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staging mongo flushed

Anton Podviaznikov edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 9 revisions

mongo is wiped :(

Add hellorunnable and codenow to whitelist model

  1. go to mongo
  2. in terminal now we need to whitelist hello runnable mongo alpha
  3. db.userwhitelists.insert({"name":"HelloRunnable","lowerName":"hellorunnable","allowed":true})
  4. also add codenow to the whitelist: db.userwhitelists.insert({"name":"CodeNow","lowerName":"codenow","allowed":true})

Now we need to seed hello runnable inside db:

  1. ensure staging services are up (mongo, redis, neo4j, api, mavis, ...etc)
  2. log out of github now. we need to log in with hello runnable account next so we cant be logged in with your user
  3. go to master runnable-angular content domain url
  4. then click login on the home page of staging runnable
  5. login as HelloRunnable (ask #backend for password)
  6. now logout of HelloRunnable on runnable and github

Time to run the seed scripts:

  1. ensure mavis has docks registered
  2. go to api on
  3. FULL_API_DOMAIN= NODE_ENV=staging NODE_PATH=./lib node scripts/seed-version.js
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