1)%location = 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.95 region(2)%name = 'top' region(2)%location = 0.0, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5 region(3)%name = 'middle' region(3)%location = 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.26 region(4)%name = 'bottom' region(4)%location = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1 region(5)%name = 'r21' region(5)%location = 0.0, .5, 0.2, 0.6 region(6)%name = 'r11' region(6)%location = 0.0, .5, .6, 1.0 region(7)%name = 'r22' region(7)%location = 0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 0.6 region(8)%name = 'r12' region(8)%location = 0.5, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0 region(9)%name = 'r3' region(9)%location = 0, 1.0, 0, 0.2 region(10)%name = 'r00' region(10)%location = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ! place(1) = 'floor', 'floor' ! place(2) = 'top', 'beta' ! place(3) = 'middle', 'eta' ! place(4) = 'bottom', 'layout' / !------------------ layout ------ &tao_template_plot plot%name = 'layout' plot%x%min = 0 plot%x%max = 100 !!plot%x%major_div = 10 plot%x%label = ' ' plot%n_graph = 1 plot%x_axis_type = 's' / &tao_template_graph graph_index = 1 graph%name = 'u1' graph%type = 'lat_layout' graph%box = 1, 1, 1, 1 graph%x%draw_numbers = .false. graph%ix_universe = -1 !Syntax Changed from 0 graph%margin = 0.15, 0.05, 0.12, 0.12, '%BOX' graph%n_curve = 0 !graph%y%label = 'Layout' graph%y%max = 20 graph%y%min = -20 graph%y%major_div = 4 / !shape(i) = "", "", "", "", "", "" !&element_shapes_lat_layout &lat_layout_drawing ele_shape(1) = "Quadrupole::*" "asym_var_box" "Blue" .1 'none' ! ele_shape(1) = "Quadrupole::*" "box" "Blue" 1 'none' ! TEMP ele_shape(2) = "SBend::*" "Box" "Red" 1 'none' ele_shape(3) = "lcavity::*" "XBox" "Green" .5 'none' ele_shape(4) = "wiggler::*" "XBox" "Orange" .5 'none' ele_shape(5) = "Sextupole::*" "asym_var_box" "magenta" 0.1 'none' !ele_shape(5) = "Sextupole::*" "box" "orange" 20 'none' ele_shape(6) = "ECOLLIMATOR::*" "Xbox" "Black" 20 'none' ele_shape(7) = "hkicker::*" "XBox" "Red" 1 'none' ele_shape(8) = "vkicker::*" "bow_tie" "Red" 1 'none' ele_shape(9) = "INSTRUMENT::*BPM*" "Diamond" "Black" 1 'none' ele_shape(10) = "kicker::*" "Box" "Red" 5 'none' ele_shape(11) = "PIPE::*" "Box" "Black" .01 'none' ele_shape(12) = "INSTRUMENT::*" "Xbox" "Black" 1 'none' ele_shape(13) = "SOLENOID::*" "Xbox" "Blue" 1 'none' ele_shape(14) = "rfcavity::*" "XBox" "Red" 100 'none' ele_shape(15) = "E_GUN::*" "XBox" "Black" 20 'none' ele_shape(16) = "EM_FIELD::*" "Box" "Blue" 20 'none' !ele_shape(16) = "wall::beam_chamber" "XBox" "Black" 500 'none' / !&element_shapes_floor_plan &floor_plan_drawing ele_shape(1) = "Quadrupole::*" "Box" "Blue" 15 'none' ele_shape(2) = "SBend::*" "Box" "Red" 15 'none' ele_shape(3) = "lcavity::*" "XBox" "Green" 20 'none' ele_shape(4) = "wiggler::*" "XBox" "Orange" 10 'none' ele_shape(5) = "Sextupole::*" "Box" "orange" 4 'none' ele_shape(6) = "ECOLLIMATOR::*" "Xbox" "Black" 10 'none' ele_shape(7) = "hkicker::*" "XBox" "Red" 5 'none' ele_shape(8) = "vkicker::*" "bow_tie" "Red" 5 'none' ele_shape(9) = "INSTRUMENT::*BPM*" "Diamond" "Black" 5 'none' ele_shape(10) = "kicker::*" "Box" "Red" 5 'none' ele_shape(11) = "PIPE::*" "Box" "Black" 2.54 'none' ele_shape(12) = "INSTRUMENT::*" "Xbox" "Black" 5 'none' ele_shape(13) = "SOLENOID::*" "Xbox" "Blue" 5 'none' ele_shape(14) = "rfcavity::*" "XBox" "Red" 10 'none' ele_shape(15) = "E_GUN::*" "XBox" "Black" 20 'none' ele_shape(16) = "EM_FIELD::*" "Box" "Blue" 20 'none' / !-------------------------------------------------------------- &tao_template_plot plot%name = 'zphase' plot%x%min = -6 plot%x%max = 6 !plot%x%major_div = 10 plot%x%label = 'z (mm)' plot%n_graph = 1 / &tao_template_graph graph_index = 1 graph%name = 'z' graph%type = 'phase_space' graph%box = 1, 1, 1, 1 graph%title = 'Z-Pz' graph%margin = 0.15, 0.06, 0.12, 0.12, '%BOX' graph%x_axis_scale_factor = 1000.00 !m->mm graph%y%label = '\gd (10\u-3\d)' graph%y%max = 3 graph%y%min = -3 graph%y%major_div = 4 graph%n_curve = 1 graph%y%label_offset=.2 curve(1)%data_type = 'z-pz' curve(1)%y_axis_scale_factor = 1000.0 !1->10^-3 relative curve(1)%data_source = 'beam_tracking' curve(1)%ele_ref_name = "BEGINNING" curve(1)%symbol%type = 1 curve(1)%symbol%color =4 ! Color by pz curve(1)%data_type_z = 'pz' curve(1)%z_color0 = -.02 curve(1)%z_color1 = .02 curve(1)%use_z_color = F / &tao_template_plot plot%name = 'zphase2' plot%x%min = -6 plot%x%max = 6 !plot%x%major_div = 10 plot%x%label = 'z (mm)' plot%n_graph = 1 / &tao_template_graph graph_index = 1 graph%name = 'z' graph%type = 'phase_space' graph%box = 1, 1, 1, 1 graph%title = 'z-energy' graph%margin = 0.15, 0.06, 0.12, 0.12, '%BOX' graph%x_axis_scale_factor = 1000 ! m->mm graph%y%label = '\(0555) (MeV)' ! \(0555) is caligraphic E graph%y%max = 3 graph%y%min = -3 graph%y%major_div = 4 graph%n_curve = 1 graph%y%label_offset=.2 curve(1)%data_type = 'energy' curve(1)%data_type_x = 'z' curve(1)%y_axis_scale_factor = 1e-6 ! eV -> MeV curve(1)%data_source = 'beam_tracking' curve(1)%ele_ref_name = "BEGINNING" curve(1)%symbol%type = 1 curve(1)%symbol%color =12 / ! Colors: !"BLACK" !"RED" !"ORANGE" !"MAGENTA" !"YELLOW" !"GREEN" !"CYAN" !"BLUE" !"PURPLE" !The Quick Plot line patterns (curve(1)%line%pattern= ) are: !1 -- solid$ Solid !2 -- dashed$ Dashed !3 -- dash_dot$ Dash--dot !4 -- dotted$ Dotted !5 -- dash_dot3$ Dash--dot--dot--dot !The color patterns in Quick Plot are: !0 -- White$ (actually the background color) !1 -- Black$ (actually the foreground color) !2 -- Red$ !3 -- Green$ !4 -- Blue$ !5 -- Cyan$ !6 -- Magenta$ !7 -- Yellow$ !8 -- Orange$ !9 -- Yellow_Green$ !10 -- Light_Green$ !11 -- Navy_Blue$ !12 -- Purple$ !13 -- Redish_Purple$ !14 -- Dark_Grey$ !15 -- Light_Grey$