Thank you for visiting my Github profile!!!
- Fullstack developer, from Indonesia, based on Seattle, WA, also an ENFP 🌱
- Always love to learn about new things
- Let me log the detail about me.
const Christoffel = {
location: 'Seattle, WA',
nickname: 'CloverJoy',
frontend: ['React', 'styled-components', 'Javascript', 'HTML5', 'CSS', 'scss', 'chakra-ui'],
backend: ['Node JS', 'Express', 'bcrypt', 'jwt', 'MongoDB', 'Mongoose', 'PostgreSQL', 'MySQL'],
tools: ['Gatsby', 'Webpack/Babel', 'Jest/React-testing-library', 'AWS EC2/Google Compute/Oracle cloud',
'Heroku', 'Netlify', 'Nginx', 'Next JS', 'Gatsby', 'Docker/Docker-compose'],
isLearning: true,
isWantToStopLearning: false,
learnSomethingNew: function(newthing, category ) {
Email: [email protected] Linkedin: