Releases: CircleCI-Public/aws-ecr-orb
Releases · CircleCI-Public/aws-ecr-orb
What's Changed
- feat: image tag mutability is configurable by @carlosjgp in #375
- Feat/tonistiigi custom version by @marboledacci in #377
New Contributors
- @carlosjgp made their first contribution in #375
Full Changelog: v9.3.7...v9.4.0
What's Changed
- Only list images when their use case is not skipped by @georgantasp in #363
New Contributors
- @georgantasp made their first contribution in #363
Full Changelog: v9.3.5...v9.3.6
What's Changed
- Fix issue with spaces on extra_build_args by @marboledacci in #362
Full Changelog: v9.3.4...v9.3.5
What's Changed
- Add validation before creating DLC_builder by @marboledacci in #359
Full Changelog: v9.3.2...v9.3.3
What's Changed
- Update pull behavior and add platform to test by @marboledacci in #354
- Updates to use new version of aws cli by @marboledacci in #353
- Update path description on job by @marboledacci in #355
- Fix deployment by @marboledacci in #356
Full Changelog: v9.3.1...v9.3.2
What's Changed
- Pass --platform to docker pull when the tag exists by @mauro-justgiving in #343
New Contributors
- @mauro-justgiving made their first contribution in #343
Full Changelog: v9.3.0...v9.3.1
What's Changed
- Add parameter to use or not the ecr-credentials-helper by @marboledacci in #350
New Contributors
- @marboledacci made their first contribution in #350
Full Changelog: v9.2.0...v9.3.0
Only install ecr-credential-helper when not already present
What's Changed
- Only install ecr-credential-helper when not already installed by @zaki-arain, based off of @ryandgood 's work in #349
New Contributors
- @ryandgood made their first contribution in #348
Full Changelog: v9.1.0...v9.2.0