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How to fill out main.js

andy.rothwell edited this page Aug 25, 2018 · 17 revisions


Mapboard automatically imports a few libraries of options and pre-built components for displaying your data. You can simply write a configuration file which lists the components and options that you want.

Required options

baseConfig - REQUIRED

Allows you to specify the URL of a "base" config file with common settings for your organization. Any settings you provide will override these. This removes the need to define basemaps, data sources, and other frequently-used options in every application.

baseConfig: '',

gatekeeperKey - REQUIRED

Used to access AIS (Address Information Service).

gatekeeperKey: example gatekeeper key,

components - REQUIRED

Used to fill the topics panel with components. The default for Mapboard is to fill the topics panel with topics, which requires entering:

components: [
    type: 'topic-set',
    options: {
      defaultTopic: 'property'

parcels - REQUIRED

Used to set which parcels the app uses.

parcels: {
  pwd: {
    multipleAllowed: false,
    geocodeFailAttemptParcel: null,
    clearStateOnError: false,
    wipeOutOtherParcelsOnReverseGeocodeOnly: true,
    geocodeField: 'PARCELID',
    parcelIdInGeocoder: 'pwd_parcel_id',
    getByLatLngIfIdFails: false
  dor: {
    multipleAllowed: true,
    geocodeFailAttemptParcel: 'pwd',
    clearStateOnError: true,
    wipeOutOtherParcelsOnReverseGeocodeOnly: false,
    geocodeField: 'MAPREG',
    parcelIdInGeocoder: 'dor_parcel_id',
    getByLatLngIfIdFails: true

dataSources - REQUIRED

Defines APIs used to pull data and related records for an address.

dataSources: {
  // each source has a unique key, e.g. `opa`
  opa: {
    // the type of call to make
    type: 'http-get',
    // the base url of the api
    url: '',
    // all options
    options: {
      // query string parameters to be added to the url
      params: {
        // each param is mapped to a function that gets passed the current
        // address feature. use attributes from this feature to form data queries.
        // in this case, a param of `?parcel_number=<opa_account_num>` will be
        // appended to the url.
        parcel_number: function (feature) { return; }
      // a callback that unpacks the desired record(s) from the api. this
      // data will be kept in state and made available in the topic panel.
      success: function (data) {
        return data[0];

topics - REQUIRED

Defines topics to be rendered in the topic panel. This takes an array of objects.

topics: [
    // a unique key for the topic
    key: 'property-assessments',
    // the icon displayed in the topic header. this can be any Font Awesome
    // class, minus the `fa-` prefix. see
    icon: 'map-marker',
    // the full name of the topic
    label: 'Property Assessments',
    // keys for all of the data sources required for this topic (see
    `dataSources` option above).
    dataSources: ['opa'],
    // the key for the basemap to show with this topic. basemaps are
    // usually defined in the base config file.
    basemap: 'pwd',
    // the type of map feature used to show the location of the address
    // e.g. address-marker, pwd-parcel, dor-parcel
    identifyFeature: 'address-marker',
    // the parcel (aka property boundary) layer to use with this topic
    parcels: 'pwd',
    // a list of components to display. see below for details.
    components: []

Topics are made up of components that can be configured to display data in various formats. Some examples are:

  • horizontal-table: header at top, multiple rows below
  • vertical-table: header on the left, single row of data on the right
  • callout: static block of text, usually for explanation
  • image: static image
  • badge: small text box for prominently displaying short codes/values

The basic pattern for components is:

  type: 'callout',
  slots: {
    text: 'This is an sample callout.'

Each component contains named placeholders, called slots, that tell Mapboard how to source the actual data to be rendered. In the example above, there's just one slot with a static block of text. Slots can also be mapped to a function that receives the app state, which in turn provides access to API responses (see dataSources section above). For example, to show a badge with the property assessment account:

  type: 'badge',
  slots: {
    value: function (state) {
      return state.topicData.opa.account_num;

Non-required options


Used to append more options to the map object which should primarily be held in a base config, but which are highly specific to the current app.

map: {
  defaultBasemap: 'pwd',
  defaultIdentifyFeature: 'address-marker',
  imagery: {
    enabled: true
  historicBasemaps: {
    enabled: true

legendControls - REQUIRED

Used to set up legends for topics which include layers.

legendControls: {
  water: {
    options: {
      topics: ['water'],
      showWithBaseMapOnly: false
    // TODO give these an id instead of using the label as a key
    data: {
      'Roof': {
        'background-color': '#FEFF7F',
      'Other Impervious Surface': {
        'background-color': '#F2DCFF',

rootStyle - NOT REQUIRED

Used to pass in CSS styles for the Mapboard container.

rootStyle: {
  position: 'absolute',
  bottom: 0,
  left: 0,
  right: 0,


Used to enable routing, which allows the URL to route directly to an address and topic.

router: {
  enabled: true

geolocation - NOT REQUIRED

Used to enable geolocation for location of the person using the app.

geolocation: {
  enabled: false


used to set up whether the app has both a topics panel and a map panel, or leaves one out.

panels: [

addressInput - NOT REQUIRED

Used to set options for the addressInput, some of which are only used if the map is not included or hidden.

addressInput: {
  width: 415,
  position: 'right',
  autocompleteEnabled: false,
  autocompleteMax: 15,
  placeholder: 'Search the map',

imageOverlayGroups - NOT REQUIRED

Used to set imageOverlayGroups.

imageOverlayGroups: {
  regmaps: {
    items: function(state) {

cyclomedia and pictometry - NOT REQUIRED

Used to enable cyclomedia or pictometry.

cyclomedia: {
  enabled: true,
  measurementAllowed: false,
  popoutAble: true,
pictometry: {
  enabled: true,

greeting - NOT REQUIRED

Used to set the text which fills the topic panel when the app starts.

greeting: {
  initialMessage: '\
    <h2>Atlas is your front door to the City of Philadelphia.</h2>\
    <p>Here are some things you can do with Atlas:</p>\
    <div class="callout">\
        <li>Get the history of permits, licenses, and inspections at any address</li>\
        <li>Research real estate information including property values, zoning, and document archives</li>\
        <li>Get easy access to a variety of hard-to-find City resources</li>\
        <li>View recent activity around your address, such as crimes, 311 service requests, and more</li>\
        <li>Explore historical imagery and maps</li>\
    <p>To get started, click anywhere on the map, or type an address, intersection, property assessment account number, or Department of Records Map Registry number into the search box.</p>\

transforms - NOT REQUIRED

Used to write transforms used by other components.

transforms: {
  currency: {
    // a list of global objects this transform depends on
    globals: ['accounting'],
    // this is the function that gets called to perform the transform
    transform: function (value, globals) {
      return accounting.formatMoney(value);
  date: {
    globals: ['moment'],
    transform: function (value, globals) {
      return moment(value).format('MM/DD/YYYY');
  phoneNumber: {
    transform: function (value) {
      var s2 = (""+value).replace(/\D/g, '');
      var m = s2.match(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/);
      return (!m) ? null : "(" + m[1] + ") " + m[2] + "-" + m[3];

defaultAddress - NOT REQUIRED

Specifies which address to open Mapboard to after initialization.

defaultAddress: '1234 MARKET ST'
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