BlackReflection provides a series of API to use Java Reflection easily. Developer can use annotation to assign class, field and method. Then it will generate the reflection code automatically, developer don't need to write extra code to achieve Java Reflection.
allprojects {
repositories {
// Add
maven { url '' }
implementation 'com.github.CodingGay.BlackReflection:core:1.0.9'
annotationProcessor 'com.github.CodingGay.BlackReflection:compiler:1.0.9'
1. If you need to reflect the methods of, please refer
public class TestReflection {
public static final String TAG = "TestConstructor";
public String mContextValue = "context value";
public static String sStaticValue = "static value";
public TestReflection(String a) {
Log.d(TAG, "Constructor called :" + a);
public TestReflection(String a, String b) {
Log.d(TAG, "Constructor called : a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
public String testContextInvoke(String a, int b) {
Log.d(TAG, "Context invoke: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
return a + b;
public static String testStaticInvoke(String a, int b) {
Log.d(TAG, "Static invoke: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
return a + b;
public static String testParamClassName(String a, int b) {
Log.d(TAG, "testParamClassName: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
return a + b;
You can write an interface like this:
public interface TestReflection {
@BConstructor _new(String a, String b);
@BConstructor _new(String a);
String testContextInvoke(String a, int b);
String testStaticInvoke(String a, int b);
String testParamClassName(@BParamClassName("java.lang.String") Object a, int b);
String mContextValue();
String sStaticValue();
TestReflection testReflection = BRTestReflection.get()._new("a");
TestReflection testReflection = BRTestReflection.get()._new("a", "b");
Reflect Methods:
// Static Method
BRTestReflection.get().testStaticInvoke("static", 0);
// Non-static Method
BRTestReflection.get(testReflection).testContextInvoke("context", 0);
Reflect Fields:
// Static Field
String staticValue = BRTestReflection.get().sStaticValue();
// Non-static Field
String contextValue = BRTestReflection.get(testReflection).mContextValue();
Set the value of Fields:
// Static Field
BRTestReflection.get()._set_sStaticValue(staticValue + " changed");
// Non-static Field
BRTestReflection.get(testReflection)._set_mContextValue(contextValue + " changed");
BRTestReflection is a class which generated by the program automatically. Generation rule: BR + ClassName
- BRTestReflection.get() ------> It is used to invoke static method
- BRTestReflection.get(caller) ------> It is used to invoke non-static method
Annotation | Target | Description |
@BClass | Type(Class) | Assign the class which you want to manipulate |
@BClassName | Type(Class) | Assign the class which you want to manipulate |
@BConstructor | Method | Assign the constructor |
@BStaticMethod | Method | Assign the static method |
@BMethod | Method | Assign the non-static method |
@BStaticField | Method | Assign the static field |
@BField | Method | Assign the non-static field |
@BParamClass | Parameter | Assign the class of parameter |
@BParamClassName | Parameter | Assign the class of parameter |
-keep class top.niunaijun.blackreflection.** {*; }
-keep @top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BClass class * {*;}
-keep @top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BClassName class * {*;}
-keep @top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BClassNameNotProcess class * {*;}
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BField.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BFieldNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BFieldSetNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BFieldCheckNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BMethod.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BStaticField.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BStaticMethod.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BMethodCheckNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BConstructor.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BConstructorNotProcess.* <methods>;
Copyright 2022 Milk Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.