I heard that!
- Stealth game
Give an inch, and he takes a mile
- Expensive refueling
Blow this pop stand / joint
It came like a bolt from the blue
Roll over in his grave
Jump down your throat
Cooking with gas (now)
Dig yourself into a hole
- "Bergbau" clone
Gold digger
- "Bergbau" clone
Burn the midnight oil
- Getting more energy out of burning oil at midnight
Too much sail for a small craft
- Sailing game
- mechanic: wind (strength & direction) vs trim
- goal: collect fish
Big fish in a small pond
He's fishing for compliments
Fish or cut bait
Fish out of water
I've got other fish to fry,
Plenty of fish in the sea
Sleep with the fishes
Teach him to fish
It's an ill wind that blows no good
Know which way the wind blows
See which way the winds blow
Run like the wind
Take the wind out of your sails
That's a real stem-winder
Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning; red sky at night, sailor's delight
- View: Top-down, Factorio-style
- Fishing Mechanics
- Pole and line
- Dredging/Trawl
- Upgrades
- Harbors
- Selling fishes
- Buying upgrades
- Newer fishing mechanics
- Bigger Boats/Sail
- Fishes on the map: only shadows if deep below, somewhat colored higher up
- Shores limits the water depth
- Too much sail/wind (wind force beyond the angle of positive static stability) => capsize => not game over