Releases: Codestar/codestar-framework
Releases · Codestar/codestar-framework
- Added: Output feature for Taxonomy Framework fields.
- Fixed: Option Framework first section "restore" issue.
- Fixed: Link field open dialog issue.
- Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
- Updated: JS libraries (codemirror, leaflet, etc).
- Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
- Improved: Typography field enqueue methods.
- Added: Localized 20+ languages support.
- Improved: Group/Repeater nested usage feature.
- Improved: Font Awesome 4 package usage.
- Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
- Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
- Fixed: Shortcode Framework usage inside plugin issue.
- Fixed: Spinner and Slider field fractional numbers step validation issue.
- Fixed: Sortable field append new fields after saved issue.
- Fixed: Customizer dependency issue after v2.1.6 update.
- Fixed: Typography field "Normal 400" style embed issue.
- Updated: Assets library (csf.css to style.css, csf.js to main.js).
- Improved: Sanitize/Validate callback method.
- Improved: Global dependency feature.
- Added: Nav Menu Option Framework (bonus).
- Added: Section "class" paramter for Admin, Metabox Option Frameworks.
- Added: Fields with output css feature can be used in Accordion, Tabbed and Fieldset fields.
- Added: Visible dependency instead of hiding.
- Fixed: Background field gradient transparent issue.
- Improved: Admin Option Framework tab anchors (#tab-1, #tab-2 etc.) with the actual tab names.
- Improved: Data sanitization and escaping.
- Improved: All of framework scripts and styles loads only when needed.
- Improved: Output css feature and documentation.
- Improved: Network menus and options integration.
- Improved: Google web fonts load method.
- Improved: Some js and css coding.
- Added: Sub menu item title argument for Option Framework.
- Added: A parameter "sanitize => false" for allow to script/iframe or any html code.
- Fixed: Reset section issue for Option Framework.
- Fixed: A few bugs fixed caused by sanitize have been.
- Fixed: Output CSS sanitize issue.
- Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
- Improved: Data sanitization and escaping.
- Added: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package for "Icon" field ( v4 is still can be used ).
- Added: "Button Set" field custom options types like "Select" field categories, pages etc.
- Added: New field "callback". This field allows to make custom html output with a function.
- Added: Data sanitization and escaping for all framework attributes/data.
- Fixed: Backup field and Ajax-save stripslashes issue.
- Improved: Form warning message on reset button.
- Improved: Map search field autocomplete (caching same requests in typing).
- Added: New field "map".
- Added: Quick save (ctrl+s,command+s) for Option Framework.
- Added: Form warning when changed any option for Option Framework.
- Fixed: Output CSS twice times issue.
- Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
- Updated: Customizer Framework samples.
- Improved: Background field for auto hide/show background attributes.
- Added: WP 5.3 "Kirk" UI compatibility.
- Added: Comment Metabox Framework (bonus).
- Added: New field "number".
- Fixed: Media field dependency issue.
- Fixed: Button set field default selected issue.
- Fixed: Select field empty message issue.
- Fixed: Multiple chosen select issue in Shortcode Framework.
- Fixed: Checkbox field confict with Repeater and Group field issue.
- Fixed: Image Select and Multiple Checkbox fields refresh issue in Customize Framework.
- Added: Chosen select AJAX search option.
- Added: Chosen select sortable option.
- Added: Chosen select keep options order.
- Added: Users select field options.
- Fixed: Single shortcode insert issue.
- Fixed: Taxonomy Framework multiple save issue.
- Fixed: Widgets Framework chosen select save issue.
- Fixed: Chosen multiple select refresh issue in Customizer.
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes and improvements.