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Jean F. Queralt edited this page May 7, 2020 · 56 revisions


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background perspective
  3. Intended audience
  4. What next?


Project Lockdown is a non-partisan, civic tech project. It aims to reflect the different lockdowns that countries are undergoing during the COVID-19 crisis by mapping them and measuring a number of relevant metrics.

The objective is to give an overview of the situation to citizens and assist journalists and Human Rights defenders in their reporting and overseeing tasks.

Project Lockdown does NOT make predictions. It identifies official pronouncement sources (see Sources Policy) to establish what are the Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) undertaken worldwide by government bodies for their territories. Any mapping reflecting the future is an interpretation of such pronouncements only.

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Background perspective

Project Lockdown measures NPIs from the perspective of their observance of internationally recognized Human Rights such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Each NPI Data Point is considered and codified based on whether a certain Right is being observed at a certain point in time or not. In this way, the ensemble of recorded Data Points illustrates the effects of the COVID-19 crisis in people's Rights.

For more information see Project Lockdown's research methodology

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Intended audience

Project Lockdown hopes to provide relevant information to a number of audiences and help them better understand the evolution of the COVID-19 crisis as it impacts people's Rights in territories worldwide.

Citizens Journalists Human Rights Defenders Data Scientists
Citizens Journalists HR Defenders Data Scientists
Citizens can have a more comprehensive understanding of how much the world has changed throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Journalists can benefit of a global perception of the evolution of lockdowns and other NPIs. Human Rights Defenders can develop a sense of where Human Rights abuses may be happening now or in the future. Data Scientists can make use of the unique Data Points collected to analyze the effectiveness of the NPIs.

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What next?

How does it work? How to use? How to participate?
How does it work? How to use? How to participate?
Learn how does Project Lockdown obtains, processes and represents its data Learn how to use Project Lockdown's interface and make the most of it. Do you like this initiative? Join the team that makes Project Lockdown possible.

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