diff --git a/pagefind/features/node_api/node_base.feature b/pagefind/features/node_api/node_base.feature
index 0c275b2d..3b0e9ad3 100644
--- a/pagefind/features/node_api/node_base.feature
+++ b/pagefind/features/node_api/node_base.feature
@@ -1,356 +1,360 @@
Feature: Node API Base Tests
-# Background:
-# Given I have a "public/index.html" file with the body:
-# """
-# """
-# Given I have a "public/package.json" file with the content:
-# """
-# {
-# "name": "test",
-# "type": "module",
-# "version": "1.0.0",
-# "main": "index.js",
-# "dependencies": {
-# "pagefind": "file:{{humane_cwd}}/../wrappers/node"
-# }
-# }
-# """
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Build a synthetic index to disk via the api
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
-# await index.writeFiles();
-# console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
-# Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
-# When I serve the "public" directory
-# When I load "/"
-# When I evaluate:
-# """
-# async function() {
-# let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
-# let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
-# let data = await search.results[0].data();
-# document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = data.url;
-# }
-# """
-# Then There should be no logs
-# Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/"
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Build a synthetic index to memory via the api
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
-# const { files } = await index.getFiles();
-# const jsFile = files.filter(file => file.path.includes("pagefind.js"))[0];
-# console.log(jsFile.content.toString());
-# const fragments = files.filter(file => file.path.includes("fragment"));
-# console.log(`${fragments.length} fragment(s)`);
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "pagefind_version=" in stdout
-# Then I should see "1 fragment(s)" in stdout
-# Then I should not see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Build a true index to disk via the api
-# Given I have a "public/custom_files/real/index.html" file with the body:
-# """
-# A testing file that exists on disk
-# """
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# await index.addDirectory({path: "custom_files"});
-# await index.writeFiles();
-# console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
-# Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
-# When I serve the "public" directory
-# When I load "/"
-# When I evaluate:
-# """
-# async function() {
-# let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
-# let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
-# let data = await search.results[0].data();
-# document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = data.url;
-# }
-# """
-# Then There should be no logs
-# Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/real/"
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Build a blended index to memory via the api
-# Given I have a "public/custom_files/real/index.html" file with the body:
-# """
-# A testing file that exists on disk
-# """
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# import fs from "fs";
-# import path from "path";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# await index.addDirectory({ path: "custom_files" });
-# await index.addCustomRecord({
-# url: "/synth/",
-# content: "A testing file that doesn't exist.",
-# language: "en"
-# });
-# const { files } = await index.getFiles();
-# for (const file of files) {
-# const dir = path.dirname(file.path);
-# if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){
-# fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
-# }
-# fs.writeFileSync(file.path, file.content);
-# }
-# console.log("Donezo!");
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "Donezo!" in stdout
-# Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
-# When I serve the "public" directory
-# When I load "/"
-# When I evaluate:
-# """
-# async function() {
-# let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
-# let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
-# let pages = await Promise.all(search.results.map(r => r.data()));
-# document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = pages.map(p => p.url).sort().join(", ");
-# }
-# """
-# Then There should be no logs
-# Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/real/, /synth/"
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Build an index to a custom disk location via the api
-# Given I have a "output/index.html" file with the body:
-# """
-# Nothing
-# """
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
-# await index.writeFiles({ bundlePath: "../output/pagefind" });
-# console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
-# Then I should see the file "output/pagefind/pagefind.js"
-# When I serve the "output" directory
-# When I load "/"
-# When I evaluate:
-# """
-# async function() {
-# let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
-# let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
-# let data = await search.results[0].data();
-# document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = data.url;
-# }
-# """
-# Then There should be no logs
-# Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/"
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: An index is not consumed on write
-# Given I have a "output/index.html" file with the body:
-# """
-# Nothing
-# """
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
-# await index.writeFiles({ bundlePath: "../output/pagefind" });
-# await index.addHTMLFile({path: "rabbits/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
-# const { files } = await index.getFiles();
-# const fragments = files.filter(file => file.path.includes("fragment"));
-# console.log(`${fragments.length} fragment(s)`);
-# await index.addHTMLFile({path: "cats/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
-# await index.writeFiles({ bundlePath: "./pagefind" });
-# console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
-# Then I should see "2 fragment(s)" in stdout
-# Then I should see the file "output/pagefind/pagefind.js"
-# When I serve the "output" directory
-# When I load "/"
-# When I evaluate:
-# """
-# async function() {
-# let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
-# let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
-# let pages = await Promise.all(search.results.map(r => r.data()));
-# document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = pages.map(p => p.url).sort().join(", ");
-# }
-# """
-# Then There should be no logs
-# Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/"
-# When I serve the "public" directory
-# When I load "/"
-# When I evaluate:
-# """
-# async function() {
-# let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
-# let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
-# let pages = await Promise.all(search.results.map(r => r.data()));
-# document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = pages.map(p => p.url).sort().join(", ");
-# }
-# """
-# Then There should be no logs
-# Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/cats/, /dogs/, /rabbits/"
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Pagefind service config
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex({
-# rootSelector: "h1",
-# excludeSelectors: ["span"],
-# keepIndexUrl: true,
-# });
-# await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
-# await index.writeFiles();
-# console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
-# Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
-# When I serve the "public" directory
-# When I load "/"
-# When I evaluate:
-# """
-# async function() {
-# let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
-# let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
-# let data = await search.results[0].data();
-# document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = `${data.url} • ${data.content}`;
-# }
-# """
-# Then There should be no logs
-# Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/index.html • Testing,"
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Pagefind error handling
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const bad = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# await index.deleteIndex();
-# const { errors, files } = await index.getFiles();
-# console.log(JSON.stringify(errors));
-# try {
-# const response = await pagefind.createIndex({
-# rootSelector: 5
-# });
-# } catch(e) {
-# console.log(e.toString());
-# }
-# }
-# bad();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "invalid type: integer `5`" in stdout
-# Then I should see "Index has been deleted from the Pagefind service and no longer exists" in stdout
-# @platform-unix
-# Scenario: Pagefind empty index returns assets
-# Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
-# """
-# import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
-# const run = async () => {
-# const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
-# const { errors, files } = await index.getFiles();
-# console.log(files.map(f => f.path).join(', '));
-# }
-# run();
-# """
-# When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH='{{humane_cwd}}/../target/release/pagefind' node index.js"
-# Then I should see "_pagefind/pagefind.js" in stdout
-# Then I should see "_pagefind/pagefind-ui.js" in stdout
-# Then I should see "_pagefind/pagefind-ui.css" in stdout
-# Then I should see "_pagefind/pagefind-modular-ui.js" in stdout
-# Then I should see "_pagefind/pagefind-modular-ui.css" in stdout
-# Then I should see "_pagefind/wasm.unknown.pagefind" in stdout
+ Background:
+ Given I have a "public/index.html" file with the body:
+ """
+ Nothing
+ """
+ Given I have a "public/package.json" file with the content:
+ """
+ {
+ "name": "test",
+ "type": "module",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "main": "index.js",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "pagefind": "file:{{humane_cwd}}/../wrappers/node"
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Build a synthetic index to disk via the api
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
+ await index.writeFiles();
+ console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
+ Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
+ When I serve the "public" directory
+ When I load "/"
+ When I evaluate:
+ """
+ async function() {
+ let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
+ let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
+ let data = await search.results[0].data();
+ document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = data.url;
+ }
+ """
+ Then There should be no logs
+ Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/"
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Build a synthetic index to memory via the api
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
+ const { files } = await index.getFiles();
+ const jsFile = files.filter(file => file.path.includes("pagefind.js"))[0];
+ console.log(jsFile.content.toString());
+ console.log(`JS is at ${jsFile.path}`);
+ const fragments = files.filter(file => file.path.includes("fragment"));
+ console.log(`${fragments.length} fragment(s)`);
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "pagefind_version=" in stdout
+ Then I should see "JS is at pagefind.js" in stdout
+ Then I should see "1 fragment(s)" in stdout
+ Then I should not see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Build a true index to disk via the api
+ Given I have a "public/custom_files/real/index.html" file with the body:
+ """
+ A testing file that exists on disk
+ """
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ await index.addDirectory({path: "custom_files"});
+ await index.writeFiles();
+ console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
+ Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
+ When I serve the "public" directory
+ When I load "/"
+ When I evaluate:
+ """
+ async function() {
+ let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
+ let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
+ let data = await search.results[0].data();
+ document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = data.url;
+ }
+ """
+ Then There should be no logs
+ Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/real/"
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Build a blended index to memory via the api
+ Given I have a "public/custom_files/real/index.html" file with the body:
+ """
+ A testing file that exists on disk
+ """
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ import fs from "fs";
+ import path from "path";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ await index.addDirectory({ path: "custom_files" });
+ await index.addCustomRecord({
+ url: "/synth/",
+ content: "A testing file that doesn't exist.",
+ language: "en"
+ });
+ const { files } = await index.getFiles();
+ for (const file of files) {
+ const output_path = path.join("pagefind", file.path);
+ const dir = path.dirname(output_path);
+ if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){
+ fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
+ }
+ fs.writeFileSync(output_path, file.content);
+ }
+ console.log("Donezo!");
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "Donezo!" in stdout
+ Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
+ When I serve the "public" directory
+ When I load "/"
+ When I evaluate:
+ """
+ async function() {
+ let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
+ let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
+ let pages = await Promise.all(search.results.map(r => r.data()));
+ document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = pages.map(p => p.url).sort().join(", ");
+ }
+ """
+ Then There should be no logs
+ Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/real/, /synth/"
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Build an index to a custom disk location via the api
+ Given I have a "output/index.html" file with the body:
+ """
+ Nothing
+ """
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
+ await index.writeFiles({ outputPath: "../output/pagefind" });
+ console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
+ Then I should see the file "output/pagefind/pagefind.js"
+ When I serve the "output" directory
+ When I load "/"
+ When I evaluate:
+ """
+ async function() {
+ let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
+ let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
+ let data = await search.results[0].data();
+ document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = data.url;
+ }
+ """
+ Then There should be no logs
+ Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/"
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: An index is not consumed on write
+ Given I have a "output/index.html" file with the body:
+ """
+ Nothing
+ """
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
+ await index.writeFiles({ outputPath: "../output/pagefind" });
+ await index.addHTMLFile({path: "rabbits/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
+ const { files } = await index.getFiles();
+ const fragments = files.filter(file => file.path.includes("fragment"));
+ console.log(`${fragments.length} fragment(s)`);
+ await index.addHTMLFile({path: "cats/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
+ await index.writeFiles({ outputPath: "./pagefind" });
+ console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
+ Then I should see "2 fragment(s)" in stdout
+ Then I should see the file "output/pagefind/pagefind.js"
+ When I serve the "output" directory
+ When I load "/"
+ When I evaluate:
+ """
+ async function() {
+ let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
+ let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
+ let pages = await Promise.all(search.results.map(r => r.data()));
+ document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = pages.map(p => p.url).sort().join(", ");
+ }
+ """
+ Then There should be no logs
+ Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/"
+ When I serve the "public" directory
+ When I load "/"
+ When I evaluate:
+ """
+ async function() {
+ let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
+ let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
+ let pages = await Promise.all(search.results.map(r => r.data()));
+ document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = pages.map(p => p.url).sort().join(", ");
+ }
+ """
+ Then There should be no logs
+ Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/cats/, /dogs/, /rabbits/"
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Pagefind service config
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex({
+ rootSelector: "h1",
+ excludeSelectors: ["span"],
+ keepIndexUrl: true,
+ });
+ await index.addHTMLFile({path: "dogs/index.html", content: "Testing, testing
+ await index.writeFiles();
+ console.log(`Successfully wrote files`);
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "Successfully wrote files" in stdout
+ Then I should see the file "public/pagefind/pagefind.js"
+ When I serve the "public" directory
+ When I load "/"
+ When I evaluate:
+ """
+ async function() {
+ let pagefind = await import("/pagefind/pagefind.js");
+ let search = await pagefind.search("testing");
+ let data = await search.results[0].data();
+ document.querySelector('[data-url]').innerText = `${data.url} • ${data.content}`;
+ }
+ """
+ Then There should be no logs
+ Then The selector "[data-url]" should contain "/dogs/index.html • Testing,"
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Pagefind error handling
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const bad = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ await index.deleteIndex();
+ const { errors, files } = await index.getFiles();
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(errors));
+ try {
+ const response = await pagefind.createIndex({
+ rootSelector: 5
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log(e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ bad();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "invalid type: integer `5`" in stdout
+ Then I should see "Index has been deleted from the Pagefind service and no longer exists" in stdout
+ @platform-unix
+ Scenario: Pagefind empty index returns assets
+ Given I have a "public/index.js" file with the content:
+ """
+ import * as pagefind from "pagefind";
+ const run = async () => {
+ const { index } = await pagefind.createIndex();
+ const { errors, files } = await index.getFiles();
+ console.log(files.map(f => f.path).join(', '));
+ }
+ run();
+ """
+ When I run "cd public && npm i && PAGEFIND_BINARY_PATH={{humane_cwd}}/$TEST_BINARY node index.js"
+ Then I should see "pagefind.js" in stdout
+ Then I should see "pagefind-ui.js" in stdout
+ Then I should see "pagefind-ui.css" in stdout
+ Then I should see "pagefind-modular-ui.js" in stdout
+ Then I should see "pagefind-modular-ui.css" in stdout
+ Then I should see "wasm.unknown.pagefind" in stdout
diff --git a/pagefind/src/fossick/mod.rs b/pagefind/src/fossick/mod.rs
index 9d35ea00..7b81752e 100644
--- a/pagefind/src/fossick/mod.rs
+++ b/pagefind/src/fossick/mod.rs
@@ -422,11 +422,14 @@ impl Fossicker {
fn build_url(page_url: &Path, relative_to: Option<&Path>, options: &SearchOptions) -> String {
let prefix = relative_to.unwrap_or(&options.site_source);
- let trimmed = page_url.strip_prefix(prefix);
- let Ok(url) = trimmed else {
+ let url = if let Ok(trimmed) = page_url.strip_prefix(prefix) {
+ trimmed
+ } else if page_url.is_relative() {
+ page_url
+ } else {
- "File was found that does not start with the source directory: {}\nSource: {:?}\nFile: {:?}",
- trimmed.err().unwrap(),
+ "Absolute file was found that does not start with the source directory. Source: {:?}\nFile: {:?}",
diff --git a/pagefind/src/lib.rs b/pagefind/src/lib.rs
index e511fd0b..5acafe09 100644
--- a/pagefind/src/lib.rs
+++ b/pagefind/src/lib.rs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ impl SearchState {
pub async fn fossick_many(&mut self, dir: PathBuf, glob: String) -> Result {
- let files = self.walk_for_files(dir, glob).await;
+ let files = self.walk_for_files(dir.clone(), glob).await;
let log = &self.options.logger;
@@ -322,6 +322,15 @@ impl SearchState {
+ // SyntheticFiles should only return the relative path to the file
+ // _within_ the bundle directory — placing them in a final location
+ // is left to the API consumer.
+ for file in files.iter_mut() {
+ if let Ok(relative_path) = file.filename.strip_prefix(outdir) {
+ file.filename = relative_path.to_path_buf();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pagefind/src/service/mod.rs b/pagefind/src/service/mod.rs
index 45dee788..459765fd 100644
--- a/pagefind/src/service/mod.rs
+++ b/pagefind/src/service/mod.rs
@@ -237,13 +237,13 @@ pub async fn run_service() {
RequestAction::WriteFiles {
- bundle_path,
+ output_path,
} => {
if let Some(index) = get_index(&mut indexes, index_id, err) {
- let bundle_path = index.write_files(bundle_path.map(Into::into)).await;
+ let resolved_output_path = index.write_files(output_path.map(Into::into)).await;
send(ResponseAction::WriteFiles {
- bundle_path: bundle_path.to_string_lossy().into(),
+ output_path: resolved_output_path.to_string_lossy().into(),
diff --git a/pagefind/src/service/requests.rs b/pagefind/src/service/requests.rs
index 7d1aa063..36b85f71 100644
--- a/pagefind/src/service/requests.rs
+++ b/pagefind/src/service/requests.rs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub(super) enum RequestAction {
WriteFiles {
index_id: u32,
- bundle_path: Option,
+ output_path: Option,
GetFiles {
index_id: u32,
diff --git a/pagefind/src/service/responses.rs b/pagefind/src/service/responses.rs
index 973699de..14e0875a 100644
--- a/pagefind/src/service/responses.rs
+++ b/pagefind/src/service/responses.rs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub(super) enum ResponseAction {
BuildIndex {},
WriteFiles {
- bundle_path: String,
+ output_path: String,
GetFiles {
files: Vec,
diff --git a/wrappers/node/README.md b/wrappers/node/README.md
index 5494045b..9ebd06ce 100644
--- a/wrappers/node/README.md
+++ b/wrappers/node/README.md
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ await index.getFiles();
// Write the index to disk
await index.writeFiles({
- bundlePath: "./public/pagefind"
+ outputPath: "./public/pagefind"
@@ -152,20 +152,20 @@ If successful, the `file` object is returned containing some metadata about the
### index.getFiles
-Get buffers of all files in the Pagefind index. Useful for integrating a Pagefind index into the development mode of a static site generator and hosting these files yourself.
+Get raw data of all files in the Pagefind index. Useful for integrating a Pagefind index into the development mode of a static site generator and hosting these files yourself.
const { errors, files } = await index.getFiles();
for (const file of files) {
- // do something with file.content
+ // do something with the file.content Uint8Array
A response with an `errors` array containing error messages indicates that Pagefind failed to action this request.
-If successful, `files` will be an array containing file objects. Each object contains a `path` key, which is the URL this file should be served at, and a `content` key containing the raw Buffer of this file.
+If successful, `files` will be an array containing file objects. Each object contains a `path` key, which is the URL this file should be served at, and a `content` key containing the raw data as a Uint8Array.
### index.writeFiles
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ Writes the index files to disk, as they would be written when running the standa
const { errors } = await index.writeFiles({
- bundlePath: "./public/pagefind"
+ outputPath: "./public/pagefind"
-The `bundlePath` option should contain the path to the desired Pagefind bundle directory. If relative, is relative to the current working directory of your Node process.
+The `outputPath` option should contain the path to the desired Pagefind bundle directory. If relative, is relative to the current working directory of your Node process.
A response with an `errors` array containing error messages indicates that Pagefind failed to action this request.
diff --git a/wrappers/node/lib/encoding.js b/wrappers/node/lib/encoding.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2a70a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/node/lib/encoding.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ *
+ * @param {string} b64
+ * @returns {Uint8Array}
+ */
+export const decode = (b64) => {
+ let binString;
+ if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && typeof Buffer.from === "function") {
+ return Buffer.from(b64, "base64");
+ } else if (
+ typeof window !== "undefined" &&
+ typeof window.atob === "function"
+ ) {
+ binString = window.atob(b64);
+ } else if (typeof atob === "function") {
+ binString = atob(b64);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Unable to decode base64 data");
+ }
+ const size = binString.length;
+ const bytes = new Uint8Array(size);
+ for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ bytes[i] = binString.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return bytes;
diff --git a/wrappers/node/lib/index.js b/wrappers/node/lib/index.js
index acb6ffb7..c9465101 100644
--- a/wrappers/node/lib/index.js
+++ b/wrappers/node/lib/index.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { PagefindService } from "./service.js";
+import { decode } from "./encoding.js";
* @typedef {import('pagefindInternal').InternalResponseCallback} InternalResponseCallback
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ const writeFiles = (indexId, options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
type: action,
index_id: indexId,
- bundle_path: options?.bundlePath
+ output_path: options?.outputPath
}, (response) => {
/** @type {function(InternalResponsePayload): Omit?} */
const successCallback = (success) => {
@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ const writeFiles = (indexId, options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return {
- bundlePath: success.bundle_path
+ outputPath: success.output_path
handleApiResponse(resolve, reject, response, successCallback);
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ const getFiles = (indexId) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
files: success.files.map(file => {
return {
path: file.path,
- content: Buffer.from(file.content, 'base64')
+ content: decode(file.content)
diff --git a/wrappers/node/types/index.d.ts b/wrappers/node/types/index.d.ts
index 3aabd5dd..28b08a19 100644
--- a/wrappers/node/types/index.d.ts
+++ b/wrappers/node/types/index.d.ts
@@ -162,13 +162,13 @@ export interface WriteOptions {
* If relative, is relative to the cwd.
* @example "./public/pagefind"
- bundlePath: string
+ outputPath: string
export interface WriteFilesResponse {
errors: string[],
- bundlePath: string
+ outputPath: string
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ export interface GetFilesResponse {
export interface IndexFile {
path: string,
- content: Buffer
+ content: Uint8Array
diff --git a/wrappers/node/types/internal.d.ts b/wrappers/node/types/internal.d.ts
index cce440b5..408bf376 100644
--- a/wrappers/node/types/internal.d.ts
+++ b/wrappers/node/types/internal.d.ts
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export interface InternalAddDirRequest {
export interface InternalWriteFilesRequest {
type: 'WriteFiles',
index_id: number,
- bundle_path?: string
+ output_path?: string
export interface InternalGetFilesRequest {
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ export interface InternalIndexedDirResponse {
export interface InternalWriteFilesResponse {
type: 'WriteFiles',
- bundle_path: string,
+ output_path: string,
export interface InternalGetFilesResponse {