var wb = new XLWorkbook();
var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add("Rich Text");
Let's start with a plain text and then decorate it...
var cell1 = ws.Cell(1, 1).SetValue("The show must go on...");
We want everything in blue except the word show (which we want in red and with Broadway Font)
cell1.Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.Blue; // Set the color for the entire cell
cell1.RichText.Substring(4, 4)
.SetFontName("Broadway"); // Set the color and font for the word "show"
On the next example we'll start with an empty cell and add the rich text
var cell = ws.Cell(3, 1);
// Add the text parts
.AddText(" BIG ").SetFontColor(XLColor.Blue).SetBold()
Here we're showing that even though we added three pieces of text you can treat them like a single one.
cell.RichText.Substring(4, 7).SetUnderline();
Right now cell.RichText has the following 5 strings:
- "Hell" -> Red
- "o" -> Red, Underlined
- " BIG " -> Blue, Underlined, Bold
- "W" -> Red, Underlined
- "orld" -> Red
Of course you can loop through each piece of text and check its properties:
foreach (var richText in cell.RichText)
ws.Cell(3, 2).Value = String.Format("\"{0}\" is Bold.", richText.Text);