diff --git a/.buildkite/amip/pipeline.yml b/.buildkite/amip/pipeline.yml index 0eacbf0bc4..68966937d8 100644 --- a/.buildkite/amip/pipeline.yml +++ b/.buildkite/amip/pipeline.yml @@ -64,23 +64,9 @@ steps: steps: - # plot job performance history - - label: ":chart_with_downwards_trend: build history" + - label: ":envelope: Slack report: current AMIP" command: - - build_history main # name of branch to plot - artifact_paths: - - "build_history.html" - - - wait - - - label: ":envelope: Slack report: build_history" - command: - - | - slack-upload -c "#coupler-report" -f build_history.html -m html -n build_history -x ":rocket: Interactive overall job performance history (download the attached file and view in browser) :rocket:" - - - label: ":envelope: Slack report: target AMIP" - command: - - slack-upload -c "#coupler-report" -f experiments/ClimaEarth/output/amip/amip_artifacts/amip_ncep.png -m png -n amip_fine -x "300d Target AMIP v NCEP Last Month Mean" + - slack-upload -c "#coupler-report" -f experiments/ClimaEarth/output/amip/amip_artifacts/amip_ncep.png -m png -n amip_fine -x "3-year Target AMIP v NCEP Last Month Mean" - | find experiments/ClimaEarth/output/amip/amip_artifacts/ -type f -name 'bias*.png' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do slack-upload -c "#coupler-report" -f "$$file" -m png -n "$$(basename "$$file" .png)" -x "$$(basename "$$file" .png)"