This POC scope is to provide an API to upsert/read coins into database from compressed files with batch capability.
- docker-compose up
- sbt run
- docker-compose up
- sbt run
Vault related attributes are not supported.
Tokens are not supported.
Scala Typelevel
cats validated for domain model validation circe for json codec for database storage and read purposes http4s for API layer
tapir for automatic OpenAPI documentation generation
better files for file processing
posgresql 13
For resiliency purpose, we choose to put validation into domain model as much as possible.
Some rules are enforced by data types:
family attributes can only be one of the following: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple
Network type can only be one of the following: Main, Test
Networks list should not be empty
Units list should not be empty
Others are enforced and validated using cats validated:
Only one network of type Main is allowed
A coin has at least one unit with magnitude 0
From database point of view
family and network type are Postgresql enumeration types.
Primary key is ticker + name.
Uploaded files are validated at parsing stage.
Database is fed with data parsed and validated from uploaded files. These files are named common.json and reside under directories and sub directories as for now in CAL repository. They must be bundled into a zip file prior to be submitted through a POST request.
File processing is made using better-files library, which allows us to create a temporary directory to unzip content and dispose it once it is useless.
Attributes of type list are stored into database as JSON. This choice limits query capacity (for example, we could not easily query all coin with a Test network), but it simplifies the database schema.
/cal/insert endpoint
/cal/coin/ticker/name endpoint
/cal/coins endpoint